Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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One cannot assume this from the lack of support for Trump, anymore than one can say they are heart-broken by the racism of those that support Trump. Both statements have two major logic flaws.
I guess you missed reading all the comments here.
Impossible to tell sometimes on the forum. Ever discuss with a flat Earther?
But it is a BAD THING that he has done nothing to make it more desirable to carry a baby to term.
I don’t really understand what you want the President to do, and I’m not sure I understand what you think needs to happen for a woman to choose to carry a baby to term.

Before the pandemic, the economy was booming. It just makes my stomach hurt to think of all the factories that were opening up again here in our city, many of them leased by Hispanics who had done well enough after immigrating that they had enough money to start their own manufacturing business. And our unemployment rate in our city was the lowest it has ever been!

I don’t see a lot of these factories surviving this pandemic, and if they do, it’s because Pres. Trump went against his own Party practices and pushed for payouts to help individuals, families, and small businesses survive, and many Republicans went along with him (although there are still plenty of Republicans who are whining that we are in bigger debt than ever and will never be able to pay it back. What did THEY propose the hurting people should do–starve?).

What does this have to do with women carrying babies to term? Well, it’s a lot easier to make that decision if you have a decent job, or if the significant other in your life has a decent job.

Long-time pro-life activists will tell you that in the past, it was the POOR woman, especially a black woman, who was more likely to carry her baby to term, and the wealthy woman who was more likely to choose to end that child’s life. I know it’s changed, and now the poor women are just as likely as the wealthy woman to have an abortion. This has more to do with the moral decline in our nation than the political party in power at any given time.

So…as I said, I’m not sure what you think would make it more likely that a woman would choose to bear a child. And I’m not sure what Pres. Trump or any President could do to make this happen.
It does not mean I miss something just because I am of a different opinion.
Have you ever voted for pro-abortion politicians? If so, examine one’s conscience.

There is no way I will vote for enablers of abortion where half of all African American unborn are aborted, it sounds something like genocide.

If one supports people like Obama, owe up to it.
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With stare decisis on that issue there are so many others issues that are actionable.
I do not support the abortion plank of the Democratic platform, but it is hardly racist. If blacks are being aborted in higher numbers it is because black mothers are choosing to abort their babies. There is nothing in the laws that specifically calls for black abortions. Why are they doing that? I don’t know. But it could be their insecurity. Fix that and you will eliminate a lot of abortions.
Let’s see, if Republicans honored Margaret Sanger, called a white supremacist and racist by many, one wouldn’t hear the end of it.

And if Republicans made sure Planned Parenthood was funded no matter what, one wouldn’t hear the end of it.

And if Republicans supported Planned Parenthood that has its clinics overwhelmingly in minority neighborhoods or within walking distance, one wouldn’t hear the end of it.

And please, don’t call them “mothers” who abort babies, the system has it that many of these are teenagers… so, we really have the Democrats supporting laws where teen girls abort their own children?

And North Minneapolis, all of this, again, problems will remain until life is seen as not disposable.

So, the percentages for African Americans is 12% of the population getting up to 33% of abortions, one half of all black babies aborted. So, good, if one votes Democrats but claim they have nothing to do with this and one can look at those figures, that’s close to being genocide if not.

Oh, I get it, “I Vote for people like the Democrats, Obama, Biden, Clinton and so on but I have nothing to do with their actions”.
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And why do teen girls abort their children? Legal or not.

Lack of supportive resources? But then we don’t want people taking advantage of welfare, do we? How about if the Church stepped up its supportive efforts? And by Church I mean the people, not the institution.
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If anything, Trump saved lives, banning those flights from China and so on.
I don’t really understand what you want the President to do, and I’m not sure I understand what you think needs to happen for a woman to choose to carry a baby to term.
Like I said many times, support paid pre-natal and delivery services to all pregnant women, regardless of anything else, like ability to pay.
If anything, Trump saved lives, banning those flights from China and so on.
That may have helped, but it hardly offsets the damage he has done by avoiding sending a clear message of what we need to do to combat this virus - even disagreeing with his own pandemic response team, esp. Dr. Fauci.
Throughout the United States, there are nearly 3,000 Crisis Pregnancy Centers staffed by volunteers ready to provide real help to women facing unplanned or untimely pregnancies. In addition to providing pregnancy tests and counseling, these centers often offer a full range of services, helping women obtain housing, maternity and baby clothes, baby equipment, pre- and post-natal medical care, legal assistance and financial support, information about adoption, and even advice on how a woman in school can continue her education. Offering real and tangible assistance, these centers have helped thousands of women to realize that they didn’t have to choose between their own lives and the lives of their unborn babies. Crisis Pregnancy Center
That may have helped, but it hardly offsets the damage he has done by avoiding sending a clear message of what we need to do to combat this virus - even disagreeing with his own pandemic response team, esp. Dr. Fauci.
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Now we’re talkin! My wife does something called Mother to Mother ministry. There is more to this than the legality.
@Limoncello4021 , I fail to see your argument. Could you clarify?
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Rand Paul Confronts Dr. Fauci to His Face in Senate, Gets Big Admission
I skipped Rand Paul’s 6-minute rant and went straight to Dr. Fauci’s “Big Admission”. Know what is? It is that he admits he is unqualified to tell people that they cannot play a certain sport. That’s it. That’s the “Big Admission.” So I have no idea why you posted this as if it was somehow a response to what I said, which was:
That may have helped, but it hardly offsets the damage he has done by avoiding sending a clear message of what we need to do to combat this virus - even disagreeing with his own pandemic response team, esp. Dr. Fauci.
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