I did not do this. I was in part referencing an article posted by Grace, an article that inadvertently makes the problem worse. And the part of the article that makes the problem worse is not where the holocaust is mentioned. Would you like to discuss the article?Again, to be brief, you brought up the analogy of your own responsibility when discussing the Jews and the holocaust.
If I made an antisemitic statement, please bring it forth. Otherwise, please do not accuse me. In the Kafka fallacy, the accuser sets themselves as the authoritative judge. I have already made many unambiguous statements rejecting antisemitism. We are to reject all bigotry, including antisemitism.
I asked for your forgiveness, but if you are holding a grudge don’t do forgive for me, I hold nothing against you. Do like Eva Kor, forgive because holding a grudge is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. She was tired of holding onto the hatred.If you want forgiveness, just provide a clear and unambiguous statement to that effect.
Jesus asks us to understand, to forgive, to let go of the hatred. Eva Kor did not wait for the Nazis to make “unambiguous statements” before she forgave. After all, many of her persecutors were already dead.
Are you thinking that we are only called to forgive if a person repents? If that is the case, we could hang onto a grudge our entire lives.
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