What's the purpose of hell?

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No purpose to it at all.
Why punish a soul for all eternity? Isn’t there a point where enough is enough? Are there sins that require such punishing by an all-merciful god? If people call out for god’s mercy, does he not hear them? If he does, is he so eternally cruel as to deny them for all eternity? After all, their sins were temporal, yet the punishment is eternal. It hardly makes sense.

It’s a medieval idea designed to ensure compliance and subservience.

I work in a large-ish Catholic high school in Australia, and Hell and Purgatory are never mentioned. All teaching programs are approved by the Bishop, I must add. Even the senior clergy shy away from the idea. If Hell is such an important part of theology (as in, important to avoid it), why deny it in our teaching?

As to the idea that “people choose Hell by rejecting God” (so often expressed around here)–well, I’ve seldom heard anything more ridiculous. People *choose *such a fate? Rubbish.
If Hell exists, God sends them there, actively, willingly and eternally. People are sent to hell by God’s will, not their own. Those who seek to remove God from the equation are being dishonest.

(This is not to justify a life of sin - we all stand or fall on our merits or deficiencies - but to assert my belief that a time of purification probably applies to all sinners).
Jesus said “And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life” (Matthew 25: 46). This is the teaching of Jesus who is the Word of God.

It is also written:
“But condemning them by degrees, you gave them space for repentance.
You were not unaware that their origins were wicked
and their malice ingrained,
And that their dispositions would never change” (Wisdom 12:10). God knows that there are some people who if they could live forever on earth would remain in sin forever. St Gregory says the same " that the wicked would wish to live without end, that they might abide in their sins forever."
Jochoa, would you say it’s proper to say self-love, or love of anything other than God, is a “twisting” of love - sort of the way using an umbrella to scrub out a toilet is a “twisting” of the nature of the umbrella?

But, yeah. Basically self-love, or any love that does not ultimately lead to God, is a love that is twisted.
Yeah, I can agree with you. The reason I use “non-love” is because I try to recognize any “love” that is not God’s love is not True Love, and therefore, is not love at all.
Now, why God gave us this capacity, to love things other than Him. That is a good question. I’ll answer it with another question which gets to the heart of the matter:
Why did God, who is Himself perfect, create us?
The solution to these questions is a major reason why I love Catholicism!
Catholicism has the most graceful presentation of the solution:

Catechism of the Catholic Church said:
1 “God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life.”

Such Amazing Grace!!!

To share a personal understanding of the solution to the two questions:
God created us to share with others the amazing experience of perfection.
Now, in order for us to experience the perfection of God, we must not only be equally capable with God, but we must also use our capability as Lovingly as He does. Since God freely loves everyone, we must be able to freely love everyone in order to experience Perfection. Freely loving everyone, includes the option to not love everyone.

Thanks for the excellent food for thought! Please share your understandings of the solutions, I would definitely enjoy pondering them!
Yeah, I can agree with you. The reason I use “non-love” is because I try to recognize any “love” that is not God’s love is not True Love, and therefore, is not love at all.
Duly noted.
To share a personal understanding of the solution to the two questions:
God created us to share with others the amazing experience of perfection.
Now, in order for us to experience the perfection of God, we must not only be equally capable with God, but we must also use our capability as Lovingly as He does. Since God freely loves everyone, we must be able to freely love everyone in order to experience Perfection. Freely loving everyone, includes the option to not love everyone.
Or, another way to say it, God is perfect. If He did not have free will, we should not exist. Because if He did not, He would not be good for creating this world. But because one of His attributes is free will, it would have been evil not to create us, in His own image, with free will.

Am I on the right track?
Or, another way to say it, God is perfect. If He did not have free will, we should not exist. Because if He did not, He would not be good for creating this world. But because one of His attributes is free will, it would have been evil not to create us, in His own image, with free will.

Am I on the right track?
I like your understandings, and I perceive them as on the right track. I encourage you to consider the possibility that it would not be evil for God to not create us. Some of the reasons why I personally grew to recognize God as not evil, even if He did not create us, were because:
Catholic Dogma:
God loves Himself of necessity, but loves and wills the creation of extra-Divine things, on the other hand, with freedom.
Therefore, it would be evil for God not to love Himself, but not necessarily evil, for Him to not create us.
2. When I believe God’s goodness is based on actions towards me, I miss out on how Amazing His Love is for me. Such Amazing Love to owe me absolutely nothing, yet give me absolutely everything…whew, that’s a reflection!

