I read this thread with interest and as a very recent convert with very little interaction in my life with women religious except professionally as nurse, and all of that was positive, I still find it sad how far adrift the body of Christ in general has gone. I left a Methodist church and faith I loved mostly because I was convinced of the truth but part of it was the left wing drift of the denomination as a whole. My tithes were by necessity going to the main denomination at a rate of 28% with no way to ear mark them meaning my money was going to anti life causes. This whole post Christian thing worries me- I have seen too much of that kind of dialogue in the mainline Protestant world lately and I just feel if an organization is going to be Catholic it has to be Catholic because there is plenty of lukewarm out there in other churches. Sorry if that sounds simplistic but I like to think I entered the Church as a little child and I believe with all my heart this is the Church the Lord started so moving “beyond Christ” just doesn’t cut it for me. The Church is the Body of Christ- if there are organizations who despite good works have drifted this should be looked into and addressed. What am I missing?