What book(s) are you reading?

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These are a few I read including St. Faustina’s Diary, Billy Graham, the Catholic Bible ( the douay-rhemis version is my favorite), the Pieta, the Liturgy of Hours, The Interior Castle by St Terese if Avila, and anything by Mother TeresaI noticed I find the best books from going to adoration. There’s one particular adoration chapel that every single time I go I find the most amazing books there and the Catholic bookstore here in town. This isn’t even half of what I am currently reading or what I have read. Catholic and Curious is another amazing book too or the prayer book Blessed Be God (which was given to me as a gift but can be found on amazon )
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This is so true! I didn’t find this out until I started my journey into the faith two years ago.
I’m now rereading Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s “The Brothers Karamzov” for the umpteenth time…seems like this book is going to accompany me all my life.
I’ve also just started Candide by Voltaire.
I used to read Candide once a year. As for Dostoevsky my all time favorite novel by anyone is Crime and Punishment, and I used to read it every Summer. It’s hard not to tear up at the end at Dostoevsky’s portrayal of the protagonist’s redemption and other Christian themes.
Exodus. I’ve been doing some Scripture reading every day through Lent so far and have gotten to around Exodus 12. It’s offering me a great refresher on the Old Testament.
Dang it! Haven’t read Crime and Punishment yet- i keep forgetting to buy it when I go bookshopping. I’ll make sure to remember next time.
Do give Crime and Punishment a go. It’s superb, and actually an easier read than Brothers! (Which is not saying it’s better, mind!)
Of course! Brothers does tend to lag a bit, no? I find Dostoyevsky’s style tedious in some places, but his characters are to fall in love with. Truly.
Fulton J Sheen’s The Cries of Jesus From The Cross: An Anthology.
Gotta be honest, I’ve never finished the Brothers Karamazov. I finished other Dostoevsky novels but not that one. I’m drifting away from reading fiction like I used to. That said I am reading Elijah in Jerusalem by Michael D. O’Brien since I loved Father Elijah. Also reading The Cloud of Unknowing at a slow pace.
“Two inspiring books in one volume” (This is what it says on the book cover 🙂):

God Is Not Angry and Your Sins Are Forgiven, both by Fr. Ian Petit, OSB

Also, regarding Dostoevsky, I read The Brothers Karamazov first in 2010 and much enjoyed it. Then I read Crime and Punishment in 2011, and enjoyed it too. But I stalled trying to read Notes From the Underground, and it is still waiting to be taken up again.
I am so glad you asked!
I am reading the Lambs Supper by Scott Haun. As a Christian seeking truth it is an eye opener!
The Lord by Romano Guardini. Audiobook actually. I wanted to listen to it in German but that wasn’t available on Audible.
I’m reading A Bloody Habit and The Imitation of Christ. I just finished reading Mansfield Park and really liked it, so after I finish A Bloody Habit I’m planning on slowly making my way through more of Jane Austen’s books.
As of this moment, nothing. I hope to read Rhetoric by Aristotle soon.
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