Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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I was thinking that Biden voted against the ban on partial birth abortion - which if course is the taking of a child in the moments before it is born …but it was Senator Ted Kennedy that voted against that bill
So I apologize for that error [I even think I posted it somewhere] …

However, like the Hyde Amendment and the Mexico City policy Biden’s abortion stance has changed to the point he has said it is essential medical service and he would do whatever he could to codify it so it could never be repealed. I think Biden supports killing babies even late term abortions

It is sad - but it is also a fact
If we continue to vote for the 2 major parties, we are giving them permission to continue on with the same & nothing to very little changes.

Vote for change by taking your vote away from the 2 majors & vote the alternative
How can you be in full control of your business when a court has to approve some of your dealings? Full control means just that.
Same as an owner of a company that is in full control but needs bank financing. Underwriters will have to approve. Happens thousands of times every day.
I’m sure the scrutiny an underwriter gives a business that their bank is looking to finance is orders of magnitude different from a court scrutinising the activity of that same business when it is running into financial trouble.

Remember subprime mortgage lenders falsifying paperwork and doing similarly shonky things in order to get loans approved to very high-risk clients who shouldn’t have gotten them? Difficult to imagine a court taking the same attitude.
Not only on CNN, so don’t try to change the subject by trying to imply the news media made it up. Multiple news organizations played the same clip in which he said that he does not kid: “I don’t kid, let me tell you, let me make it clear.” Trump was not kidding.
You can guarantee with 100% certainty that he will be elected? Do you have some inside knowledge? Are you a prophet? Do tell us your secrets.
Most of us don’t like he ignored intelligence reports of the Pandemic for at least 4 months and his inaction since then. 3,000,000 cases and over 130,000 American deaths are his responsibility. As President Harry S. Truman said about his Presidency: “The Buck Stops Here.” The motto of the Trump Presidency is: “I don’t take any responsibility for any of this at all”, and that is his own words, his own thoughts, and his own beliefs. There is no possible way to spin it.
Whereas I think he just says things - often illogical or unfounded things ‘from the gut’ as it were - and the people who think he is a good and/or smart person bend over backwards to make him seem competent by reading things into his comments. A similar thing happened with Obama but it wasn’t so glaring because Obama gave the impression of being well spoken.
hy does the Lamestream Fake News Media REFUSE to say … that we now have the lowest Fatality (Mortality) Rate in the World.
I would suggest that they are not trying to appeal to those uneducated people that you and @Elizabeth3 referred to. Not everyone is anti-intellectualism. Some people value intelligence and do not consider it lame. Some of us actual want our leaders to be intelligent and not uneducated.

For example, our mortality rate, right now, is 4.5%, and is not the lowest (one reason that lie might not have been reported) since the beginning of the pandemic. However, the mortality rate among the infected people is but one issue. If you have twice as many people infected (or ten times as many) as slightly lower mortality rate is hardly a bragging point.
They just can’t stand that we are doing so well for our Country!
Right. 😏 Viruses are unimpressed by nationalism and American exceptionalism. Rather, that attitude is why we are now in the leading the world in death.


President Trump is overseeing a loss of American lives greater than that of WW2, and he has been and aggravating and exacerbating factor, either through ignorance or willful agenda, refusing to even set the most basic of examples by wearing a mask among other people. He may be anti-abortion, but he is no pro-life.
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And how many babies did that voting record kill? Or conversely, how many babies did Trump save from abortion? I suspect the answer is zero for both questions.
The various pro-life organizations (front line workers, lobby groups, educational groups, etc.) would probably be able to provide you with stats.

In the case of many crisis pregnancies, women make a snap decision to have an abortion without a lot of analytical thinking and counseling. It’s a panic reaction, understandable.

BUT…pro-life organizations often state that if a woman will wait even 24 hours and think things through and talk everything over with a compassionate friend or pastor or pro-life worker who can show them the resources that are available, and of course, learn about what (or more accurately, WHO) is growing inside their bodies-many women will make the decision to carry the child to term.

Although ending the legality of abortion is still a long way away (I think it will happen as the population of the country grows dangerously low and as women who delay pregnancy into their mid and late 30s (often through using hormonal birth control methods) continue to have trouble conceiving and cannot find babies to adopt), I think that we have seen plenty of progress in making abortion a little more difficult to just walk in and undergo, and this means that more women have that 24 hours to calm down, think things through, talk it over, and make a decision to bear their unborn child and give birth to him/her.

