You hit the nail square on the proverbial head, Lily. Few consider that in the days of the TLM there were no computers and no internet on which to post the problems/pictures/abuses that occurred in that mass. The personal computer was not even invented until 1981, and was so expensive that the average person did not own one. The Web came many years later. There was no capability of spreading one’s discontent worldwide for everyone else to learn of the problems with TLM, nor to discuss the problems as we are doing today at CAF. It puts a favorable bias toward the TLM only because it was hidden from public censures.
Nor were there the mini-cameras of today, even those hidden in cell phones, through which one could stealthily take pictures of the wrongs. I doubt that video cameras were even developed at that time, but those that were available were large and impossible to hide in one’s pocket.
So I blame technology for broadcasting the unfair bias against the N.O. as though the TLM was perfect. Many of today’s bishops are elderly and celebrated the TLM as pastors. Could it be that they themselves knew of the imperfections and that this is the very reason they have denied the permissions to celebrate it?