What book(s) are you reading?

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The Little Flowers of St Francis, The Imitation of Christ and slowly working my way through the New Testament.
I’m reading a book on the revelations given to the Venerable Consolata Betrone. They augment the spirituality of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and are marvelously consoling! Consolata was well named. I have a new friend in heaven!
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The Song Of Bernadette Franz Werfel,read it many years ago but I am enjoying the reread
I was in my twenties when I first read “The Little Flowers of St. Francis”. I learned a lot about Franciscan spirituality from it. I gave it away after that, and was sorry I did.
But, about two years ago I was able to buy it for fifty cents after seeing it at my parish’ yearly white elephant sale! I was overjoyed.
Revisiting I Believe in Love, by Fr Jean D’Elbee, a series of retreat talks based on the little way of St. Therese. Perfect for these times.
I know. I keep on popping in to the Ignatius Press website and then saying “down, girl! You already have a pile of unread books to get to.” But they’re so tempting. … I’m gonna hold out and only read religious themed books that I already have at home until the end of Lent.
Now that’s penitential!
If it weren’t for the virus, being stuck at home would be pretty close to heaven for CAF bookworms. A little Bach, a good cup of coffee, a book or three…
It doesn’t get much better. 😄
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Have just started:

Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls by John Bergsma

The Gospel of John - Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series -
Francis Martin and William M. Wright IV

The Light Shines in the Darkness by Father Robert Spitzer
(started this about 2 years ago and am still reading)

Also lined up to read:

Salvation - What Every Catholic Should Know - Michael Patrick Barber

The Gospel of Matthew - Curtis Mitch and Edward Sri
The Sickness Unto Death and The Concept of Anxiety, both by Søren Kierkegaard.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton-The Secret of Father Brown
The Immaculata by st.Maximilian Kolbe
The book of Job (from the NIV). I’ve read through it before, but I forgot how much wisdom is contained in it. Here’s a scripture that jumped out at me: “Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you” (Job 22:21).
The Day Is Now Far Spent Robert Cardinal Sarah - excellent look at the church of today
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