Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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I can vote for a third party candidate and then you think it’s ok for me to express a political opinion?
What about a write in vote?
At what along the spectrum of not voting should I stop complaining?
When you refuse to vote at all. When you refuse to vote, you are in effect saying you don’t care. So own that position and make no complaints about how the government is being run if it is really how you feel. If not, vote. Simple.
I’ve found the source of Biden’s newest stance on abortion, which now includes abortion up to birth. On June 30, 2020, the Supreme Court made a decision on a Louisiana abortion law. In response, Biden came out stated he would support abortion “under any circumstance”.
I know this claim has been repeated so many times that it feels like a fact (like Lizzy Borden saga).

This is an article that puts the claims into reasonable context:


Now, I understand that you are a supporter of Mr Trump and no one is going to change your mind. That is your right as a US citizen

Support for your candidate can be done without promoting inaccurate claims.
So are we as individuals supposed to come up with our own treatments and cures for illnesses? Or can we expect the gov. play a role in that?

What else can we take upon ourselves and have the gov. stay out of?

Road building - I am good, 3 of my 4 vehicles are 4x4
Police/fire protection - I’m ok on that
Education - I could get my son far enough to manage in a chaotic society
Power/water supply - I can get by if need be. Have 2 wells on my property

I would personally be good with the gov. being out of most everything it does, but I am not certain folks really understand what they would be like. Civilization as we know it today would cease to exist. It truly would be a “only the strong survive” world.
Couldn’t open the WP article, but found similar info, so am pasting it. If this is not what you were referring to please let me know.

When Senate Republicans attempted to pass a version of the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act in February 2019, President Donald Trump offered two inaccurate claims on this front.

Speaking at a rally in El Paso, he said that Northam “stated that he would even allow a newborn baby to come out into the world … then talk to the mother and talk to the father and then execute the baby.” We rated this claim False.

In a tweet sent days later, Trump said: “The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth.” We rated that claim False.

To be clear: killing an infant after birth is illegal, and people on both sides of the abortion debate agree that this act should be illegal.

Under federal law, the definitions of a person, human being, child and individual all include infants “born alive at any stage of development.”
Personally, I see no issue with requiring a mask until their is a vaccine that is widely available.
There it is.The whole thing boiled down.

A vaccine has never been successful for a coronavirus. What if they are successful but not available for two years?

Big vaccine is now all too happy to take the big bucks research money the feds are throwing at it. To keep the money flowing they need to keep the public hopeful. Who is the watchdog?
So what level is acceptable to you for a pandemic?

Personal, city, county, state, national, world?

One can be a proponent of something, but you have to make a decision on each item what level is appropriate.
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So what level is acceptable to you for a pandemic?

Personal, city, county, state, national, world?

One can be a proponent of something, but you have to make a decision on each item what level is appropriate.
The feds regulate entry/exit from the country.

The state governments handle the states.

The counties, the counties.

Each state has a health dept which looked to the feds for guidance and as I have posted before Pres Trump relied on too few health experts to get data that drove decision making. We look to WHO. Do you see the problem with this? WHO was either misinformed or purposely misled us. Before we caught on the virus was here and spreading. They got t=0 wrong.

Imagine we did not have a huge federal bureaucracy. Each state would have to take the lead. Each state would bolster their own health care systems since their would be no fed to rely on. The fact we have such a huge fed to make decisions for all of us a fundamental problem in and of itself.
Consider: Number of positive tests going up and deaths going down = death rate falling even below the .26%.

Locking down and mask wearing are delaying herd immunity.
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Parents are stressed that they have to teach their children. Who taught children before the advent of public school systems? Parents. Now it is too stressful for them to do it? It is too stressful for them to be an adult and deal with the situation?
I’m a homemaker. I don’t have this stress with my own children but two-income homes are in quite a bind when the parents have to work but they have young children at home doing school online. I’m a caregiver to a special needs little boy whose mother is a school social worker. Normally I have him before and after school. Depending on what happens in the fall, I may have him a few days a week all day and have to help him with his online classes. I’m not gonna lie that I’m a little nervous about that because I’m not trained to teach a special needs child. His mother works for another school district and likely will have to be there a full week even if the students are only attending on staggered days. I also have a daughter in 6th grade who I will also have to help and supervise. As adults, we will all deal with the situation as adults but that doesn’t lessen the stress it will cause all around.
Much of what he has said is pure fantasy, and not based in any facts presented by science.
I don’t see it that way. I think he is a thinker and problem-solver. I think he often thinks out loud turning over various possibilities whether they are viable or not. But again, I think most people who are adults can see that and don’t look at him like he’s supposed to be a daddy who might mislead the dumbed-down populace who can think for themselves. Take the injection of chemicals comment. I knew exactly what he meant when he said that even if he didn’t word it clearly as he was talking on the fly. We have certain chemicals that can kill the virus on surfaces. Is there some component or molecules of those chemicals that we can look at that could be a viable part of a vaccine or medication? Heck, we inject themerisol (mercury) into people with vaccines so would some scientist be willing to look at that angle a little deeper to see if there is something there? Why not? But the media ran with that, spun it, freaked out that the child-citizens would be guzzling clorox because they aren’t capable of not taking everything literally.
Should the adults there be allowed to do what they please, should the facility be allowed to do what they please and risk the lives of their residents. Should we as family members be allowed to do what we please and risk not only our parents lives, but the lives of all the other old people living there?
Here’s the thing. If the government issues guidelines and the latest information then nursing facilities, restaurants, theaters, mom and pop businesses, etc have the right to make whatever requirements they feel are necessary that are in the best interest of their customers and their business. Customers, in turn, can decide to comply with a business’ requirements or they can decline to do business there. None of this has anything to do with the government mandating masking and shutting down people’s livelihoods.
The precautions are there until science can catch up to the virus, and either develop effective treatments, a vaccine, or a cure. They aren’t for a lifetime.
And we should let businesses and citizens decide what precautions to take. I do wonder if they aren’t for a lifetime. Once we allow the gov’t to have this kind of control, then they will next be saying, “On second thought, we should require public masking and shutdowns during every flu season. It’s for the common good.” I have no doubt that will be the next over-reach.
Are we now to put more emphasis on money than lives? If not were do we draw the line?
Let people decide how much financial and virus risk they are willing to take. Don’t just order them home and then run up the country’s debt even more paying everyone to stay there.
You are allowed to be an adult as long as your actions don’t adversely affect other people. I can play russian roulette all I want with my pistols, but when I point the gun at you I have gone too far. The problem with the virus is you don’t know if you have it or not and could be infecting others, ie pointing the gun at them.
But we take all kinds of risks every day when we leave the house that may or not affect other people. Every time I get on the road, I take a risk that someone else may choose to drink and drive. If I’m afraid of other’s poor choices, I will change my behavior accordingly because it’s a fact that laws/mandates or not, people are still going to do what they are going to do.
Big government Cuomo and his policies are responsible for many nursing home deaths - to save health care capacity which turns out was not needed. And then no hydorxy. How many more people could have been saved. Ask the doctors on the ground about this. Zinc was the bullet, hydroxy the gun. Too much control…
I don’t see it that way. I think he is a thinker and problem-solver. I think he often thinks out loud turning over various possibilities whether they are viable or not.
Too bad Jesus wasn’t running for president. Come to think of it he wouldn’t get too many votes in America right now. Even being perfect would not be enough for some folks…
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Dems and Media to Blame for Countless COVID-19 Deaths After Anti-Hydroxychloroquine Hysteria​

