Who here likes video games? Anyone?

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Yeah, I’m pleased to see that the series seems to have matured a bit; I haven’t played the new game but it looks like it at least tries to do something more thoughtful and interesting with its characters. Personally, I don’t see many redeeming qualities in the previous entries besides the high production values, but this new one is a game I’d consider trying out at some point.

I’m currently playing The Last of Us (PS4 version) on a recommendation from a user here and a few others, really enjoying it so far.

Also still playing Into the Breach and Splatoon 2. Pretty excited for E3 coming up, mostly on the Nintendo end.
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Splatoon 2
Same here. 🙂 Ever since the first one came out 3 years ago, I just can’t stop playing. 😝

I picked up Breath of the Wild again after a few months off. I will finish the game eventually! This is why I have never minded that Zelda games generally only come around once every 5 years… 😁
Yeah, I was initially a bit dismissive of the game (which is probably why I waited so long to play it) because I never really liked any of Naughty Dog’s past titles much, but I’m really impressed with the overall package here.
It’s pretty much the only multiplayer shooter I can really get into, I’ve also been hooked since the first game.

I appreciate the sequel even more because I’m a big fan of the versatility of the Switch controller(s) and the fact that it can function as a portable, whereas I kind of wished I didn’t have to use the Wii U Game Pad for the first one.
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Same here. The last/only shooter I had played before Splatoon was Goldeneye on the N64.

I played the first one a bunch, too. I was so accustomed to using the GamePad that I was a little concerned I wouldn’t like playing the second one as much, but that hasn’t been a problem at all. I went back and tried to play the first one again and found it difficult to do. I love that with the Switch I can just pick it up in portable mode and play a quick match and then put it down without having to spend five minutes turning on the TV and booting up the game.
Started playing FO3 last week after Bethesda’s big announcement for FO76. Finished FO4, well except for the Automatron DLC which I have no interest in. Can’t wait for them to reveal more at E3 on Sunday!

Before FO the extent of my “gaming” was Lego Harry Potter and The Sims, haha! Well, actually I did play The Godfather video game back when it first came out, but that was just because I like the movie and the book.
I’ve got that one waiting for me when I finish 3. I know so many who say it’s the best one, so I can’t wait!
Yeah, same. I haven’t really gotten around to New Vegas yet either, but I really like the first two Fallout games.
I’m into flight sims. One I like very much is DCS: A-10C Warthog. Very, very realistic. Just like the real A-10. Here is a tutorial on engine start-up.

Hehe it starts the same way as the crj. Oh what it’s the same engine. I’m currently waiting for ace combat 7 to come out. It’s been delayed for almost 2 years.
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They brought Snake back, already awesome in my book. Plus I’ve just been waiting to finally play SSB on the Switch.

Also, Ridley. :o
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You like that top down turn-based strategy type game i see. Your old school man.
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o/ (if you’re not familiar with this, it’s an emote of a person raising his hand!)

Video games are awesome for recreation. I especially love to play them after a tiring day at school. Currently, I’m mainly playing Overwatch.
My brother is an addict to that game, especially Phantom Forces. I have an account too but I spend to much time here on CAF.
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