The Church in no way teaches it is necessary to sacrifice one’s life or a family member’s for the greater good.
Yes, this is just vague. It could mean anything.
Nor a nation’s for that matter. Lack of adequate health care access most certainly can kill.
It’s a fundamental necessity of life and very much part of Church teaching. If a leader is promising to remove access to health care for a significant number, that is not “pro-life”, it is the opposite. If he’s anti-abortion, given that ending abortion is a long-term project, it most certainly can be proportionate to select a pro-health care candidate who is also pro abortion, in the current election cycle until a truly pro-life candidate comes along.
Moreover, proportionate reasons are a matter of individual conscience, not something to be imposed by others. We should thus in charity refrain from condemning Catholics who voted Biden even if we disagree with their notion of proportionate.
Abortion is not healthcare, period. Why don’t these standards apply to the unborn? This is hypocritical.
Please post the exact quote or link the document, we should reject what is not proven, enough of this “I’m pro-life but…” We respect one’s words, it may be so. Nobody doubts the truth of it, however, these points are not proven.
Nothing is substantiated. Just mentioning Cardinal Ratzinger doesn’t do it. The CA article mentions Ratzinger too.
As CA says, you can’t support the Holocaust because the government won’t pay for a hip operation for Granma.
I would hope, one would be charitable enough to actually back up what they are asserting. The article says in no way what you are asserting is correct but that it is misleading.
I would hope that one would be charitable to realize that Catholics respect the sanctity of life and that the right to life is as cherished as that of anyone here as to the unborn.
It also lacks charity to make attacks on the president with unsubstantiated claims and rationalizing voting to enable abortion.
It should be noted that the unborn deserve health care too.
Let’s see, one can make the same case you are, if the Democrats were anti-abortion, I could say, “I can enable abortion, they call for the defunding of the police which puts my family in danger and protect criminals”. Voila.
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