President Trump has been touting hydroxychloroquine as a potential game-changer since mid-March after small studies showed it potentially served as an effective treatment for coronavirus patients. “I feel good about it. Just a feeling. I am a smart guy, we’ll see soon enough and we have certainly big samples of people,” Trump said at the time. Since then, the media has desperately tried to undercut Trump’s positive message about hydroxychloroquine’s potential as a treatment for the coronavirus, calling it “unproven” and claiming there’s “no proof” that it works, and that certain at-risk people can die from the drug. They pounced when Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed reluctance to fully endorse the drug because there had not been clinical trials studying it’s effectiveness as a coronavirus treatment yet.
Hydroxychloroquine offered hope, but since Trump was the messenger, the media was desperate to quash it.

I don’t see it that way. I think he is a thinker and problem-solver. I think he often thinks out loud turning over various possibilities whether they are viable or not.
Please review this list and find fact based, scientific evidence for these statements.

And we should let businesses and citizens decide what precautions to take. I do wonder if they aren’t for a lifetime. Once we allow the gov’t to have this kind of control, then they will next be saying, “On second thought, we should require public masking and shutdowns during every flu season. It’s for the common good.” I have no doubt that will be the next over-reach.
The flu is not the same as this virus. This virus is not the same as prior Covid outbreaks. Again, you don’t know if you are an unaffected carrier of the virus and transmitting it to other people.

Yes, we take a chance when we drive, due to drunk drivers or others on the road, but you do realize there are laws against those activities, which lead to severe penalties and sometimes jail time. Much, much different than the restrictions put in place. Got any numbers for deaths from drunk drivers each year. In 2018 there were about 10,500 deaths as a result of drunk driving. Where are we at now with covid, 130k.

Ordering folks to stay home or business restrictions didn’t have to come with gov. debt. The gov. could have simply not done any stimulus plan at all. I would have been perfectly fine with that. The way it was handled was completely ignorant.
When Trump tries to codify his sins into law the way Biden does, we can talk.

Biden’s sins aren’t the issue. He’s senile, his brain appears to be melting, and his party seeks to promote ths sort of sins we are talking about.

I haven’t seen Trump or the Republicans defend divorce and remarriage, or paying hush money, but I do see that Bidens and the DNC support protecting the right to kill your child up until birth (and some of them like doing it after birth - thanks Governor Northam), as well as defending a further entrenching of gay relationships into their faux-marriages.

So with regards to beefs you have with Trump - call me when he seeks remake government around them.

Only one of these two men is Catholic and presumably has the fullness of the truth at his fingertips. He’s also an embarrassment to the Church on a national level and the worst possible spokesman we could have. Kind of hard to defend the Catholic Church’s teachings when “Catholic” Joe Biden is proud of the fact that he thinks the Church is wrong.
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But guess what. The feds gave guidance and the pres. told to states to make their own decisions. Right?

He is the President. He could have relied on whomever he choose to rely on. He made his own task force. He is responsible for his decisions as president. If something was done wrong, it needs to be owned by the one who controls the fed departments in charge.

So, they were following your subsidiarity plan. How did that work for our country vs. other countries around the world who handled it differently?
But guess what. The feds gave guidance and the pres. told to states to make their own decisions. Right?
Yes. And that was a good thing… But too many think the President had miracle powers to cure this whole thing.

And I criticized him in earlier posts tor not widening his advice network.

So according to the Israel study it didn’t much matter if they took actions or not. The outcome pretty much was the same. 70 days from t=0 and virus pretty much over.
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