Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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Before you can deal with a problem, you have to acknowledge there is a problem. Trey Gowdy and the President are both in deep denial about the nature and severity of this pandemic, and I have a feeling one of them is going to be out of a job this November as a result.
Before you can deal with a problem, you have to acknowledge there is a problem. Trey Gowdy and the President are both in deep denial about the nature and severity of this pandemic, and I have a feeling one of them is going to be out of a job this November as a result.
Huh? Pres Trump was told by his health experts the models showed 2.2M deaths. He closed off travel to China against all of his advisors advice and was roundly criticized by media and dems. He put in PPP. he ramped up production of supplies er governor requests. Sent checks to US citizens to help. Sent help where needed. Dem Governors praised his helpfulness. Are you not aware of any of this?
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Not glib, I long for discussion where there is a distinction between real oppression, actual persecution and simple annoyance or inconvenience. Where those of us who live with Constitutional protection of civil rights, including that of free practice of religion, fall on our knees to thank God for this freedom instead of fearmongering and inciting outrage.
The post was Apr 22 by Gowdy. (not sure what date he spoke the words) He was pointing out some interesting things.
What was the purpose of you posting it here if you weren’t prepared to defend what was in it?

Conspiracy theories are only interesting for people who choose not to deal in reality.

Regardless of when he posted it, it is still full of nonsense and one would think that an elected official at the national level in this country would not subscribe so such. Just goes to show that some people will go to great lengths when they are feeling threatened. (not you Gowdy)
He didn’t cut off “all” travel from China. He let over 400k people return to this country after the ban. He could have stopped all foreign air travel form entering the US, or had customs ensure those people were quarantined under federal supervision.

There was no national plan on PPP. He basically told the states to handle it for themselves, and during that, the federal gov. was bidding against the states for limited supplies.

He didn’t send checks, even though he wanted his name on the memo line. Congress passed the legislation and he signed it.

Was there cooperation between some of the elected officials. Yes. Was there a national strategy to deal with this pandemic that was implemented. NO.
An Anglican, with a funeral Mass at a Basilica?
Thank heavens I noticed this posting, so I can rectify my incorrect statement. Kennedy did remarry in a civil ceremony, but later managed to get an annulment and returned to the church.
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Please, the rules apply to all of us.
He semi-responded when the death rate became too alarming to ignore. But then he shut down the pandemic task force, urged the states to re-open and refused to follow his own experts’ advice about social distancing and mask-wearing AND started up his rallies without implementing these policies - so it seems to me he has not taken this at all seriously, for reasons known only to himself.
He semi-responded when the death rate became too alarming to ignore. But then he shut down the pandemic task force, urged the states to re-open and refused to follow his own experts’ advice about social distancing and mask-wearing AND started up his rallies without implementing these policies - so it seems to me he has not taken this at all seriously, for reasons known only to himself.
Shutdown forever is what you espouse? If not, when?

Yes, Pres Trump shifted gears when it became apparent the drastic effects beyond the virus would have on us folks. Once again, t=0 was earlier than they knew. The horses already left the barn. This was a developing circumstance with many many variables.

I do fault Pres Trump for not expanding his health experts network and limiting them to Fauci and Birx.

Do not underestimate the fear factor the media and dems have provoked. At its worst the death rate was supposed to be around 4 to 5% of serious confirmed cases. We now know it is much less yet we are still in fear mode. A leader leads us out and that is what the President is doing. The worst is behind us and the stats how it. It is time to move forward.
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Senate advises on Supreme Court nominees, the Democrats controlled the Senate from the late 1950s to, some year like 1989 or later. It’s not all about just being able to appoint someone.
I think it’s the pandemic itself and the unknowns about the virus that have provoked the fear (at least among the people I know and deal with). Also, I’m not in favor of forever shutdowns; I believe the rubric set forward by the federal government was to re-open cautiously after two weeks of declining cases. Prudence does not equal fear.
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I think it’s the pandemic itself and the unknowns about the virus that have provoked the fear (at least among the people I know and deal with). Also, I’m not in favor of forever shutdowns; I believe the rubric set forward by the federal government was to re-open cautiously after two weeks of declining cases. Prudence does not equal fear.
We now know so much more and the data is trending strongly that it is not a death sentence as first put out. Just about everyone who dies has a co-morbidity. Most people get it and don’t even know it. The other cases are mild.

