Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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Well, Trump’s views technically are more in-line with Catholic teachings than Biden’s (who, ironically, is Catholic himself).

It’s just too bad Trump is so incompetent that it really doesn’t matter. His lack of charity and pride are also far from Christ-like. He doesn’t understand what Christian dignity and charity are about.
But a Democratic President can veto a Republican passed ban on one of the most egregious abortions performed the Partial Birth Abortion - TWICE

A third passage of the ban by Republican was passed, signed into law by a Republican President and immediately challenged in court … Which was upheld by the SCOTUS in a a narrow 5/4 decision … the dissenters were Ginsberg, Souter, Stevens and Breyer …

Now consider the current make up of the SCOTUS … will the cause for life be furthered by more appointments like Kagan and Sotomeyor or Gorsuch and Kavanaugh?

And to those who want to discuss the failures of Republican appointees …

I concede that Republicans have been disappointed at times …
Democrats don’t seem to suffer any remorse …

Why might that be? My thought is that they have purified the party to such an extent - their Big Tent is pretty much owned and controlled by the abortion lobby - there is do dissent allowed in - except those who are relegated to obscurity and as a ineffective minority for example the Democrats for Life. Their numbers - never large - have dwindled to almost non existence and whose only purpose is to provide coverage for some Democratic candidates in conservative areas for local races …

I stopped considering those candidate [D]s about the 4th time a pro-life Democratic candidate changed their pro-life stance when they wanted to rise in prominence in the Democratic Party … sadly Joe Biden is one example of that - the more power he wanted in the party - the more his Catholic faith and pro-life stance turned to vapor … for Biden - there are no pro life fumes left - at all.
Who should we vote for then and why?
I would recommend voting for someone who wouldn’t get expelled from grade school for his everyday behavior. Or someone that is appropriate for our children to listen to. Or someone who doesn’t visit with and payoff prostitutes. Or someone that believes in science. Or someone who can hold an administration together. Or someone capable to leading the country in a crisis. Or someone who’s policies I can support in good conscience.

We have two very bad choices this election. I won’t be voting for Trump, who I consider to be the worst President in my lifetime; perhaps of all time
That isn’t an answer. Who specifically should we vote for and why?
he has botched his response to the coronavirus pandemic.
In what ways? You do realize we are dealing with a novel virus that we know very little about? How we react is according to the best information at the time which may or may not change as new information becomes available. You also should realize that Trump wasn’t on his own making decisions. He surrounds himself with advisors and experts who are relaying the latest information as well. Fauci and Birx, most notably.

It’s a delicate balance between taking extraordinary measures against a virus and shutting down the country which immensely hurts the poor and vulnerable most of all. Many people, who for the first time were beginning to dig themselves out of poverty due to the low unemployment rates and who had hope have found their hopes dashed with this extended lockdown. And we have to take into account the enormous amount of money that had to be sent out to Americans due to their loss of income. That hurts the country too.

We have to be reasonable. We are talking about a novel virus. No one, not even the President, can stop people from getting it. No one was prevented from taking all the precautions they wanted to take. There’s a lot of personal responsibility for whether one gets a virus or not. Even then, nothing is guaranteed. The fact is, we are all going to get this virus. The lockdown was to slow the spread, not prevent people from getting it.
Yes. Sadly, I think Trump will go down as one of the worst presidents in American history.

Too bad. He really had potential, contrary to what some may have thought, to be a good leader. But in the end he needed to be saved from himself and that never happened.

All that work he did for the economy? Flushed down the drain! His only real positive lasting legacy will be his SCOTUS appointees. Otherwise his presidency has been an utter failure in every way conceivable.
I’m voting for Kanye West, at least I like his music, cant say anything I like about the other two guys.

If America is going to down, the music played in the background should be AWESOME.
I would vote for Kanye in a heartbeat. In fact, I may just write him in…
If one is going to write in a name, or vote for someone other than Trump or Biden, I think voting for an actual person like Brian Carroll (who, depending on your state, may be on your ballot rather than a write-in) would make much more sense than joke write-ins like Kanye West or Mickey Mouse.
I was half kidding about Kanye. I am considering a vote for the ASP…
Ok ill continue playing, you said “as long as they do no harm” I said they were doing harm, just not physical. Emotional and mental harm is still harm, especially after the concentration camps.

However I stand by “know your enemy” I’ll do you a favor and give some advise, I’d drop the triumphalism because it is beginning to sound anti Semitic.

What did others countries do in response to the virus and what were their results?

To imply, there is nothing that could be done is pure ignorance, when other countries have had much, much better response to it.

I hope folks realize that we will soon be having an increase in cases each day than some countries had total.
I didn’t even come close to implying that nothing could be done.
/scratches head. As i said better to know where they are than to silence them. It was harm to the Jews of that community whether you disagree or not.
Sure. Say what you think. You’re the one who brought up the Jews, not me. Or are you going to deny that as well?
I asked a question, guess we got our answer. You can try to twist it all you want, the posts are there for all to see.
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