What book(s) are you reading?

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Greetings from the airport.
Fr. Calloway gave a talk (about his personal testimony and the Rosary) at a Catholic Men’s Conference when I was living in Maryland (Mark Teixeira and his uncle Fr. Caterna also gave presentations as well). It’s amazing how he’s even still alive (let alone a priest) given his youthful indiscretion. I’ve heard good things about Champions of the Rosary and this thread just reminded me of it, so I’ll make sure to check it out soon.
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Aaaaand finished that one. Now Chesterton’s Heretics.

I love flying. I get so much reading done.
I’m taking American Catholicism this semester for my Diaconate classes, so I have three textbooks to get through and one Audible book. Not exactly fun reading, but one was a short book on Cardinal Bernardin that was OK.

For a break from studying, I’m about halfways through Merton’s Seven Storey Mountain and I read CS Lewis’ The Great Divorce on-line in like 2 days. I liked that pretty well.

Hopefully after the academic side of my studies is done, I’ll have more time to read for pleasure…right now, that ain’t happening.
The Great Divorce and Seven Storey Mountain are both quite quite, I enjoyed them. I have a hard time reading books online, though. Still a good book.
It is a large book. I try to read a bit at a time.
It is the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Good read. 😀
Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Warren
Reading it for a book group which is led by an Anglican priest of the more Reformed variety but which comprises a bunch of traditional cradle Catholics, a lady considering Catholicism, an Anglo-Catholic (yours truly), and one solitary Calvinist. Should be interesting.
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Finishing up The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East, by Eugene Rogan

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Reading Laudato Si currently. Just finished Just Mercy by Bryan Stephenson as well as $2 a day: Living on Almost Nothing in America.
Starting a new one today. An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith by Saint John of Damascus.

I’m reading a ton right now, apart from school books. My current faves are Handbook of Catholic Apologetics by Peter Kreeft and Fr. Ronald Tacelli. Also, Trent Horn’s Persuasive Pro-Life.
I found out, listening to Catholic Answers Live on my way home from work recently, that there’s a book written just for me! So I’ll be spending Lent with “Give Up Worry for Lent: 40 Days to Finding Peace in Christ.”

I don’t want to boast about my theological erudition but I’m going to be reading
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In the Face of Darkness; The Heroic Life and Holy Death of Mother Luisita, by Sr. Timothy Marie Kennedy, O.C.D.

Mother Luisita was the foundress of the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles, coming here from Mexico in 1927 because of the religious persecution during the Cristero War.
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