What book(s) are you reading?

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I’m taking baby steps into ancient Greek philosophy. Hopefully I can soon.
I just finished reading “The Power and the Glory” by Graham Greene.

It is an excellent book, and probably one of my favorites now! I am about to start rereading it!
The Universal Christ, by Richard Rohr.

As he is now dealing with numerous health issues, I have read that he intends this to be his final book. This news will come as a disappointment for some of us, but it will likely be welcome news for those who disagree with his ideas.
I really enjoyed A Bloody Habit - just my sort of story with the atmosphere of old London and plenty of preternatural goings on. Maybe veered a trifle close to Father Brown at times, but still great fun.

As for Austen’s novels, assuming you’ve got Pride and Prejudice covered (it remains my favourite), I’d highly recommend Persuasion as one that tends to drift a little under the radar of most folks. The film is superb as well, so you could follow up with that if so inclined. Then there is the fact that Austen herself thought Emma was her best work!
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I just finished “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler. It’s a fascinating dystopian novel.
I’m only about halfway through it but I’m liking it so far. I love stories set in old England; they’re always pleasant.

I actually just got Persuasion in the mail yesterday, as well as Sense & Sensibility. Persuasion is probably next on my list once I finish Bloody Habit.
I read Pride & Prejudice for my Literature class but I’m planning to re-read it so I can enjoy it instead of cramming it in 5 minutes before class. Unlike most of my classmates, I liked it, and it’s what motivated me to start reading her other works. I’ll have to get a copy of Emma once I finish the other books I got.
Great book, read it a few years ago. The movie “Silence” reminded me a lot of it. I know that movie was based on a Japanese book by the same name but I can’t help but feel like Scorsese must have borrowed some things from Greene.
I’m an Audible lover and I have a personal rule to alternate between fiction and non-fiction. Currently I’m about 3/4 the way through The English and Thier History by Robert Tombs. Next is CS Lewis’s Screwtape Letters as recommended by a CAF member to help me believe in God again. I promised I would try it and see!

Before English I enjoyed Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank. Older book but really good!
I’m reading The Path to Rome by Hilaire Belloc. Love his reasoning for the importance of attending daily mass…and his daily walk .
Shusaku Endo, author of Silence, studied Greene and has been called “the Japanese Graham Greene.” So that’s the connection you are seeing.
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Not reading the Biblia Sacra so much as using Dali’s artwork as poetry inspiration.
I’m reading an assortment of books:
  • The Fellowship of the Ring is the main book I’m reading right now. It’s pretty easy to read during commercial breaks in all the sports going on right now, but I often find myself just reading it without an excuse.
  • True Devotion to Mary is what I’m reading on my commute.
  • Understanding the Mass by Rev. Maynard Kolodziej is my current toilet-time reading.
  • Operating Systems Concepts is what I’m reading at work when…well, I’ll let Xkcd describe it.
Pardon me if I’m not posting in the right place. The forum looks different from when I last visited. I’ve started “The First Will Be Last: A Biblical Perspective on Narcissism” by DC Robertsson. I bought the book but can’t find any information on the author, including his (her?) credentials. Does anyone know if this author is sound for a Catholic to read? Thanks.
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I really enjoyed A Bloody Habit - just my sort of story with the atmosphere of old London and plenty of preternatural goings on. Maybe veered a trifle close to Father Brown at times, but still great fun.
I really liked that one, too. And I originally heard of it here on CAF.
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