Well, the other parish has priests that are of the same vintage and they are not heterodox, so it’s not a 1:1 correspondence. A lot of the parishioners from the now liberal parish have defected over the years, and are happily serving (and giving!) at the more orthodox parish. We’ve held out as long as we can, mainly because my husband likes the homilies from the more liberal priest. He’s a VERY intelligent man, really quite overqualified for the job, IMO he would be an asset to any seminary. But he’s also very stubborn and has his own way of doing things which has driven people away (he’s also not a “people person”).That would happen only after Hell freezes over.
And, BTW, what you are being told herein above has been true everywhere I’ve lived–the younger (1980ties and later) clergy and religious definitely tend to be orthodox compared to the old Catholic Worker and “Seamless Garment” folks.
Next time I see the priest we had last night, I will ask him about the LCWR situation and see what he says.