While this is perfectly true, it’s also true that there are other voices in our minds that can drown out our conscience - a friend’s opinion, our mother’s or father’s opinion, an opinion we hear on a TV show of some kind, whether it’s a comedy or a documentary, an attitude that is portrayed or assumed in a story, something we overhear in a coffee shop, or something we’re told by a cab driver, etc., or even other people’s negative expectations of us; in one sense, they don’t approve of certain behaviour, but in another sense, if we didn’t behave that way, we would disappoint them.My opinion on this is pretty simple. I believe that the conscience is God’s way of communicating with a person.
That’s why it’s good to have the teachings of the Church, as a check, so that we can tell the difference between the voice of our conscience, and these other voices that can also get into our heads.