What do witches/sorcerers deserve now?

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Extortion: : the act or practice of extorting especially money or other property Who am I extorting money or property from?
You aren’t extorting anyone. Sounds more like you think this is force because God is extorting your soul from you if you don’t follow his ways.

Well it just ain’t so my dear!
But I’m not being deceived. I know there is nothing wrong with it. The same as you may know that there is nothing wrong with your beliefs.
Blessed be, Whats the score ,I lost count. Maybe you should join the lonely hearts club. 😃
What do they deserve? Prayer, and in the end, God will decide. See, I think part of the problem with some of the forum questions is they are judgemental of peoples very souls and there is too much damning to hell around here. What makes anyone think that someone elses sin is worse than their own. I sin, you sin, we all sin…so lets take it easy with the judging shall we…

With that said…practicing witch craft is dangerous and christians should avoid being associated with self proclaimed witches and sorcerers. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them see their error.

Hey, “are you a good witch? or a bad witch?” --Wizard of Oz
No, I cannot give you that there is nothing wrong with what you are doing. I believe that all that is written in the bible is Truth, just as the mathmatical equation 2 + 2 = 4, I would not be able to agree with you that it is now equal to 5.
There is a difference however. 2 + 2 =4 is a proven fact. The Bible is not. I do not believe that the Bible is absolute truth.
It is wrong because in doing so, you bring evil into the world. You don’t need to mean to do so, but you are.
That is an assumption and a lie. My practices have nothing to do with evil. It is just the assumption that since my practices are different than yours, and therefore they are evil. Using that sort of logic, your practices are evil as well.
If you were running towards a cliff and I didn’t tell you to look out, would the cliff cease to exist, simply because I didn’t tell you and you didn’t see it.
No, go back to my statement of scientific proof.
No, the Truth exists, regardless of our desire to ignore it.
Yes it does, and I don’t ignore it, which is why I have faith.
With that said…practicing witch craft is dangerous
How so? There has been no good proof given of this. The fact that it is from Satan is not proof because it is not of or from Satan. It uses natural energies which were created by God.
13, can you tell us a bit about your practices which showcase the good that they do? Why are they good? Are they individual goods, or collective? Are they relative, or absolute?

Can you tell us how you got interested in witchcraft and why you believe your beliefs are good? What sources did you use?

Can you p(name removed by moderator)oint something very specific that your practice says is good and that Christian practice says is bad (I am talking about dogma in our case and the most basic guiding principals in yours–something that all witches would agree on). Can you back up your stance with just feelings, or is there anything else as well?

If your belief is really very similar to what you think of as Christian, if not Catholic belief. . .for example, the golden rule, doing good to others, living in harmony, simplicity, and fairness. . .and the differences are matters of externals instead–for example, we believe in a Creator Triune God, you believe in a god/ goddess; we believe in seven sacraments, you believe in certain esoteric rituals; we believe that Christ died to save us, you believe that there is no such thing as salvation (I know there are many variants on this, anything from people as pure energy, people as cosmic accidents, etc.)–then what we have is not a difference of opinion so much as a difference of externals.

You don’t “believe in the Bible”’; we don’t believe in some legends. We both have oral traditions.

There are a lot of things that you would have to do to become Christian, just as there are a lot of things we would have to do to become witches. So it isn’t a question of one religion being “easier” than another.

Now, did you have any sort of Christian “exposure” before you became a witch, and how did you “find out” about witches? What testimony made you say, “that feels right”. . .and, are there any parts you had to struggle with? What if the feelings change? How can you know what to do if you have problems? Whose testimony do you have that you trust so much? Whose experience is there that you can fully and firmly believe in enough that you have literally put your entire existence on the line because you are so certain that the “witch” experience is the “truth?”

These are the beginning questions I would ask you to consider to start to understand your faith, just as they are the questions I would expect you to ask me, about MY faith.
How so? There has been no good proof given of this. The fact that it is from Satan is not proof because it is not of or from Satan. It uses natural energies which were created by God.
BlessedBe13, I thought you were a christian. I had no idea you were an advocate for witch craft. You are gravely mistaken about what you think you have gotten yourself into…I pray the holy spirit changes your mind…
Tantum ergo:
What if the feelings change?

