Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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Well not everyone understands when he’s joking or being serious. I’m glad he wasn’t being serious this time, since it would seriously call his intelligence and grasp of basic things into question.
Uh oh. I just found this article on CNN: ‘Trump Now Says He Wasn’t Kidding When He Told Officials To Slow Down Coronavirus Testing, Contradicting Staff.’

He’s quoted as saying ‘I don’t kid, let me tell you, let me make it clear’ Trump told a reporter on Monday when asked again if he was kidding when he said Saturday he instructed his administration to slow down coronavirus testing.’

So there you have it … from the horse’s mouth, as they say.


know this claim has been repeated so many times that it feels like a fact (like Lizzy Borden saga).

Analysis | Trump’s comments on Democrats and ‘late-term abortion’ 4

Biden supports the killing of babies up to the moment of birth. He stated this clearly on June 30, 2020.

I repeat: Biden supports the mass murder of little babies. Up until the moment of birth.

The article mentioned by The Little Lady was published a number of months before Biden’s statement, so it is utterly irrelevant to the Biden’s newest statement, as he has drifted farther and father away from holding even the smallest dollop of care for babies.

But it is much, much worse than a mere mistake over dates. The Washington Post article was so slanted the National Review wrote a scathing article about its errors:

The Washington Post is notorious for its biased, anti-Christian religion coverage. And no wonder, given that the most noted WP religion editor, the famous Sally Quinn, recently revealed in her new book “Finding Magic, a Spiritual Memoir” that she is a witch. And not just a witch, but she is sure she has caused the death of three people by her hexes. She detests Christianity.

No devout Catholic would rely on the Washington Post for anything concerned with religion.
It seems like he was talking to a CBS reporter named Weijin Chang when he said ‘I don’t kid’ re the slowdown comments. It was also reported in Forbes and many other news outlets.

Do you really not believe he said this? I don’t know if you noticed, but he says a lot of crazy, inexplicable things. Just a day or so ago he said ‘99% of coronavirus cases are harmless’ which is obviously not true. It must have been comforting news to the friends and family members of all the people who have died horrible deaths from it.
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Support for your candidate can be done without promoting inaccurate claims.
Truth: Biden supports the killing of babies up to the moment of birth. He stated this clearly on June 30, 2020.

I repeat: Biden supports the mass murder of little babies. Up until the moment of birth.

This is not an inaccurate claim.

Sorry, but you were the one repeating inaccurate claims.
It seems like he was talking to a CBS reporter named Weijin Chang when he said ‘I don’t kid’ re the slowdown comments. It was also reported in Forbes and many other news outlets.
Sources aside, whether meant it or not, I would agree if he did.
Please provide a reference.

The Catechism says we are to excersice our right to vote in paragraph 2240.

And the church is critical of not voting in paragraph 191 of the Compendium of Social Doctrine, but it does not say we have an absolute duty to vote in every election. I have, for a long time, abstained from voting in races where neither candidate is pro-life. In 2016, I wrote in a vote for president (essentially not voting). I will likely do the same this year.

If I am going against Catholic teaching, I would like to know.

I would be shocked if anyone voted in every election consistently. Indeed, it may be irresponsible to vote at times if one is uninformed. I have abstained from voting on bond elections due to this.
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in its entirety - 2240 Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one’s country:
Pay to all of them their dues, taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due. 

[Christians] reside in their own nations, but as resident aliens. They participate in all things as citizens and endure all things as foreigners. . . . They obey the established laws and their way of life surpasses the laws. . . . So noble is the position to which God has assigned them that they are not allowed to desert it.
The Apostle exhorts us to offer prayers and thanksgiving for kings and all who exercise authority, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.”
There are acts which, in and of themselves, independently of circumstances and intentions, are always gravely illicit by reason of their object; such as blasphemy and perjury, murder and adultery. ( CCC 1756) . . . There are concrete acts that it is always wrong to choose because their choice entails a disorder of the will, i.e., a moral evil (CCC 1761).
These paragraphs from the Catechism suggest we not support mortal sin in any way shape or form. I think I will side with what’s ‘morally’ right. Not what political ideology I support. If that means I don’t vote…so be it!
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It seems like he was talking to a CBS reporter named Weijin Chang when he said ‘I don’t kid’ re the slowdown comments. It was also reported in Forbes and many other news outlets.
Ok. Let’s look at this in context.

CNN headline states

Trump now says he wasn’t kidding when he told officials to slow down coronavirus testing, contradicting staff.

But did he say, “I don’t kid. I did tell officials to slow down coronavirus testing” Like the headline implies?

Later in CNN’s article they state,

But Trump had a different story, telling a reporter that though he never gave an order to slow down testing, he really did tell his people that the United States would look better if fewer coronavirus tests were performed.

In an [interview with CBN News that aired Monday evening, Trump said he told his “people” – presumably his staff or Cabinet members – about his perceived “disadvantage” to expanded coronavirus testing, adding that he never ordered testing levels be lowered.

