Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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I’m curious - are you convinced Joe Biden is even mentally competent at all?

He’s hiding from the media; makes a million gaffes when he speaks; slurs his words; staggers through friendly interviews only by using notes and a teleprompter, etc., and certainly appears not in control of his faculties.
I never said a word about Biden - and I’m not American, and don’t consider myself to know enough about Biden to really comment on his intelligence, except again to say I haven’t really seen signs of any particular genius.

And as for gaffes - “Nambia” (not a real country), walking in front of the Queen and “covfefe” immediately spring to mind on Trump’s part.
all his gains come from other people’s losses
Totally unsupported and unsupportable.

Since when does creating a residence (times 500) cause anyone else to have a loss? It doesn’t.

(and it says nothing of the myriad of jobs his projects create)

Seriously, very few people could do what Trump did once, let alone 50 times.

Apparently there is nothing Donald Trump has ever done, or ever could do, that you would actually like or think was a good thing.
I actually Trump is very intelligent, maybe a genius.

As an example, how many people do any of us know that could turn a hole in the ground in New York City into a 50-story luxury high rise, and make a huge profit, once, let alone a dozen times? The number of astute businesspeople who couldn’t do it once is staggering; the fact he did it many times speaks to the man’s competence.
An astute businessman is one who would manage it WITHOUT the multiple bankruptcies and multiple lawsuits. Not to mention the ever-increasing number of former employees and co-workers who he clearly managed to seriously get off-side while working with them. There are a number who manage.

People are entitled to one or two mistakes, the man has clearly made far more than that.

For a businessman, I certainly wouldn’t call him a genius.
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There are a lot of people who think "covfeve"was Trump playing with people - and a typo in a tweet is not the equal of “120,000,000 deaths from COVID” like Joe Biden said last week.
It is impossible to run a business in the USA without lawsuits. That’s just how business is done in the US. A worker falls on the job? Worker’s comp claim. Neighbors think the work is too loud? Lawsuit. Neighbors say the new building blocks their view of the Hudson River? Lawsuit. Realtor turns her ankle showing a unit (and her heel was too high)? Lawsuit. Lawsuits are meaningless.

Trump’s use of strategic bankruptcies to shed debt is IMHO masterful - many bankruptcies are. Further, Chapter 11 of US bankruptcy laws exists to keep businesses operating, rather than shut them down.
Once again, Leaf, you’re making this up as you go, to justify your dislike of Trump.
Trump keeps giving me new reasons to oppose him every day. I don’t have to struggle to find reasons.

But the bottom line is no one can point to a single baby and say that Trump saved him from abortion. And no one can point to a single abortion and say “Biden caused that”. It’s all about position statements and lip service. Why do I say “lip service”? Because Trump and his supporters have not done anything to encourage pregnant women to carry their babies to term by something like guaranteed maternity services at no cost to them. The only measures they want to discuss are punitive. Those measures are currently outlawed by Roe v Wade. But giving free maternity services is not prohibited by Roe. They could do it today. If they really cared. Which is why I think they don’t.
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Something else you’re forgetting: The Presidency is in fact a bully pulpit and always will be.
I’m glad you mentioned that, because that is one of the chief issue I have with Trump. He has been terrible in his use of the bully pulpit. Just look at the mixed messages on covid-19 we keep getting from him. There’s blood on his hands for that just as much as you think there is blood on Joe Biden’s hands for abortions that he did not cause.
I’ve spoken about exactly your position elsewhere on this board.

To some people, there is literally nothing some leaders can do to be pro-life. Why? Because someone will say, “they could have done more.” You advocate for the unborn? Ah, you’re just pandering to your base. Always take a pro-life position? You didn’t open your home to an unwed mom. Open your home to an unwed mom? There were others you didn’t take in. Point is: No matter what you do, to some you’re never pro-life enough.

Heck, there are some few who think that you’re not really pro-life until you burn down an abortion clinic.

The fact that you are demanding “name the babies Trump has saved!” really shows that to you, Trump will never really be pro-life, no matter what he does. The fact that no one could name a baby saved by, say, essentially any pro-life politician really shows to readers the intellectual dishonesty of your position.
It is impossible to run a business in the USA without lawsuits. That’s just how business is done in the US. A worker falls on the job? Worker’s comp claim. Neighbors think the work is too loud? Lawsuit. Neighbors say the new building blocks their view of the Hudson River? Lawsuit. Realtor turns her ankle showing a unit (and her heel was too high)? Lawsuit. Lawsuits are meaningless.

Trump’s use of strategic bankruptcies to shed debt is IMHO masterful - many bankruptcies are. Further, Chapter 11 of US bankruptcy laws exists to keep businesses operating, rather than shut them down.
Running businesses well is about making money. Bankruptcy is what happens when the opposite occurs - when the business is run poorly and so makes no money - or not enough to cover its expenses and debts.

You’ll be trying to tell me two plus two equals five next.
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Can you give us some rough idea of the number of businesses you’ve ever run, as a proprietor, outside of maybe a lemonade stand as a kid, that would justify your saying this?
Perhaps you need to find the ‘EWTN Mortal Sin Guide’ to. I’ll stick to God’s Laws over man’s ‘intellectual pride’ beliefs. Thank you.
You do not get it. By abstaining you cede the possibility of even moving in the right direction.
You’re the one who obviously didn’t get it.
Bankruptcy is what happens when the opposite occurs - when the business is run poorly and so makes no money - or not enough to cover its expenses and debts.
Being in business does not guarantee success, 95% of businesses never make it past five years, There is risk involved. Successful people keep trying.
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