I won’t have time to address every point made to me this morning, but I’ll address these.
At the very least, that is who is funding them.
Have you been to a March for Life? You’ll meet everyone there from the Catholics to Baptists to atheists. Republicans and Democrats both show up. They’re part of the pro-life
movement. They have different beliefs, but all want to end abortion.
They may even disagree on how to get there, with some focused on providing financial and emotional resources to women and others lobbying legislators to ban abortion. But in one way or another, they all want to end abortion. They’re part of the pro-life
BLM marchers may have different beliefs, but they all want an end to police violence against African-Americans. They may disagree on how to get there, (Defunding? Hiring better officers with better pay? More external investigations?), but they don’t want their sons and daughter unjustly shot or strangled.
Now I realize this is confusing to some in this thread, including the OP who started it, but the people running the Black Lives Matter webpage confiscated the slogan and used it to name an
organization. There is no requirement to belong to that organization or believe every last tenet of that organization. Nobody has to be
funded by that organization in order to show up and march.
Do you now see the difference between a
movement and an
I dont mind protesters, but they shoud self isolate afterwards and get tested
This is a good point. Did you read the letter signed by health officials? You’d think that contagious pathogens mutate into something harmless if a cause is righteous enough.
Over 1,000 health professionals sign a letter saying, Don't shut down protests using coronavirus concerns as an excuse - CNN
"However, as public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States. We can show that support by facilitating safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change. This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders."