The Good Pope. Don’t have author’s name handy. It’s about Pope St. John XXIII.
I was just thinking that when I read Five Points.Think of the movie Gangs of New York and you will know the time and place.
I just finished this (took me long enough). It’s an easy read, and someone who is an avid reader could probably get through it in a day or two. It’s less than 300 pages. Without getting into spoilers, I liked that it was a first contact story that sets up a mystery that is finally resolved in the last couple chapters. And with very little violence - I think Gene Roddenberry would be pleased. (What violence there is, is mainly in the first couple of chapters.)New Star Trek novel The Unsettling Stars , by Alan Dean Foster. It’s set in the Kelvin timeline, shortly after the events of the 2009 movie.
Good for you. Just be aware that Nietzsche has been disowned by ALL atheists who post on CAF so do not expect any comment from them if you post anything related to himOn the Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche