In this country, men don’t so much dress immodestly as ridiculously. I have a hard time keeping a straight face when I see the teenage boys in my neighborhood with their pants so baggy the crotch is past the knees, and their boxers showing. Add the basketball jersey, the backwards hat (all name-brand expensive athletic gear of course) and all their bling, and they look like clowns. I like to call them “little pimplings.” What is most sad though is that alot of these kids don’t have much money and instead of saving the little they do have for an education they waste it on these ridiculous clothes that will be out of style in a few months anyways. Plain old modesty for men is more of a problem in Europe, especially Italy. The men there wear their pants SO TIGHT it leaves nothing up to the imagination. Not to mention the low cut shirts they are fond of, so tight you can see their nipples I guess the Italian women find this attractive, but I was horrified!