Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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In what ways? You do realize we are dealing with a novel virus that we know very little about? How we react is according to the best information at the time which may or may not change as new information becomes available.
Yes, but novel virus or not, there were warnings ahead of time that a ‘coronavirus’ of sorts could be the next pandemic. Just like how the Bush administration ignored warnings from experts about 9/11, the Trump administration ignored pandemic warnings and continually (and actually, continues to) downplay it. Trump does not even pay any attention to the “best information available at the time”. For example, experts are in virtually unanimous agreement that masks help slow the spread of the virus. Trump refuses to wear one and has even mocked the idea of doing so.
He surrounds himself with advisors and experts who are relaying the latest information as well. Fauci and Birx, most notably.
Who he doesn’t really listen to. Dr. Fauci (who, as a fun fact, happens to be Catholic by the way) had to contradict the President when he started touting a drug that had not yet been proven as an effective treatment for COVID. The FDA has since come out and said it has not been proven to help.
We have to be reasonable. We are talking about a novel virus. No one, not even the President, can stop people from getting it.
No, but the President can implement measures to mitigate the spread. If he had been responsible in his message alone, perhaps the country would be back to work now without surging cases. Some of that fault lies on the state and local governments, too, and on people who ignore public health warnings. But the President is primarily responsible for protecting his citizens.
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Yes, it’s interesting. I see Trump supporter dismiss, as you say, the fact that he’s in a third invalid marriage, that he’s had affairs, that he paid hush money to a porn star, that he has been caught in blatant lies again and again, that he constantly insults and degrades others on Twitter, etc with this exact argument - “he’s our president not a saint”… but then they’ll turn around and blast Biden for his personal sins. It’s fascinating.
Trump is like Gollum from ‘Lord of the Rings’, always drooling over his “precious”. Except unlike Gollum, his “precious” is not an inanimate object or even power, it’s himself and everything he says and does. When has Trump ever issued a sincere apology for anything, or taken his appropriate level of accountability?

Sure, he issued a half-hearted statement that he “should have acted sooner” with the virus sometime in March, but nothing was really said afterwards, and that statement barely got reported anyway.

All we’ve heard from him, for the most part is the following:

“COVID is the Democrats’ new hoax”

"Some Governors have been unappreciative of my efforts during this time, I may withhold aid from them if they don’t start thanking me (never mind you’re hurting millions of Americans by doing that, not the actual Governors)

“I’d give myself a 10 out of 10 on handling this”

“I should have been a doctor”

Oh, and he’s also busy fanning the flames in our country’s race wars and not doing anything to unify people, and posting on Twitter about how bad the fake news media and his political opponents are.

He lacks tact, diplomacy, knowledge, and basic human skills needed for the job. He can’t even explicitly say what his goals are for his second term. He is a national security threat, a danger to the well-being of our citizens, and a narcissist who believes he’s right and everyone else is always wrong. Those are NOT the traits of a good leader. This pandemic has exposed that he truly has no idea how to take charge during a national/global crisis. The only silver lining is that at least it happened near the end of his term so there is a chance for him to be voted out of office. It’s just unfortunate that the alternative to Trump is no better from a moral perspective.
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Not according to his oath. His primary duty is to protect the Constitution.
Yes, I meant that during a national crisis he assumes the primary responsibility to handle it, not states or citizens.
If you consider “normal” politicians like Mitt Romney to be effeminate for speaking diplomatically / politely… then you must also condemn pretty much every bishop / priest on the planet as effeminate.

Trump’s insults are often mean spirited and juvenile. Even if you support his policies - and yes many (though not all) of them are in align with Catholic morality - no Catholic should hold up his routine insults as a Catholic model of manliness as you apparently are doing. A Catholic man is kind and charitable in all things and at all times.
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In what ways? You do realize we are dealing with a novel virus that we know very little about?
Other countries had better response. We’ve had the most deaths, and it’s spiking over many parts of the country.
The word properly used in the Declaration of Independence is unalienable. An inalienable right can be alienated. An unalienable right can not. But I’ll take your word for it. You said what you meant.
Other countries had better response. We’ve had the most deaths, and it’s spiking over many parts of the country.
Which ones specifically and how did they achieve better results?

Who has the most deaths per capita?

Are things “spiking” because we are doing more testing? Does it matter if cases are “spiking” if our hospitals are able to handle this “spiking?”
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I used the word “effete.” That is not the same as effiminate.

That aside, I, and many voters, do not appreciate or respect the Romney/McCain/Paul Ryan school of “you’re going to viciously insult me and namecall, and I’m going to stand there smiling and mumble pleasantries in response.”

If you watched the Ryan/Biden debate several years ago, Joe interrupted; talked over Ryan, etc., – and Ryan sat there and let him do it. . . . I don’t want my elected leaders being all polite in the face of nastiness.

The fact that Romney & McCain never won nationwide elections is lost on no one.

Are bishops & priests that way? Well, Cardinal Dolan in NYC seems to enjoy backslapping with his pal Andrew Cuomo - who, by behavior, is no friend of Catholicism. And Pope Francis is usually very polite - particularly to the vicious godless Chinese communists, to whom he’s basically sold out the Church in China.

If that’s politeness, I want no part of it, and neither should you.
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My dictionary says:

Inalienable : unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.

Unalienable: another term for inalienable…
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I resolve it because it never happened. It’s made-up fabricated news, which seems to have been debunked by the intelligence community.

You want . . . wimpy? How about Obama, apologizing to and fawning all over the Iranians while delivering them planeloads of cash.
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I don’t believe they would have changed it in the Declaration of Independence from “inalienable” to “unalienable” if they meant the same thing.
It most certainly has - and it took all of like 3 days.

Now no one can debunk the craven fawning Obama, who basically spent 8 years apologizing for American greatness and kissing up to muslims.
The election is a foregone conclusion, so all this really doesnt matter, because the election results will show what we have known for a long time. The minds of the electorate will quickly resolve the current political mess we are in.
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