Why do anti-abortion signs

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I truly believe that at the root of our disagreement is the avoidance of reality. This may be something that we learned or didn’t learn as children. It is not necessarily our fault. We live a privileged existence full of creature comforts. We are not to be faulted for not being taught about evil. That we have crucifixes that are made so discreetly so that we can easily forget the reality of the gory violence inflicted on our saviour. I have seen churches that skip the crucifix altogether and just have a plain cross. But I believe that as adults we have to challenge ourselves and perhaps each of us in this discussion could say in our prayers: Please Lord help me and guide me. Show me the truth. Am I insulated from reality? OR Am I too harsh and trying to rub peoples’ face in sadder aspects of reality in a way that is not productive?
You make some excellent points The thing is, I agree with you. That is, I agree with you in reference to adults. I do not agree that children need to face these realities. Thus, where one of our differences lie, I suppose.
Bear6 I dont know what you are saying. Sorry.
LOL! I guess I’m hopeless in putting my thoughts into words. I believe that these signs are self defense on the behalf of those about to be aborted. In order to put this theory into something one can possibly more easily see I gave the scenario of what one would do if they saw the 2 year old next door about to be abducted by a know child abductor and they had the opportunity to stop this guy by shooting him. I believe most would be fine doing this even if their child was right next to them. (just for the sake of this argument can we pretend the guy is 280 lbs. and the only way to stop him would be to shoot him). Does it make a little more sense now? Sometimes the self defense of others comes before our children’s innocence. And no, I’m not just disregarding my children’s innocence.
Mom, most of the folks going in an abortion clinic have no idea that what they are ready to commit is murder. I am not an abortion protester, but I think that graphic signs need to be used to stop murder. Most of these “mothers” have been brainwashed by the radical left telling them that it is their “right” and their “only option” to destroy the fetus living inside of them. Now, I think that maybe a picture of a formed fetus and a picture of an aborted one should be displayed side-by-side or top-down on an abortion poster, along with the # of an adoption agency and a pro-life counselling center, could be in order. We know that Planned Parenthood has advertisements telling women that “theirs is the only voice they have” and that from the minute they call that toll-free number that they are infused with propaganda to kill their child. Sometimes young girls are driven to other states without the consent of their parents (which is kidnapping) to be able to procure an abortion. Now, I think that if some child of 5 or 6 years old happens to see an aborted fetus, it may change the mind of a pro-choice mother and keep them scrambling to make up excuses as to why it’s okay to kill innocent children (children in our day and age, unfortunately, see more murders on television by the time that they are that age and are already accustomed to it – I doubt that it will affect them more than television does, which is why you need to send a positive and reinforcing pro-life message, and keep doing what you are doing). We are not allowed the same priveleges as the opposition, so drastic measures must be taken, with charity of course. Instead of shouting slogans such as “you’re going to Hell”, I believe a pro-life protester needs to shout something like “God loves you and your child” to the mother going in the abortion clinic.

Holy Trinity, the Parish which I am registered at (I normally go to Divine Liturgy at the Eastern Catholic Church), has a display in a plot of their land which has a bunch of white crosses symbolyzing the aborted fetuses which die and are sent to heaven everyday. It looks like a graveyard, and it says “Abortion is Murder”. Drastic times call for very drastic measures.
I’ve clarified more than a few times that it makes me sick that our society is in a situation that makes the use of these pictures necessary. I’ve also clarified at that I spend much time in prayer that my children will be able to deal with these pictures in the instances where they see them. I do what I do for my children as well as for the babies about to be put to death. If you think you’re in a world of hurt now, I don’t think that it’s compared to anything that is coming in our world. God is not going to bless a country that is killing their own.
Yes, it sad and sick what our society on so many levels have become…. No One here is denying that. I don’t even deny it. However, I it is my opinion I should NOT bog my children down with what I believe are “adult” worries. Abortion in my opinion is an “adult” worry.
I’d suggest you try and read the posts with an unbiased mind and read everything we’ve posted. I’ve never said a child’s innocence doesn’t matter. I’ve tried to give some clear parellels that must have fallen short.
Again, if I misunderstood you then I’m sorry.

As for reading with an “unbiased” mind: EVERYONE here should be reading with an “unbiased” mind. 😉

Everyone has opinions on the matter, and SOME of us came into this thread with their mind one way or the other. I know that I may of misunderstood your postings, however it just seems that every time someone said anything about the lost of a child’s innocence you would say thing like “we’re not talking about the taking away of innocence. We’re talking about the taking of a human life.”

