Thank you for your kind reply.
Maybe the use of the word
desperation conjured up for you the image of a woman who doesn’t want an abortion but does it anyway. What I meant was that (many not all) women have abortions, whether they feel guilty about it or not, because they don’t see another way. Desperation in my mind is when someone feels trapped with no way out. This can be because of domestic violence, lack of health care, lack of education, financial difficulties and so on.
Here are a few figures for you to ponder.
“After so many plans and expectations, an unanticipated pregnancy
can seem like your life is over… The
powerlessness you feel now is not who you know yourself to be. There are so many unanswered questions, so many seeming impossibilities.” - The Sisters of Life Website for Pregnant Women who need help. They adress the desperation felt by women with an unwanted pregnancy.
“Women living below the federal poverty line abort at a higher rate than women living above the poverty line. The Guttmacher Institute reports that a single woman below the poverty line (having an annual income of about $11,000) is** four times more likely to abort **than a woman making at least $30,000 per year.”
Read more: Abortion Facts - Abortion Facts
“Tragically, each year over one million unborn children never see the day of their birth. Too many
women wrongly believe abortion is their only alternative. Studies have shown that for approximately three out of four women who have an abortion, the belief that they **cannot afford a child **was one of the key reasons. Many pregnant women, particularly young women, need better access to information and resources so they may be encouraged to choose life and have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.
An important step toward supporting pregnant women is to help them
overcome poverty.” - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development Office of Domestic Social Development, Pregnant Women Support Act, 2009
The above are examples of desperation that I was referring to - when women feel that they have no other choice. Whether they feel guilty or not about their decision, many times they feel trapped with no way out. That is the desperation I was speaking of. Just because they were contracepting before doesn’t mean that they weren’t afraid, scared and trapped once they found out they were pregnant and maybe they did calmly call the clinic to schedule their abortion - but often they see no other way.