What's the point in dating in today's society

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And I do that. There are a few young adult groups in the adjacent county that I’ll visit from time to time.
My anecdotal evidence outweighs yours, yes. Being that it’s mine, so I know it’s true vs. yours which… Well I know that it came from an anonymous person I’ve interacted with on CAF a few times.
Yes, but that applies to you as well, from the point of view of people reading your stuff.

You’re just an anonymous person on CAF.

Also, bear in mind that there is actually no contradiction between what you and your male friends say about your experiences of online dating and what women say about online dating. The mistake you’re making is your assumption (based on pretty much no data) that you know what online dating is like for women, based on your personal experiences as a guy who doesn’t message or date guys.
Don’t feel bad OP, if you can’t moan on an internet forum where can you? Besides as far as this topic goes it’s one of the better threads
Oh no! Women don’t like it when men do something that is entirely natural and perfectly normal? Color me shocked! I guess I’ll have to regulate my behavior with people when I’m talking to them like every other man on Earth and not speak to girls I’m interested in the way I do when I’m behind an anonymous handle!

Yes, because I rated this girl as physically more attractive than the other girl I clearly think she is an automaton incapable of thought or personality. I am positive her secret girl emotional sense will sniff out my toxic masculinity too. Because that’s why 90% of girls have an ex who turned out to be a psycho in disguise and dates that turned out to be crazy. Because of their ability to read a person’s mind.
How is your method working for you?
I’m staying single, but if I were looking, I would probably move to Chicago for meeting someone at St. John Cantius, or one of the Institute of Christ the King aspostolates, or a large FSSP parish.
That’s the thing, I’m not moving because I have a business here and where I live only 20% of the population is catholic.
What do you want from me? Honestly. I know what homeboy wanted and he got it, plenty of it. But I’m kind of curious what you women want? In fact I’m very curious. Is there a reason why you need me to say that I’m single because I’m a jerk who hates women? Exactly how is it going to add to your personal satisfaction in life to have me become another drone, endlessly repeating the same platitudes and silly jokes and gentle kid-glove ego-stroking advice as everyone else?

I like my flavor. If others don’t like it, good for them. Men, women… Let 'em like it or dislike it or hate it or love it all as they want. But let them, just once, ask themselves why they care oh so much that one guy happens to say things that don’t fit their self-appointed standards of acceptable or not.
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It’s a colloquial term for the dating world. Basically, pver time men realized that certain behaviors and traits correlated positively with increased success with women. So they tried to quantify this all down in a set of ‘rules’ and ‘tricks’ that would give them an edge in the dating world.
An oddity here is that some conservative religious men believe that they can adopt the methods that Pick Up Artists use for years of one-night stands and use those methods to find a chaste conservative religious woman to have a faithful, happy lifelong marriage and raise a family with.

Now, why would anybody expect that to work?
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Honestly I feel that I have spent time relearning how to treat catholic women because of how I used to be before I was catholic
Shoot. You have to find a large thoroughly Catholic parish with a ton of people. I go to Mass daily at my local Cathedral and i don’t see too many people my age. I would use a dating site too, cover all bases.
If you can’t move that’s a tough situation.
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Who the Sandra Fluke said I spit Game? I don’t even advise men to spit Game, much less do it myself. I find the topic fascinating as a character study, but ultimately it’s not very effective as a dating strategy, especially for a Christian man.

Now, the things studying Game can teach men about women, and women about men… That I do find useful. Knowledge is always useful.
When it came to me choosing a parish I chose based on the priests. If they were really devout and gave good homilies that’s what mattered to me. I don’t think it’s feasible for me to drive an hour on sundays. Maybe I’ll use catholic match or something. But I think what a lot of people on this thread don’t understand is that in florida there aren’t as many Catholics to begin with and in some places the Catholics that are here are elderly
When something’s harder to find, it will bring you more satisfaction when you finally find it.

There are for sure Catholic men and women out there, some who might be a perfect match for you. Keep turning over those stones!
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