I know that your mind is already set when it comes to the use of these signs. You believe that we should and must use the signs. You believe that it is a shame that young children see them, however we need to protect the life of these unborn children. You believe that these sign need to be used. Now is it the only way? You admit no, but it’s the one of the most effect ways. It is my understanding that you believe that we need to use what is effective, and pray that our kids over all will be okay; hope and pray that they will not be permanently harm.

Hmmm, unbiased…

Anyway we should all try to be unbiased! Sometimes it easier to be unbiased sometimes it’s harder. It’s easier when you haven’t been hurt or effected in some way or another.
Instead of shouting slogans such as “you’re going to Hell”, I believe a pro-life protester needs to shout something like “God loves you and your child” to the mother going in the abortion clinic.
I can’t agree with you more on this point!!! Sadly the only protesters in my area shout these things. The ONLY thing I’ve personally have seen, with my own eyes, are them (the protesters) yelling things like “you’re going to Hell”. That could be some of my problem…. When you only experience something one way…it hard to understand how these signs can be a good things. Actions speak louder then words, and maybe in this case the protesters actions speak louder then the signs.

Add that to the way my kids reacted to seeing the signs…. It’s a nightmare for me. I just can’t see the good! Thank God my kids don’t question or ask if they are going to Hell, if they were doing that, I would be going insane. I think God gave them grace to spare them from thinking those thoughts. Thank-you God for that Grace and sparing them for thinking they are going to Hell. That has been a blessing, I’m so thankful that my kids DO NOT think they are going to Hell.
Holy Trinity, the Parish which I am registered at (I normally go to Divine Liturgy at the Eastern Catholic Church), has a display in a plot of their land which has a bunch of white crosses symbolyzing the aborted fetuses which die and are sent to heaven everyday. It looks like a graveyard, and it says “Abortion is Murder”. Drastic times call for very drastic measures.
We have a church here that has a similar display. The church is near where their Grandma works and near the Dr. office. My kids can’t read, yet. They have seen the crosses and asked me why all those crosses are there. I told them that they were for all the babies that have died. They never asked how the babies died, so I never shared. Also seeing a field of crosses is much different then seeing a picture of an aborted baby.

I honestly think they just thought it was a cemetery and those crosses were graves. They know what a cemetery is and what a grave is…. their cousin died 3 years ago in a car accident and we take the kids out 3 times a year to her grave. We take them, on their cousin’s B-day, the day she died, and all souls day.
LOL! I guess I’m hopeless in putting my thoughts into words. I believe that these signs are self defense on the behalf of those about to be aborted. In order to put this theory into something one can possibly more easily see I gave the scenario of what one would do if they saw the 2 year old next door about to be abducted by a know child abductor and they had the opportunity to stop this guy by shooting him. I believe most would be fine doing this even if their child was right next to them. (just for the sake of this argument can we pretend the guy is 280 lbs. and the only way to stop him would be to shoot him). Does it make a little more sense now? Sometimes the self defense of others comes before our children’s innocence. And no, I’m not just disregarding my children’s innocence.
Thank you bear6, you are a champion.
God Bless
Yes, it sad and sick what our society on so many levels have become…. No One here is denying that. I don’t even deny it. However, I it is my opinion I should NOT bog my children down with what I believe are “adult” worries. Abortion in my opinion is an “adult” worry.

Nobody wants to bog their children down with this worry. I certainly don’t. A child at deaths door, however, deserves a defense and the best one that we can give.
Again, if I misunderstood you then I’m sorry.
Now Mommy, it seemed that you came here with guns ablazing because you felt that your children were being attacked. It rather reminds me of the way I react when someone swears in the vicinity of my children.
Of course I did! That’s what started this thread. I was angry and upset over what those signs did to my kids. I’m still not happy, but the anger has cooled down. Now, just because the anger has cooled doesn’t mean I think it’s right.
Did you ever stop to think that some day the efforts of these sign holders might in some way actually protect your children?
I never question the efforts, I never question the why. I question the method. I still question the method. The method, in my opinion, just doesn’t seem right; it doesn’t seem like it the best approach. I still believe there are better ways.
It could protect them from actually having an abortion (we can never say that our kids are immune from sin).
I never totally question what the signs can do; I just question the method. The purpose of the signs is to educate people, right? Well, I know there is more then 1 way to educate and reach people. I also know that education has to start at home. Parents need to be educated their children, on these things, when their child is ready for it. Parents should not be leaving sex education in the hand of the school systems, any school system. Yes, I believe abortion is apart of sex education.

