Was Jesus able to perform miracle?

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23 If anyone says to you then, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 False messiahs and false prophets will arise, and they will perform signs and wonders so great as to deceive, if that were possible, even the elect. 25 Behold, I have told it to you beforehand.
I cannot think of one single person in history that fits this description, I tend to think if there was ever some person displaying supernatural abilities or powers, it would have been noticed, especially if it were happen today, it would be all over the internet.

Not to mention, even if there was such a person, I doubt many modern people would believe it, instead they would likely call it a hoax, so it would have to be REALLY good to deceive the way the bible says it will…??

My only guess is we have just not reached this time frame yet, maybe we will start seeing some of these in the coming years. It will be interesting to see how many believe it though.
I cannot think of one single person in history that fits this description, I tend to think if there was ever some person displaying supernatural abilities or powers, it would have been noticed, especially if it were happen today, it would be all over the internet.

Not to mention, even if there was such a person, I doubt many modern people would believe it, instead they would likely call it a hoax, so it would have to be REALLY good to deceive the way the bible says it will…??

My only guess is we have just not reached this time frame yet, maybe we will start seeing some of these in the coming years. It will be interesting to see how many believe it though.
The first one that comes to mind is Simon Magus. See Acts of the Apostles 8:5-24.

Also there is the Gnostic Marcus. Next, Adelbert and Clement.

Middle ages brought two: Leotardus at Chalons, and Wilgardus at Ravenna,

There were many at the time of the Spanish Inquisition.

There are many in modern times (cult leaders).
With all charity,
I read all of your threads.
You sound very unhappy.
You are looking for God within yourself, and your own definitions.
Get a spiritual Director if you are interested in Catholicism. I can only imagine that’s why you are here. You want PROOF.
We can’t give you proof. We can only tell you what the Church teaches, and has taught through Scripture & through eyewitnesses for 2000+ years now. If that’s not good enough for you…well, …
Most of us here are believers, and take things we don’t understand on faith, because we love God, and don’t presume to fully understand Him. Yes, theologians have gone a long way to explain things to the faithful and there are some great ones to read and research.

I wish you peace, I wish you the Love of Christ Jesus in your heart for years to come, and I pray that you are relieved of these doubts, so that you can have the relationship you desire with your Creator.
God bless you now, and forever.
Thank you. I have spiritual connection with Jesus and I think that I can follow him in some part of his teaching. I however like to take my own spiritual journey.
You seem to be incredulous that Jesus would say that “I AM” and that Pilate and the Jews didn’t believe him…but you’re in the same position, I fear. It is probably easier for you to answer your own question about why people wouldn’t believe he was the Christ, the son of God. It is because of the hardness of their hearts, the fact that they didn’t want to believe that Jesus was who he said he was.
You need strong facts to make people to believe you. Hence Jesus is not God if He could not convince people. Do you believe in science? Yes. How God then cannot convince people knowing the fact that He is omniscient and omnipotent?
And yes, demons could perform miracles, maybe, but as we know from this little episode in the bible:

Mark 3:
22 And the Scribes, who were come down from Jerusalem, said: *He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of devils he casteth out devils.

23 And after he had called them together, he said to them in parables: How can Satan cast out Satan?

24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

26 And if Satan be risen up against himself, he is divided, and cannot stand, but hath an end.

I don’t understand how this part of your post can provide an answer to confused people who are in situation that they could not trust Jesus’s miracles because they believe that Devils can do miracles as well.
You need strong facts to make people to believe you. Hence Jesus is not God if He could not convince people. Do you believe in science? Yes. How God then cannot convince people knowing the fact that He is omniscient and omnipotent?

I don’t understand how this part of your post can provide an answer to confused people who are in situation that they could not trust Jesus’s miracles because they believe that Devils can do miracles as well.
Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit. God gives us free will which allows us to reject that gift so then we remain faithless.
Don’t you get it? Jesus was killed and died and rose again so he isn’t dead and if we believe him we will die like God told Adam and Eve in the Garden but we will rise again to eternal life. Jesus said follow him. That was the purpose for his death on the cross and the resurrection.
What was the point of His death? Did that help nonbeliever to become believer?
This is a well accepted fact among Christian that Jesus was able to perform miracles. Why then Jesus didn’t perform a miracle in the court to convince the judge that He is God so he save his life and continue his teaching?
Rhetorical: More random questions? Have you read the very words of Christ in the New Testament? Honestly, even though it isn’t, it almost seems like trolling.

“The Son of Man goes, as it is written of Him.” (Mt 26:24, Mk 14:21, Lk 22:22)

He roundly condemned a generation which sought a miraculous “sign.” (Mt 12:39, 16:4, Mk 8:12, Lk 11:29)

What happened to Christ is the absolute fulfillment of OT prophecy.
“94. What do we learn from the sufferings and death of Christ?
From the sufferings and death of Christ we learn God’s love for man and the evil of sin, for which God, who is all-just, demands such great satisfaction.” Baltimore Catechism
God cannot be satisfied.
Many of these questions can be answered from the Catechism, by the way: here’s a link to the Baltimore Catechism on the Redemption: catholicity.com/baltimore-catechism/lesson08.html
This really didn’t help.
And here’s the entire Baltimore Catechism: catholicity.com/baltimore-catechism/
This does not provide a direct link to what is the subject of discussion.
This does not provide a direct link to what is the subject of discussion too.
The gospels say that, of course, Jesus knew what peoples’ thoughts were, to start off with.

