PXseeker said:
#1 - I used “tradition” in the sense that some use “church” or “denomination”, not in the sense you cited.
The sense I cited? We Catholics don’t have to make this stuff up. All we have to do is LOOK it up. The only part of my post that was mine was the very last line. You mistake Magisterium for my opinion.
Your “sense I cited” refers to Christ’s absolute Magisterial teaching authority in matters of faith and morals. That’s not my opinion you’re critiquing. Charity demands I tell you that.
You come to a Catholic discussion forum, you’re going to find the Catechism cited. Not what “some” unidentified people “sense.” Catholics are --or should be-- uncompromising on matters of faith and morals.
That’s what makes us Catholic. Catholic - capital C to make sure we’re not mistaken for Magisterium rejecting “catholics.” Don’t mistake Curia for Magisterium. Jesus promised protection for all time to His Magisterium. From the Holy Spirit. You 'c’atholics got something better than that?
We Catholics don’t deny Jesus’ Apostolic Magisterial teaching authority. We don’t use our own personal judgement in place of authentic Apostolic teaching because we know we can’t improve on Jesus’ teaching. We believe ALL His promises. We don’t interpret the Bible to our personal taste or vote because we understand the difference between we, the members of His Mystical body, and Him, the Head. We don’t account ourselves, the pupils, greater than Him, the Master. At least we shouldn’t.
Isn’t that what the “small-c” qualifier all boils down to? Claiming a sort of nondenominational non-existent supra-“catholicism” that rejects Holy Magisterium AS ITS DEFINING PURPOSE? How does that separation figure in Jesus’ prayer for our unity? Are you in or out?
Why not join instead? You can always leave. Jesus allowed that.
I presented a Magisterial response from the CCC (as opposed to opinion, BTW) and you “cited” me as ignorant.
Well I’m not, and you need to understand why.
You want to be “catholic” to escape being “Catholic” right? The capitalized ‘Church’ means Catholic as in Rome, Pope, Magisterium, Eucharist, Mass, other Sacraments (I could go on). That’s what you’re insisting I don’t “get,” right? That capital C and all it means is what you reject, right?
So, using your favorite sense of the uncapitalized word ‘tradition,’ if we plug your suggestions in:
In the light of (the Catholic Church’s) Tradition, these “churches” or “denominations”] can be retained, modified or even abandoned under the guidance of the (Catholic) Church’s Magisterium.
Is that what you think p.83 of the Catechism really means? If so, you’re very close to the Kingdom, friend.
I’m not playing some word game here, just giving you what you asked for.
PXseeker said:
#2 - Yes I mean that same church defined in CCC 813 - the church of all Christian saints, not just the Catholic church. Not very astonishing, all of us (hold your breath) confess "one holy catholic (small c) and apostolic church.
But it refers exclusively to the Catholic Church. What do you think the seven capital C’s in that paragraph mean? Seven times? You think that’s a typo?
Some people just don’t have a good understanding of how big a tub it really is.
Do you mean me?
I mean 1.3 Billion Catholics, up from 800 Million in 1978 when His Holiness Pope John Paul II, my hero, undertook the keys Jesus gave Peter. There aren’t any more Catholics than that.
There are catholics, but by definition, they’re all protestants because they reject Jesus’ Magisterium.
I heard an Evangelical convert to Catholicism last week on JH on EWTN say “In the next ten years most adults now living will ask themselves the question ‘Should I become Catholic?’”
PX, I think you’re jumping the gun. Keep seeking. You will find. I have that on the best authority.