Thanks for the extremely enjoyable food for thought! Please share your thoughts, I would be interested to see if you perceive the same conclusions!
What’s the purpose of hell?
First, one over many different religions has to prove its ownership over hell, then we hopefully could discuss about hell purpose! Do you really believe on hell or heaven? The concept of God, heaven and hell are different even among Abrahamic religions! The myth about hell however is much older than Christianity, some as old as Egyptian religion and maybe even older.
First, one over many different religions has to prove its ownership over hell, then we hopefully could discuss about hell purpose! Do you really believe on hell or heaven? The concept of God, heaven and hell are different even among Abrahamic religions! The myth about hell however is much older than Christianity, some as old as Egyptian religion and maybe even older.
Okay. Let me qualify: What is the purpose of hell in Catholicism? Is it punitive? Does it allow God to display his wrath? Does it allow God to display his justice? Is it just?
Well, if God created human beings with an innate desire to seek love, then everyone’s nature should be to seek love. To argue otherwise is to talk nonsense.
All humans do seek love. But in what ways do they do it? Do they seek love for their neighbor and for God, or for themselves?

Sin is a distortion and perversion of what is good.
Okay. Let me qualify: What is the purpose of hell in Catholicism? Is it punitive? Does it allow God to display his wrath? Does it allow God to display his justice? Is it just?
Hell exists as a choice made for those who reject goodness.

When you freely reject all that is good, you’re left with all the rest, which is total emptiness. That is hell.
Okay. Let me qualify: What is the purpose of hell in Catholicism?
The concept of hell is even contradictory in Catholicism, namely how God could be omnipresent but in hell?
Is it punitive?
Please let first to resolve the issue with the first comment. But how God who is love could punish someone? Why does God have to wait to punish individual after death?
Does it allow God to display his wrath?
God who is love cannot display his wrath but disappointment and that we are experiencing right now, namely lack of any spiritual experience.
Does it allow God to display his justice?
Justice delay is justice denial which we are experiencing right now. Please read the previous comment.
Is it just?
Nah, it is not just since God is love hence it is present in all minds. Disappointment is the barrier between us and God.
You would have to ask someone in hell what the purpose of hell is. It is a choice that people make, so only they would know (and God, since he knows everything better than anyone.)

So really, what you are asking is why God allows these people to exist, and the answer is that humans by definition have an everlasting soul. That is just the way it is. It is an eternal and unchangeable definition of what humans are, just like one is not equal to two.
You would have to ask someone in hell what the purpose of hell is. It is a choice that people make, so only they would know (and God, since he knows everything better than anyone.)

So really, what you are asking is why God allows these people to exist, and the answer is that humans by definition have an everlasting soul. That is just the way it is. It is an eternal and unchangeable definition of what humans are, just like one is not equal to two.
Is the choice that people make the purpose of hell or not the purpose of hell?
The question is what is the purpose of hell.
This is the Philosophy forum.
  1. Hell has no purpose!
  2. Hell is not a place created by God.
  3. Hell is a state of self-inflicted isolation and emptiness.
  4. Hell is the inevitable result of lack of love for others.
It’s not so much a non-loving free will, as a self loving free will. It is a false love. A love of the flesh and things which die. The Spirit sustains life. To love the Spirit is to love God.
Well, who created this “self loving free will?”
Is the choice that people make the purpose of hell or not the purpose of hell?
The question is what is the purpose of hell.
This is the Philosophy forum.
The purpose of life is to choose how to live. Hell is the **result **of putting ourselves before everyone else.
  1. Hell has no purpose!
  2. Hell is not a place created by God.
  3. Hell is a state of self-inflicted isolation and emptiness.
  4. Hell is the inevitable result of lack of love for others.
Cannot think of any better bullet points than these 👍

Heaven is the same except the opposite to the above.


So, God wants us to love him. But if we do not choose to love him, he will consign us to eternal fire (where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth). Does that sound about right?
No it doesn’t sound right. There is no fire in hell. It is a freely self chosen exclusion by a person from God.

“These two punishments (eternal and temporal) must not be conceived of as a kind of vengeance inflicted by God from without, but as following from the very nature of sin.” (CCC 1472)
Would you want to end up there for all eternity? No? Well be a good boy. Or else…
Hell is not what you think. I reject the same god you do. A god that torches people with fire is not worthy of our love. Good thing that god does not exist.
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