Unofficial Election Thread

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I just hope the republicans don’t fold like a cheap suit, Mitch better block every piece of legislation they try and put forward.
Refusing to work together for the good of the country is actually what you want. That’s really sad.
I’m surprised that Fox is the only MSM network to project a Biden win in Arizona so far.
All the news organizations share the costs for the exit polls, so they all have the same data. A couple years ago Fox and the Associated Press partnered up to fund their own exit polls, and their polls have enough data for them to call Arizona for Biden. The agency running the polls for the rest of the networks made some kind of reporting error so none of those networks are going to call Arizona until pretty much all the votes are counted and reported.
“Trump’s Twitter feed has more warnings than a pack of cigarettes”. Ryan Lizza

He’s been put in Twitter jail for many tweets.
Pennsylvania - Biden closing in on Trump.
That seems to be the trend - Trump was up 680,000 this morning and now that’s shrunk to 170k.

Georgia (my state) is also tightening significantly. Trump had a 100k lead, now it’s down to 38k, and the only county left is heavily Democrat (Dekalb, near Atlanta). Everyone here is really on-edge.
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I followed fox, abc, cbc, and the bbc all last night and found fox to have more solid coverage than the others. I was a bit surprised as well, as I anticipated a bit of hyperbole. the tended to be a bit ahead of the others, but always had justification for their assertions.
In my opinion, they had the best coverage and have continued to top abc today.
Anything that the Dems are gonna want isn’t good for the country from where I sit. I see it as bad for the country. So why would I want to work together? It would be like asking bonapartists to work with bourbons.
We can start by creating civil rights legislation to protect the unborn and additional legislation to further codify religious freedom protections.
Then, move on to school choice, (vouchers) and workfare (welfare that supports the aquisition of labormarket skills-in tech would be a great startig place) and infrastructure support (freeways and internet).
I may need to begin campaigning for 2024. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Interesting that swing states had to stop counting last night, while other states continued counting and then many ballots were mysteriously found in the middle of the night in these same swing states and then when they are counting these ballots today doors are closed, observers are not allowed in and windows blocked. Nothing suspicious about that.
I don’t know. We can’t read them.
You can read a good portion of what he is saying.
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He doesn’t know how this thing works…

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Refusing to work together for the good of the country is actually what you want. That’s really sad.
If we have diametrically different views of what is good for the country, how do you work together.
I think government dictated healthcare is not good for the country. I think gun confiscation is not good for the country. I think higher taxes are not good for the country. I think abortion is objectively horrible for the country.
Just examples.
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I am noticing the absence of some of our more vociferous Trump supporters on the forum today

A pity
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Refusing to work together for the good of the country is actually what you want.
I pray the republicans fight against what Biden/Kamala president propose also. I heard very little from them that would be good for our country.

Catholics and other non Catholic Christians, are going to have to fight even harder for what is right. If Biden does win and then Kamala takes over the presidency, which is what they have planned, it is not going to be good for the Church, at all.

I will go even further and say under a Biden/Harris win Catholics need to be prepare to lose a lot of religious freedom.
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No,that would be working for the good of the country.Taking into consideration what the left wing of the Dems and JB have planned for this Nation.gridlock is a good thing in this case
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