Who here likes video games? Anyone?

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I like sports video games. I specifically like MLB: The Show and Madden.
How does everyone who played The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth feel about it. It’s my personal favorite game but I’m conflicted on the religious references.

The creator, Edmund McMillen, talked about his beliefs and its relation to the game in an interview in, I think, Indie Game the movie. It has been a while since I’ve seen it, but I remember having problems with some things he said. Like the cliched irreligious mantra of “I tots respect religion and religious people but I have to wave my atheist flag”. He said when he was young he view people praying for his safety as them “casting a protection spell”. Also talking about parents whom have killed their children claiming “God told me too”, blaming the religious belief rather then the mental health.

I personally don’t find anything offensive in the game (The mother to me is more over the top and should not be taken too seriously). The religious references are just sort of there, not really being made fun of or respected. Though one of the endings I find interesting after you beat the final final boss for real, mega satan. I don’t want to spoil it but one can come to some interesting interpretations.
I have a conflicted history with this game. When it was first released and I took it at face value, the content and themes of the game somewhat troubled me. I think this wasn’t just that the Old Testament story of Isaac’s sacrifice has never sat well with me, but also because there were some disturbing truths expressed under the religious themes portrayed by the game.

However after watching Indie Game: The Movie, and reading up on interviews with Ed McMillan I gave the game another look and began to form a different perspective. To me the game isn’t a ridicule on Christianity or faith in general, but rather a story of a kid growing up in a broken home. Ed has stated that he did not have a pleasant childhood, as his parents were recovering/relapsed drug and alcohol abusers that had turned to Christianity and were very aggressive and unforgiving in their faith. From what I understand he speaks of them having a very bleak view of the world shaped by their own experience, which left very little room for love, hope, compassion and forgiveness. The game is drenched in this feeling and gives a twisted inversion of religion that is a misunderstanding of the faith. Where the game ultimately acts to criticise religion I believe is that some people hold faith and love as mutually exclusive, when in truth one cannot exist without the other.

Having a better understanding of the game’s background, I see this it as Ed McMillan’s medium (art-form if you will) of expressing how religion appeared to him in his youth, and you can’t blame him for being an atheist growing up in such an environment. He does however hold an opposing opinion that there is something about Christianity (intangible to him) that has possibly left him open to it. He has said his grandmother, who practically raised him and was a practicing Catholic, was to him the best representative of the faith. He quotes her as never being judgemental, and was always loving and supporting of him.

Having sunk almost 90hrs into it, I hold this game quite highly now; not just because it has fantastic gameplay and the addictive rogue-like elements, but also because it has a personal quality to it that many games just don’t try to have.
I lost my Yellow Version for several years, so maybe several years of not playing it kept it going more (plus I’ve heard that original Game boy cartridges last a long time). I like all of the Pokemon games, I tend to go for the special versions or the second of the paired versions; so I like Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, LeafGreen, Platinum, SoulSilver, White, White 2, Y, and Alpha Sapphire, and I plan on getting Moon. As far as console games I like all of those as well, though I’m as big a fan of XD because it doesn’t really have a battle mode, and I prefer the Stadium series overall. And yeah, I’ve brought up Pokemon a lot, I guess I’m just excited for the recent news. 😃
I’m not sure how bad it is to pull up quotes from a month ago, but I hope it’s alright.

I personally enjoy Emerald, LeafGreen, Platinum, etc. If I can get my hands on a 3ds I plan to start Generation 6 as well.
Does anybody here play Call of Duty on PC? I own all of the titles since Modern Warfare.

I want to get a regular clan going.
Deus Ex will be my last contribution to Gaming with Faith for a while due to a video script that I have to finish. In the meantime, I’m also playing Metal Gear Solid 2, which I’m not liking as much as the first one, and Ico, the art house counterpart to Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.

I’ve also played a little bit of Chrono Trigger, though it’ll take me a while to get used to its RPG mechanics. My brothers loved JRPGs when I was a kid, though I didn’t have the patience to beat any of them; I hope to finally beat Trigger and Cross if only for nostalgia’s sake (Chrono Cross is the more nostalgic one).
Fave video games are: Gorf, Galaga, and Arkanoid. I was particularly good at Gorf, having been able to get multiple cycles as a ‘space avenger’ on a quarter.

Of course, that probably dates me just a bit (especially if I mention I remember when they first came out). Did I mention I had a Pong game… when it was new? And, we used to have to walk to school… 20 miles… uphill… both ways…
Fave video games are: Gorf, Galaga, and Arkanoid. I was particularly good at Gorf, having been able to get multiple cycles as a ‘space avenger’ on a quarter.

Of course, that probably dates me just a bit (especially if I mention I remember when they first came out). Did I mention I had a Pong game… when it was new? And, we used to have to walk to school… 20 miles… uphill… both ways…
In the snow, too, right? 😉
I’m not exactly a gamer, per se.

However, I do enjoy playing them when the opportunity arises.

I’ve played video games since I was at least in middle school. This doesn’t include generic computer games during the age of Windows 98, 2000, ME, etc. (I admit I was a fan of Math Blaster. =P )

Lately, I’m into shooters and fighters games.

Any titles you have in mind?
I love the ps1 and 2 after that I kind of stopped playing but one of my favourite games was metal gear solid for ps1. I would tend to play games from my phone now such as candy crush, the walking dead the game.
I love the ps1 and 2 after that I kind of stopped playing but one of my favourite games was metal gear solid for ps1.
I’m only a few hours into Metal Gear Solid 3, but I think the first one is the best so far.
I love the ps1 and 2 after that I kind of stopped playing but one of my favourite games was metal gear solid for ps1. I would tend to play games from my phone now such as candy crush, the walking dead the game.
Ah, the Playstation 2. Nothing like Pac-Man World 2 and Lego Star Wars (the original).
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