As a Protestant following this news, I must admit that I have been asking some of these questions from among some close friends who are Catholic.
If someone can help me with my question about NFP I’d appreciate. You can send me a pm. I’d rather not be the source of a thead hi-jack.
Catholics tend, overall, to be pretty tolerant people, Forever Grace. It has to do with our respect for the human being as God created each one. We’re made in the image and likeness of God, the scriptures say. The necessary downside of that is that people don’t always do the right thing, even though they are loved by God and they do have free will.
We’re coming back from a period of considerable disarray after the excesses of the late 20th century. People need catechesis, which is religious education, very badly. We’re working on that.
And yes, we do have some great leaders now. The last two popes, but especially Pope Benedict XVI, who we have now, have done a great job to insure that. We’re grateful and it’s helping.
Nevertheless, you can still see evidence of the turmoil of the past in some of our religious orders and so on. The sisters’ organizations are one of the places where the disarray and dissent is still pretty bad. We’re working on understanding it, and correcting it, as you can see. Some of the stuff they’ve been involved in hasn’t been made clear to the general Catholic public and we’re catching up on it in many conversations like the one in this thread. The confusion and so on has finally also gotten bad enough that the Church is dealing with it legally. It’s got to be fixed for everybody’s good now.
The birth control thing is covered, probably exhaustively, elsewhere on this forum. There is one interesting thing though, not on topic for this thread, but I’m going to say it anyway. The Church teaches us that we can’t treat other people like things. You don’t decide whether to have a child or not like you decide to get a puppy or not. People are made in the image & likeness of God; they’re not pets or things, most particularly in issues of life and death. So abortion is wrong; some reproductive technologies are wrong that treat people like things to be procured or bought-particularly if they dispose of a human being because of convenience, denial, money or force. Slavery is wrong. Human trafficking is wrong. And so on. This is the reason for our stances on birth control, abortion, slavery, euthanasia and so on.
Thank you for asking earnestly about these things. We really appreciate it. God bless you.