And this is a GOOD thing. Pres. Trump is doing a GOOD THING by making abortion harder to obtain, not a stupid or ignorant or uncouth or alpha-male or fat-cat Republican thing. It’s GOOD to give women the alternative of choosing life for their unborn child instead of allowing them to walk into a “clinic” and have an abortion on demand before they’ve even had a chance to calm down, hear all the facts, learn what their resources are, and make an informed decision. I hope that you can at least agree that abortion is a horrible act and having a child is a wondrous act, and that the best thing that can come out of a unplanned pregnancy is a baby.
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Over 90% GOP approval and nearly 30% from the black community which should put him in. Hispanics too are warming to his success.
–This is true.

One of the things that ought to be evident is that any nationwide election brings into play a million intersecting groups. That’s one of the reasons people like Mitt Romney went nowhere: They just didn’t appeal to a lot of groups. Romney might have had the support of wimpy Catholics who demanded politeness over all – but there wasn’t some big group “Bikers for Romney,” like there’s a “Bikers for Trump,” and there’s more bikers in the USA than there are “wimpy Catholics obsessed with politeness.”

As to your comment, lots of hispanics are probably fed up with dems pandering to blacks but not really helping them; supporting policies that destroy families (many hispanics are very family-oriented), favoring a “this minority but not that minority” approach, etc., and come election day it would not surprise me if Trump outperforms GOP historical support with, say, hispanics - just as in 2016.

EDITING TO ADD: Some groups are bigger than others. For too long dems assumed one big group - blacks - were solidly for them. Mostly, they’ve been correct- mostly. That’s why Trump courting them and asking them, “what do you have to lose?” was so masterful in 2016. He picked up enough support to make a difference. My guess? Regardless of BLM, Many blacks quietly do not like the anarchy that’s beset urban areas these last few weeks and will quietly vote Trump in November.
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His first wife had more class (and intelligence) in her little finger than the current model. Wearing a jacket with “I really don’t care, do you?” scrawled all over the back is definitely NOT a class move from FLOTUS.

And very few people heard of Melania before she married him, so hardly a “supermodel”.
–It was only a matter of time before the hatred of Trump displayed on this thread turned into nastiness toward Melania.

On a Catholic board, no less.

If we give time, people will start to hate on Barron too.

BTW, interesting that now you decide to attack Melania’s intelligence too. Considering she speaks about 6 languages - which I’m guessing is about 5 more than you do - I wouldn’t go down that road, either.
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No need to satisfy me, and I am not talking about legal rights. There are many things that are legal that one should nevertheless not do (e.g. lying to your spouse about where you have been, procuring abortion, etc.). I was simply expressing my personal opinion that if you refuse to participate in the process then you have no standing to complain about the results. You have the legal right to complain all you want, and I have the legal right to either completely ignore your statements or argue against your standing (from a practical rather than legal standpoint) to complain.

I think enough said on this particular point.
Good citizens vote.

Sheesh, the sheer number of humanity even in 2020 who can’t vote for their own leaders in any meaningful way, would guilt me into voting even if I didn’t want to be part of the process.
Donald Trump has advocated constantly in favor of the pro-life movement.
Perhaps we define consistently differentlly?

In 99 Mr Trump told Meet the Press that he supported partial birth abortion.

Mr Trump’s own book The America We Deserve:

There are some issues I don’t want to say much about. I support a woman’s right to choose, for example, but I am uncomfortable with the procedures. When Tim Russert asked me on Meet the Press if I would ban partial-birth abortion if I were president, my pro-choice instincts led me to say no. After the show, I consulted two doctors I respect and, upon learning more about this procedure, I have concluded that I would indeed support a ban"

In Mr Woodward’s book he provides us with the turning point

Trump nodded. ‘You’ve got some problems on issues,’ Bossie said. ‘I don’t have any problems on issues,’ Trump said. ‘What are you talking about?’ First off, there’s never been a guy win a Republican primary that’s not pro-life,’ Bossie said. ‘And unfortunately, you’re very pro-choice.’

“‘What does that mean?’ ‘You have a record of giving to the abortion guys, the pro-choice candidates. You’ve made statements. You’ve got to be pro-life, against abortion.’
I’m against abortion,’ Trump said. ‘I’m pro-life.’

“‘Well, you’ve got a track record.’ ‘That can be fixed,’ Trump said. ‘You just tell me how to fix that. I’m — what do you call it? Pro-life. I’m pro-life, I’m telling you.’
( Emphasis added. )

Perhaps enough has been said, but let me just be clear about one thing: in no way do I consider my refusal to vote for Trump or Clinton in 2016 “a refusal to participate in the (democratic) process”. It is, rather, a decision that says I will not give my vote to a lesser evil.
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