But, to your point, Pilate’s question was rhetorical. Pilate was distracted by facts and could not recognize truth, when it was standing before him. Besides, Jesus had just told him the truth.

Pilate is a prototype of monsters like Hitler and Stalin who only recognize the power of armies, etc.
What was the truth? Do you believe in science? Yes. Why do you believe in science? Because it is based on facts. How then God couldn’t convince people?
Only God performs substantial miracles, such as raising the dead. Angelic miracles are all ascribed to God. The powers of evil spirits are strictly conditioned: for example:
  • The Egyptian magicians of Exodus 8:19,
  • The story of Job,
  • Evil spirits acknowledging the power of Christ in Matthew 8:31,
  • The Apocalypse in Revelation 9:14.
Christ said in Matthew 24:23-25:

23 If anyone says to you then, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 False messiahs and false prophets will arise, and they will perform signs and wonders so great as to deceive, if that were possible, even the elect. 25 Behold, I have told it to you beforehand.
Then why people were not convinced?
Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit. God gives us free will which allows us to reject that gift so then we remain faithless.
Free will has nothing to do with accepting a fact because we are rational beings. Do you believe in science?
Rhetorical: More random questions? Have you read the very words of Christ in the New Testament? Honestly, even though it isn’t, it almost seems like trolling.

“The Son of Man goes, as it is written of Him.” (Mt 26:24, Mk 14:21, Lk 22:22)

He roundly condemned a generation which sought a miraculous “sign.” (Mt 12:39, 16:4, Mk 8:12, Lk 11:29)

What happened to Christ is the absolute fulfillment of OT prophecy.
Absolute fulfillment of prophecy doesn’t leave any room for doubts. There is even branching in Christian believes.
Then why people were not convinced?
You’re forgetting, lots of people were convinced. That’s why Christianity didn’t die with Jesus. The ones who chose not to believe (and yes, belief is a choice) either had a political agenda or were of a mind-set that nothing would convince them. The same is still true today.
Free will has nothing to do with accepting a fact because we are rational beings. Do you believe in science?
I think of science as theories with experimental verification, subject to constant revision. I do not believe in science.

You cannot accept anything without an act of will.

Collins Dictionary, first meaning:
1. (tr; may take a clause as object) to accept (a statement, supposition, or opinion) as true ⇒ I believe God exists​
Read the Nicene Creed. Concentrate on the part this says “In accordance with the scriptures”. My advice is to get familiar with the Old Testament. Actually, read the Book of Jonah. Here, I’ll get you started. ewtn.com/devotionals/biblesearch.asp
You miss the point too were we are ALL given options.

Pilate did not think via natural laws inclination thag Jesus was deserving of death. The “Judge” did so not becasue Jesus deserved death based on judgement but did so based on selfish decision of political convenience.

Ergo a form of denial in which Pilate or the “Judge” jad ebough inclination to do what was “right” in the sense of acknowledging Jesus, but he chose the other path. Meaning that with the usage of denial Jesus could have done just about any miracle in front of Pilate and he would have found a reason to “justify” his death. If anything, Pilate may have been provided with just a sliver of option toward denial to protect him from chosing pure undenianle evil.
You’re forgetting, lots of people were convinced. That’s why Christianity didn’t die with Jesus. The ones who chose not to believe (and yes, belief is a choice) either had a political agenda or were of a mind-set that nothing would convince them. The same is still true today.
The difference between me and you is that you put the blame on people whereas I put blame on God. Who is right? Me. Why? Because to me an omniscient and omnipotent God can convince all people.
I think of science as theories with experimental verification, subject to constant revision. I do not believe in science…
That is not completely true. You are using your computer right now and you depend on it. This is true because scientist have good understanding of subject matter, the knowledge related to what a computer is. That is however true that science is subject of constant change when it comes to explain reality. This is unavoidable until a complete description of reality is provided by science. Do you have a better alternative?
The difference between me and you is that you put the blame on people whereas** I put blame on God. Who is right? Me. **Why? Because to me an omniscient and omnipotent God can convince all people.
In the words of Yoda:

“This is why you fail”
We have free will, allowing us to say yes or no to God. God provides all the graces necessary to be saved, and we should cooperate.

St. Paul said that God desires all to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth. He is all powerful, but he allows us the choice to say yes or no. If he gave us no choice to say yes, then there cannot be true love.

Jesus obviously convinced people who he was, so this shows that they cooperated with his graces. Those who rejected him didn’t.

Yes, God gives some more graces. For ex. St. Paul was converted immediately because of his cooperation. A native American 1000 years ago wasn’t given the same grace, but the Church teaches that God provides the grace necessary.

If that’s not enough, Jesus himself says that his grace is sufficient, for his power is made PERFECT in weakness. This is something St. Paul took to heart.​

He is the unblemished lamb, He is the sacrifice for the sin of humanity.
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