Where is the Catholic outrage over recent American immigration policies?

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Do you listen to the bishops for moral guidance?
Yes, and then I weigh it against what I know, what I have experienced, and what I believe.

No one is questioning morality here.

I question the laws, and why people balk at ensuring they’re followed. I question people who are quick to say this is terrible, and offer no solution. I see a lot of that. I don’t have solutions either. I wish I did.

Until you open your home up to even ONE of these people, unvetted, unquestioned, and unfaltering, you have no leg to stand on with me. Until you extend the same things to American citizens (allowing breaking of the law out of desperation) that you’re willing to extend to illegal immigrants, you have no leg to stand on with me. I’ve immigrated someone here legally. I know what the process is. I know what it costs. I understand why those laws are in place. I’ve been to the third world, and I know their life is terrible.

We have American citizens who live horrible lives. What I want is to see them treated with the same deference that illegal immigrants seem to get of late.

What is happening on the southern border IS NOT NEW. It has been going on for years. This is not some demented policy of this administration. It’s not new.
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Astounding how quickly Catholics here are ready to go against the bishops.
The Bishops are right. Something needs done. However, I don’t believe that they’re offering to foot the bill nor have they presented valid solutions.
“I saw a selectively cropped and curated photo on CNN…I must go online and virtue signal!!!”

Where were YOU when the undercover Planned Parenthood videos were release???
Yes, and then I weigh it against what I know, what I have experienced, and what I believe.

No one is questioning morality here.
I understand people can argue over policy, which is fine 👍

But you have to admit that the way some participants on this thread are talking about immigrants is disgusting. They’re debasing them ALL as LIARS, thieves, and as if they all are to be viewed with suspicion.
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The salt is losing its savor is my fear.
Go refill your salt shaker.
I hope you’re right because otherwise… But if the salt loses its savor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.
I agree…the emotional outrage, hysteria and hate-speech from liberals isn’t helping the situation.
But you have to admit that the way some participants on this thread are talking about immigrants is disgusting. They’re debasing them ALL as LIARS, thieves, and as if they all are to be viewed with suspicion.
Yes - I agree with that on a lot of levels.

But then again, you have to think about why people think that. It’s what they see and what they’ve experienced and what they’ve read about.

You have hit why immigration laws are in place - we cannot say everyone is bad, but we cannot assume everyone is good.
Catholics are all over the abortion issue.

Did you read the OP? Probably not.
I agree with much of what you say here, but I do think the “bad apples” are WAYYYYY over-exaggerated. This is partly the fault of our nation’s discourse regarding immigrants.

It’s simply false most are merely coming here to murder, steal, and take advantage. It’s un-Christlike to say the children are not really children, or that the parents are lying, etc.
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I actually do feel horrible for these people. I’m not making that clear, but I actually do.

But we have laws for a reason. Why is it so wrong to say “we have our own problems - I’m sorry, but we can’t help you until we help ourselves”.

Kids in the US should not be hungry. Baltimore city schools shouldn’t have been without heat last winter. That’s twisted on so many levels. We can’t funnel a bunch of aid in good conscience if we have schools in major cities that don’t even have heat.

Or at least we shouldn’t.
Quoting Scripture to subtly disparage others is hardly ingenious. Go write down the BIG SOLUTIONS that will help these refugees in their native countries. What should the UN do to stop the cartels? Start with that.

Go on now 👉
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But we have laws for a reason. Why is it so wrong to say “we have our own problems - I’m sorry, but we can’t help you until we help ourselves”.
I think I mostly agree with this, and you probably mean it in a way that I would agree with. But MANY people who phrase it like this mean something else: They mean that, disregarding universal human dignity, your problem is YOUR problem and we have no moral obligation to help someone in need. This is contrary to the Christian faith.
How. the. hell. Can you say this? You have NO idea what the intention is of each and every immigrant.
Neither do you, yet you assert that they are coming here to support their children. That’s why each individual needs thoroughly vetted. See what their intentions are, and see if they can realistically be met.

Someone who doesn’t know English, has no money or technical skills, and has no place in the modern US economy, really can’t expect to do that in America, a country which is very expensive to live in.
It was you who made a blanket statement about all of them, and therefore demeaned them.
(I had to leave for a week and then come back to “reset” my six month visit visa). I
This also happens when one has an L visa for example in US,Pup. One has to leave US,house,everything and go to another country,find a Consulate and see if it is renewed.
I am not complaining. From day one,I say your borders ,Homeland Security does a careful job.
But trust me,it isn t easy. And again,not complaining.
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I agree with much of what you say here, but I do think the “bad apples” are WAYYYYY over-exaggerated. This is partly the fault of our nation’s discourse regarding immigrants.

It’s simply false most are merely coming here to murder, steal, and take advantage. It’s un-Christlike to say the children are not really children, or that the parents are lying, etc.
That’s true. I agree.

But I can see where that comes from as well. And it’s hard to not think it because of what some see where they live and what is on the news.

Your point is VERY valid.

But we have a nation to protect and citizens that should come first as well. So we can’t assume everyone has good intentions or that everyone is telling the truth.

Immigration interviews are real. We got asked all sorts of stuff just for a spouse visa and green card. They needed to be sure he was what we said he was - and yes, we went through just a touch of what a truly “unknown” person goes through (my husband had worked for the US government, so that eased a lot of the background check waiting). But we were treated the same, and they need to be sure you are what you say you are.

Even my security clearance is checked differently now because I’m married to a foreign citizen - even though he has a green card. LOL.

And there’s a lot of immigration fraud, especially to get into the US.
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(I had to leave for a week and then come back to “reset” my six month visit visa). I
This also happens when one has an L visa for example in US,Pup. One has to leave US,house,everything and go to another country,find a Consulate and see if it is renewed.
I am not complaining. From day one,I say your borders ,Homeland Security does a careful job.
But trust me,it isn t easy. And again,not complaining.
Oh I know. My husband had to do the same thing. I was only saying I had to leave and go back in case someone said “why were you in the UK for seven months when the leave to enter is for six” because I was on a tourist visa. LOL you know folks on here. We didn’t think it would take that long. We were told it wouldn’t, but were prepared financially in case it did. (And I couldn’t go to the EU and “reactivate” it - I had to actually leave - it’s like here, where I don’t think they let you just drive to Canada or Mexico and come back to ‘reset’ it.)

My point was more or less that I know what a task immigration is, because I’ve done it myself, both ways - emigrated someone here from abroad and immigrated myself to another country for three years. (Sometimes I forget I actually did that, LOL)
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Where is the world now?

Another reason why the whole foreign aid thing irritates me. We get criticized for “interfering” or even stepping in, we get nailed when we don’t, and when we could use assistance they run for the hills…but they’ll be back when those NATO dues are paid in full and when our UN contributions are paid out.

The true injustice was in the formulation of the federal law. Knowing that parents might well have unlawfully entered the US, and therefore be subject to deportation by, say, the Obama administration - granting automatic citizenship to “anchor babies” (strikes me as exploitation of the unborn - even human trafficking to a certain degree), guarantees that later injustice will occur.

Who formulated and passed such a profoundly flawed federal law?

Who is responsible for that?

There is also found the genesis of the current liberal/progressive hysteria.
As a legal immigrant myself who has fled Islamic terrorism in my homeland, I agree with you.
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