Yes, and then I weigh it against what I know, what I have experienced, and what I believe.Do you listen to the bishops for moral guidance?
No one is questioning morality here.
I question the laws, and why people balk at ensuring they’re followed. I question people who are quick to say this is terrible, and offer no solution. I see a lot of that. I don’t have solutions either. I wish I did.
Until you open your home up to even ONE of these people, unvetted, unquestioned, and unfaltering, you have no leg to stand on with me. Until you extend the same things to American citizens (allowing breaking of the law out of desperation) that you’re willing to extend to illegal immigrants, you have no leg to stand on with me. I’ve immigrated someone here legally. I know what the process is. I know what it costs. I understand why those laws are in place. I’ve been to the third world, and I know their life is terrible.
We have American citizens who live horrible lives. What I want is to see them treated with the same deference that illegal immigrants seem to get of late.
What is happening on the southern border IS NOT NEW. It has been going on for years. This is not some demented policy of this administration. It’s not new.
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