What book(s) are you reading?

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Ive been reading the light of The Flowing God head
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I haven’t read Butler, though I’d like to one day. It’s great fun seeing how different translators approach these works.
Just picked up The Divine Comedy and I’m reading The Inferno in particular. It is a phenomenal read.
Currently reading “Started Early, Took My Dog” for leisure reading and just started “Interior Castle” for spiritual reading
Last week we celebrated the feast day of St. Robert Bellarmine. I hadn’t heard of him before and reading about him at Matins inspired me to buy some of his writings on Amazon. I just started on “Doctrina Christiana: The Timeless Catechism of St. Robert Bellarmine” last night.
Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen

Bought it because it came highly recommended and also had fantastic reviews.
A Benedictine Reader 530-1530, edited by Hugh Feiss, Ronald E. Pepin and Maureen M. O’Brien.

A substantial volume, just released by Cistercian Publications, it should keep me busy for a while 🙂
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As a confirmation present my sponsor bought me “Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the gospel of John” by Jean Vanier. I am just finishing that and really enjoyed it. If anyone has any suggestions of something similar I should read, please let me know.

Next to read is “Mysteries of the Virgin Mary” by fr Peter John Cameron.
Also over the summer maybe Saint Bernadette Soubirous by Francis Trochu.
Anyone got any suggestions for a book or books that deal with Marian apparitions?

(Sorry I am a new Catholic and of course now really interested in things that the Protestant church doesn’t really believe in.)


I think it was rushed. George R. R. Martin has said they could have gone 12 or 13 seasons.

Kicked off the donkey by Jesse Romero. It is a political/religious book. Almost finished as this book is only 140 something pages long.

Just finished “The Jewish roots of The Eucharist” by Brant Pitre last week. I highly recommend it.

Also reading the entire Bible cover to cover. But that will be a years long mission.
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Ben Shapiro - The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great

Peter Kreeft - Making Sense out of Suffering

I ordered and am waiting for the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible Scott Hahn an Curtis Mich to arrive. I’ve heard so much praise for this here and elsewhere. Can’t wait to start reading it.
I really want to read Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation by Fr. Josh Johnson.
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