i do not hate bahai or bahaullah. however, i do love the truth. when people obscure or distort the truth, i defend it.
it is true that i am a sinner. as a sinner, i cannot be united with Perfect Being because sin and Perfect Being are incompatible.
through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, my sins are forgiven and i am freed from my sins. although i have been freed from my sins, i still suffer from the effects of sin. i am weak and will sin again. however, Jesus knew i was weak and would sin again and accordingly, He took care of that too. He created the sacrament of confession wherein i can again be freed of my sins. this holy sacrament allows my relationship with God to be renewed even though i have through my sinful acts damaged or even destroyed that relationship.
so, i return to this theme. Jesus gave to me the gift of eternal life. eternal life is being perfectly united to almighty God for all eternity. after having accepted this gift, what else do i need from any other man? what could another man add to what Jesus has already given me? why should i care what abstruse or faulty doctrines some other man might concoct? Jesus has saved me. He has given me the Way to eternal life. after being given eternal life, all else pales in significance. that all else that pales in significance includes bab, bahaullah and all that they did and taught.
it is incumbent upon the bahai to elucidate what bahaullah adds to Jesus’ gift of freedom from sin and eternal life.
you may call my demand for such an elucidation hateful. in reality, it is the simple application of reason to the words of others and an honest attempt to evaluate those words of others in light of what i already know.
so, knowing the RC doctrine about sin and salvation that i, in a nutshell, provided above, i ask again, what does bahaullah bring that i or any other human being saved through the cross of Christ cannot do without?