So why are we still wearing masks and social distancing?

And now we know that there is a treatment that reduces hospital load.
Good read today at The American Thinker

"It’s time that the politicians recognize, and the media accepts that the adults in our country have the right to make decisions about risks they are willing to take as it pertains to COVID-19. This isn’t academic. The media and politicians focus exclusively on the lives that have been destroyed by the mortality rate of the virus, which is tragic. However, they ignore the greater and much larger destruction of lives it has caused for those who remain, many who haven’t even gotten sick. Millions upon millions of job losses. Businesses shuttered and lost, millions of children displaced from school and the parents who had to suddenly become teachers and the stress and despair that comes with it all.

This virus isn’t going anywhere; that’s a simple fact. It’s time that we start learning to live with it like we learn to manage the risk, as with so many other things in our lives. First thing that needs to happen is that we need to get some real facts about the virus so we can make informed decisions. We also need to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated and led like children by the media and the politicians. We need to stop living in a fantasy world where we think it’s possible for most of the public to stay at home indefinitely and wear a mask for the rest of our lives when we venture out."

What some see as Trump bungling the Covid response is really the above points that this author is making, IMO. The article is not about Trump specifically but I do think it’s a philosophical difference in which Trump’s decisions are based on seeing us as adults who can decide what precautions to take based on the latest information. Others see the populace as children who need to be managed and told what to do for their own good.

Ok, going to play devils advocate to your post.

Parents are stressed that they have to teach their children. Who taught children before the advent of public school systems? Parents. Now it is too stressful for them to do it? It is too stressful for them to be an adult and deal with the situation?

Yes, people need to go based on facts, including the President. Much of what he has said is pure fantasy, and not based in any facts presented by science.

I haven’t been able to hug my 94 year old mother in over 3 months due to the lockdown at her assisted living facility. Should the adults there be allowed to do what they please, should the facility be allowed to do what they please and risk the lives of their residents. Should we as family members be allowed to do what we please and risk not only our parents lives, but the lives of all the other old people living there?

The precautions are there until science can catch up to the virus, and either develop effective treatments, a vaccine, or a cure. They aren’t for a lifetime.

Are we now to put more emphasis on money than lives? If not were do we draw the line?

You are allowed to be an adult as long as your actions don’t adversely affect other people. I can play russian roulette all I want with my pistols, but when I point the gun at you I have gone too far. The problem with the virus is you don’t know if you have it or not and could be infecting others, ie pointing the gun at them.
The article is not about Trump specifically but I do think it’s a philosophical difference in which Trump’s decisions are based on seeing us as adults who can decide what precautions to take based on the latest information. Others see the populace as children who need to be managed and told what to do for their own good.
Funny how different people see things… I think that Trump talks to the American people like they aren’t very bright. Platitudes, exaggerations/lies, name calling - while ignoring the best medical advise and setting a bad example which carries weight given his office.

Your comment about managing risk is the operative point… managing risk includes considering the risk we present to those around us. Personally, I see no issue with requiring a mask until their is a vaccine that is widely available.
What some see as Trump bungling the Covid response is really the above points that this author is making, IMO. The article is not about Trump specifically but I do think it’s a philosophical difference in which Trump’s decisions are based on seeing us as adults who can decide what precautions to take based on the latest information. Others see the populace as children who need to be managed and told what to do for their own good.
Indeed. Besides the other dividing issues in America right now this is a big one:

One side is given and accepts the consequences of personal decisions and responsibility, they take ownership

the other

denies personal responsibility and is always looking to blame someone else, claim they are victims and want mother government to fix it for them.
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