These are the beginning questions I would ask you to consider to start to understand your faith, just as they are the questions I would expect you to ask me, about MY faith.
Great soul searching questions. And what if the feelings do change? That is WHAT IS SO incredibly awesome about God…he is merciful and welcomes the prodigal child.
10 years reading the political threads :eek:

your right… cruel and unusual punishment… 👍
I don’t understand the question. I chose other because the option “Our love and prayers” wasn’t on the list. :mad:
I voted burn at the stake because I presume the pollster was only trying to inject some humour. I do not advocate the murder of witches. I do pray for their conversion however or else they are in peril of landing in the eternal bonfire :eek:
I’m just shocked that anyone said they deserve to be burnt at the stake.:eek:

Since some objects and certainly people who are enemies of God, such as atheists, are entry points for Evil Spirits. Do we want these “portals” to be here near our children?

If it was left up to me all these Portals of Evil would be segregated into one little part of the world just like the Lepers were isolated in earlier times.
Hi exporter,

Funny you mention that. There is a resident athiest around here who thinks himself quite witty in his dialogue. He seems to have no desire to convert, and he ends up in mind numbing debates about idle subjects such as “can one dissprove a negative?”…surely it is a distraction for a Christian to engage in this debate with him. i believe his name is wolpertinger or something to that effect.
Heathen Dawn:
They deserve protection from Christians.
I don’t know about what they deserve…but they need to grow-up and realize that trees and dirt are not “gods” and “goddesses.”

Wicca is too silly for most ten year olds to believe it–I’d be happier if they had an adult idea…a lightbulb going on if you will…executing them by burning them is too extreme…although it might be good practice for what awaits them in hell.
I’m just shocked that anyone said they deserve to be burnt at the stake.:eek:
It was obvious to all that women are people…if you think that is what feminisim is about then your brain has been washed pretty good through a very liberal reeducation.
Tom of Assisi:
I don’t know about what they deserve…but they need to grow-up and realize that trees and dirt are not “gods” and “goddesses.”

Wicca is too silly for most ten year olds to believe it–I’d be happier if they had an adult idea…a lightbulb going on if you will…executing them by burning them is too extreme…although it might be good practice for what awaits them in hell.
:rotfl: Well i like your sense of humor. Although for the record ill add a…:tsktsk: .


Pope Innocent VIII: Summis desiderantes, 5 December 1484

And, although our beloved sons Henricus Institoris and Jacobus Sprenger, of the order of Friars Preachers, professors of theology, have been and still are deputed by our apostolic letters as inquisitors of heretical pravity,


We therefore, desiring, as is our duty, to remove all impediments by which in any way the said inquisitors are hindered in the exercise of their office, and to prevent the taint of heretical pravity and of other like evils from spreading their infection to the ruin of others who are innocent, the zeal of religion especially impelling us, in order that the provinces, cities, dioceses, territories, and places aforesaid in the said parts of upper Germany may not be deprived of the office of inquisition which is their due, do hereby decree, by virtue of our apostolic authority, that it shall be permitted to the said inquisitors in these regions to exercise their office of inquisition and to proceed to the correction, imprisonment, and punishment of the aforesaid persons for their said offences and crimes, in all respects and altogether precisely as if the provinces, cities, territories, places, persons, and offences aforesaid were expressly named in the said letter. And, for the greater sureness, extending the said letter and deputation to the provinces, cities, dioceses, territories, places, persons, and crimes aforesaid, we grant to the said inquisitors that they or either of them joining with them our beloved son Johannes Gremper, cleric of the diocese of Constance, master of arts, their present notary, or any other notary public who by them or by either of them shall have been temporarily delegated in the provinces, cities, dioceses, territories, and places aforesaid, may exercise against all persons, of whatsoever condition and rank, the said office of inquisition, correcting, imprisoning, punishing and chastising, according to their deserts, those persons whom they shall find guilty as aforesaid.

And they shall also have full and entire liberty to propound and preach to the faithful word of God, as often as it shall seem to them fitting and proper, in each and all of the parish churches in the said provinces, and to do all things necessary and suitable under the aforesaid circumstances, and likewise freely and fully to carry them out.
“Desiring with supreme ardor, as pastoral solicitude **requires, that the catholic faith in our days everywhere grow and flourish as much as possible, and that all heretical depravity be put far from the territories of the faithful, we freely declare and anew decree this by which our pious desire may be fulfilled, and, all errors being rooted out by our toil as with the hoe of a wise laborer, **zeal and devotion to this faith may take deeper hold on the hearts of the faithful themselves.”

Does this from Summis Desiderantes still obtain?
Death of course!!!

Ex. 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.Lv. 20:27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
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