Who here likes video games? Anyone?

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I’m playing the new Fallout 4 DLC Far Harbor. I think it’s entertaining so far. Lag is a problem though.
I’m also playing Fallout 3 on the side. Not a fan so far.

Oh, and I also beat The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection for the PS3 and reviewed it. Can’t wait to revisit them sometime down the line, especially Ico.
I still haven’t played Metal Gear Solid V yet, but of the first 4, I think 3 was the best.

Playing the new DOOM right now. It’s one of the best shooters I’ve played in a looooong time.
I’m also playing Fallout 3 on the side. Not a fan so far.

Oh, and I also beat The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection for the PS3 and reviewed it. Can’t wait to revisit them sometime down the line, especially Ico.
I don’t like Fallout 3 from a graphics stand point. I think New Vegas is a much better game. That being said, some of the DLC’s for Fallout 3 are good.
I don’t like Fallout 3 from a graphics stand point. I think New Vegas is a much better game. That being said, some of the DLC’s for Fallout 3 are good.
I actually just sold my copy because I wasn’t a fan of the gameplay.

I also finished Snake Eater. I enjoyed its ludicrousy; that’s one of the best compliments I can pay it.
Also just finished the first Uncharted, which means I’ll probably start the second one soon. Also working on Metal Gear Solid 4 and Halo 2, the latter of which I’m playing with a friend, so I’ll need to play it on his schedule.
Over half-way through The Last of Us; not sure what to think yet, particularly about its brutality. On one hand, Faxero in this thread makes a valid argument for a violent story of this type whereas Steven Greydanus would likely argue against it. Whichever side is right, I’m caring for the characters.
Has anyone here played and finished Inside, the new game from the makers of Limbo? I haven’t played it, but I have seen several complete playthroughs. The game itself is amazing both with regards to puzzles and mood. The narrative is left open so people can speculate and what was happening and why, but it feels as though these very disparate elements have been thrown together precisely so that there is no possible right answer – no narrative that can explain everything – so that there is that much more debate.

Off the top of my mind, how do the following pieces fit together? (Highlight below to see the spoiler space)
A manhunt with dogs for the lost boy, a secret bunker under a cornfield that appears to be controlling the boy, numerous dead pigs, mind-control leeches in pigs, mind-control helmets that seem to be for people 10 feet tall, massive lines of zombies being tested, zombies being shipped by crates and trains, the fact that if the boy is a zombie he can’t fall from great distances but the other zombies can, an underwater zombie (selkie?) that for the most part tries to kill the boy until the one time where she gives him the power to breathe underwater, a strange pulse that every few seconds destroys everything not nailed down, huge facilities that seemed to have been sunk or flooded, parts where water doesn’t obey the law of gravity, boxes seemingly powered by upside-down floating zombies, orbs scattered about, a strange glowing like deep in the water, and finally a zombie blob formed by a combination of other zombies that dies at the bottom of the mountain just short of the water.
I had a dream last night where I caved in and got Metal Gear Solid V.

Except it was a horribly butchered Wii version where Snake looked like Jack Bauer.
I’ve been playing lots of Team Fortress 2 lately. I love that game! Unfortunately, it seems there are lots of hackers with “spinbots”.
I enjoy video games, but I play sparingly - mostly sports (FIFA, NFL) and some RPGs like Bully and Prince of Persia. I definitely don’t consider my a “gamer.” If I ever save up for a PS3 (I don’t see a real need for a PS4 in my situation) or Xbox I’ll probably expand on those and purchase games like Heavy Rain, Rain, Thief, Limbo, Watch Dogs and Journey.
Has anyone here played and finished Inside, the new game from the makers of Limbo? I haven’t played it, but I have seen several complete playthroughs. The game itself is amazing both with regards to puzzles and mood. The narrative is left open so people can speculate and what was happening and why, but it feels as though these very disparate elements have been thrown together precisely so that there is no possible right answer – no narrative that can explain everything – so that there is that much more debate.
Inside looks amazing.
I enjoy video games, but I play sparingly - mostly sports (FIFA, NFL) and some RPGs like Bully and Prince of Persia. I definitely don’t consider my a “gamer.” If I ever save up for a PS3 (I don’t see a real need for a PS4 in my situation) or Xbox I’ll probably expand on those and purchase games like Heavy Rain, Rain, Thief, Limbo, Watch Dogs and Journey.
If you like action games and can take vulgarity, I’d recommend the Uncharted trilogy for the PS3 as well. And for something more on the artsy side, The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection (Ico is basically the arthouse counterpart to Prince of Persia).
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