In the interview with CBN News, Trump was asked directly if he told his administration to slow down testing, as he said at his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Saturday night.

"No," he answered, "but I think we put ourselves at a disadvantage, I told my people. I said, ‘We’ve gotten so good at testing … We test much more than any other nation,’ so you hear about all these cases."

“So, instead of 25 million tests, let’s say we did 10 million tests. We’d look like we were doing much better because we’d have far fewer cases. You understand that,” Trump told CBN. "I wouldn’t do that, but I will say this: We do so much more than other countries it makes us, in a way, look bad but actually we’re doing the right thing."

Another headline from talkingpointsmemo.com

Trump Says He Wasn’t Joking About Slowing Down COVID-19 Testing: ‘I Don’t Kid’

In the body of the article, it states

Speaking to reporters outside the White House on Tuesday morning, Trump was pressed on whether he was kidding when he made the claim at his poorly attended rally.[Would like to hear the exact question he was asked and how it was worded. Can’t seem to find it anywhere.]

“I don’t kid, let me make it clear,” Trump said. “We have got the greatest testing program anywhere in the world. We test better than anybody in the world. Our tests are the best in the world, and we have the most of them. By having more tests, we find more cases. We did 25 million tests.”

What was he referring to when he said “I don’t kid.”? Was he really saying “I don’t kid. I did tell my administration to slow down testing?” like the media would have you believe in their headlines? Or was he referring to not kidding about the overall point he was making about the fear mongering over the numbers that aren’t quite an accurate reflection of current active cases?
I gave 2240. It does not say we have to vote in every election. Just as it does not say we have to all be in the army in time of war to defend our country.

The Church does not require us to vote for a morally objectionable candidate. When all coices are such, we can abstain from voting.
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Taken in context of his entire statement, he was making a point that we can’t keep things shut down for years or the death toll from suicide could be worse than the virus numbers.
This I agree with. Much of the depression I have struggling with recently has been due to all this COVID social distancing and the lockdowns.
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This I agree with. Much of the depression I have struggling with recently has been due to all this COVID social distancing and the lockdowns.
Yes. This is mentally taxing on just about everyone I know. I’m an introvert/homebody type and even I was getting stir crazy by week two. I couldn’t wait to go on my bi-weekly shopping trip for groceries. I would often joke to my husband who was working from home about it being another long, dreary day of house arrest. Hope you feel better soon. Prayers going up for you.
Hydroxychloroquine offered hope, but since Trump was the messenger, the media was desperate to quash it.
The media may very well have been eager to quash Trump’s claim, and I will readily admit that there is not only an anti-Trump, but an anti-conservative bias in the media. Why? Most of the mainstream media is controlled by the left, that is simply a fact. Liberals have advanced into numerous positions of power or roles in which they have a bigger megaphone than a conservative. The news, much of the corporate world, sports, entertainment, etc. The left controls the majority of all those things. So Trump was bound to be hammered by the left no matter what he did because he’s a Republican, and the left hates Republicans.

Having said all that, there is just as big of a problem with thinking that every time Trump is attacked, it’s the “swamp”, the “New World Order”, the “socialists”, etc. out to get him. People act now like Trump is some Messiah-like figure who came to save America from a destitute and dystopian reality; from the clutches of evil communists and sellouts who want to take over the world. That is not reality.

Here’s what is reality: Trump, first of all, cares first and foremost about his image. He desires praise and adulation above all else. A country struggling to contain a deadly virus doesn’t fit that picture, so what does Trump do? He pretends the virus will, or already has, magically “disappeared”. Trump may not be the “swamp”, but his actions are often no better - in some cases worse - than those in the swamp, and many of the people he surrounds himself with are hardly outsiders.The idea that Trump is some savior of American values or the last great wall (pardon the pun) of defense against the collapse of our society, which is what many Trump supporters believe or at least act like they believe, is like saying alcohol is the best way to get rid of physical health ailments. It may feel good at times, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best method.

As for hydroxychloroquine, the FDA does not consider it to be a proven effective treatment for COVID patients. Dr. Fauci had to temper the president’s remarks, because Trump thought it was the silver bullet without evidence, and suddenly a drug became the center of political debate. Sure, the media deserves a lot of blame for that, but the point is, Trump needs to defer to his public health officials instead of being the one to tell us what we should or should not be doing. He has proven himself very unknowledgeable in areas outside of business - such as natural disasters like hurricanes or pandemics.
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Biden supports the mass murder of little babies. Up until the moment of birth.
Exactly how does Biden support the killing of babies? Does he pay people to do the killing? Does he order anyone to kill? Does he decide who should be killed? Does he even want these killings to take place? No on all counts. The only thing he can be accused of is not wanting to make it illegal. That’s a bad thing too, but it is not the same thing as active support. What should be more relevant is whether the number of abortions will go up if Biden is elected. I don’t think so. Therefore I will be voting for Biden, if nothing else than just to end madness that is the Trump Presidency.
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