Yes, but novel virus or not, there were warnings ahead of time that a ‘coronavirus’ of sorts could be the next pandemic. Just like how the Bush administration ignored warnings from experts about 9/11, the Trump administration ignored pandemic warnings and continually (and actually, continues to) downplay it. Trump does not even pay any attention to the “best information available at the time”. For example, experts are in virtually unanimous agreement that masks help slow the spread of the virus. Trump refuses to wear one and has even mocked the idea of doing so.In what ways? You do realize we are dealing with a novel virus that we know very little about? How we react is according to the best information at the time which may or may not change as new information becomes available.
Who he doesn’t really listen to. Dr. Fauci (who, as a fun fact, happens to be Catholic by the way) had to contradict the President when he started touting a drug that had not yet been proven as an effective treatment for COVID. The FDA has since come out and said it has not been proven to help.He surrounds himself with advisors and experts who are relaying the latest information as well. Fauci and Birx, most notably.
No, but the President can implement measures to mitigate the spread. If he had been responsible in his message alone, perhaps the country would be back to work now without surging cases. Some of that fault lies on the state and local governments, too, and on people who ignore public health warnings. But the President is primarily responsible for protecting his citizens.We have to be reasonable. We are talking about a novel virus. No one, not even the President, can stop people from getting it.
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