If parents educated their children, then that would help. Most of these women that go to these clinics have friends, family members, co-workers, etc. If friends, family members, co-workers, went to these women and men and said something to them in a loving way that would help. I know that many people would not know if someone is pregnant early on unless they said something. However, most can see that something is bothering a person. They can see if someone seems to be upset, or more quiet then normal. They can see if someone seems to be lost, etc. All it would take is just going up to that person you knew, and saying you just don’t seem like yourself lately. Is there anything I can do to help?

People should have on hand the number and names of clinic and counseling centers that would truly explain to these women and men what ALL of their options really are. Yes, men too. Men can also show signs of being under stress. They need help and support as much as the women do. Everyone needs to be properly educated, and those that are properly educated need to know the names and numbers of the place that can help others in there time of need.

I just don’t understand how these protesting with the signs work, and this could be from what I have ONLY actually seen. I never see any thing done with love and charity. So I don’t understand how there is love and charity. Are post-aborted signs the only sign used??? Do the signs have numbers on them that the women or men can call to get help??? Are the men and women willing to come over and talk with the protester??

You see, I can answer NO to all the question I just asked. This is because the signs here just show an aborted baby and say “it’s murder”. The protester, here, just yell things like “your going to Hell”. So I don’t get it. The men and women here don’t have help. They never is a million years would walk up to these protesters for help. So I just don’t get it. How is it different where you are? Are there other signs? Is there away for these women to find out how to get help? Is the only to find out how to get help by talking to the protesters, or can they read and get number off of the signs?
It could save them from going to jail for saving babies lives. It could save them from having to deal with a friend who’s gone through an abortion. It could save them from a chastisement that this nation deserves for killing millions of babies,etc., etc., etc.
The thing about sin and evil if it’s not one thing it’s another. Also abortion is nothing new to cultures and society. Women have been aborting children of centuries. Women have be aborting babies before Christ. As long as there is sin and evil in this world, someone somewhere will have an abortion. Granted, we can help slowing it down and drop the numbers dramatically, however it will not completely end.

With that said, I hope that by the time my children are at childbearing years the abortion rate will have a dramatic drop. I hope that they will never personally know someone that has had an abortion, or is thinking of having abortion. However, I know that as long as sin and evil are in the world it is always going to be possible for them to know someone that either had an abortion or thought of an abortion. The day sin and evil will be completely gone is the Day that Christ returns: Something we all are waiting for 🙂
I’m not saying that anyone needs to take their kids down to the clinics so they can watch the picket line. I am saying that condemning the actions of those who hold those signs might be out of your purview.
Everyone keeps talking about going to the clinic or passing the clinic. However I WAS NOT at or NEAR a clinic. I was at a hospital visiting my father-in-law. This hospital was the same hospital that my hubby had his surgery, which was hard on the kids. They didn’t want to see Dad because they were afraid that those people were going to be outside. My hubby got to go home LATE the same day as his surgery, but the kids didn’t want to go to the hospital to see him. So they just waited at home with Grandma for Dad to come home. Luckily Hubby got to come home the same day, but what if he had to stay for several days??

Now I know for a fact that the “clinic” is a few miles away from the hospital, a 30-minute car drive, across town really. So what reasons would the protester have to stand outside the hospital, when the clinic is across town?
Of course I did! That’s what started this thread. I was angry and upset over what those signs did to my kids. I’m still not happy, but the anger has cooled down. Now, just because the anger has cooled doesn’t mean I think it’s right. I never question the efforts, I never question the why. I question the method. I still question the method. The method, in my opinion, just doesn’t seem right; it doesn’t seem like it the best approach. I still believe there are better ways. I never totally question what the signs can do; I just question the method. The purpose of the signs is to educate people, right? Well, I know there is more then 1 way to educate and reach people. I also know that education has to start at home. Parents need to be educated their children, on these things, when their child is ready for it. Parents should not be leaving sex education in the hand of the school systems, any school system. Yes, I believe abortion is apart of sex education.

If parents educated their children, then that would help. Most of these women that go to these clinics have friends, family members, co-workers, etc. If friends, family members, co-workers, went to these women and men and said something to them in a loving way that would help. I know that many people would not know if someone is pregnant early on unless they said something. However, most can see that something is bothering a person. They can see if someone seems to be upset, or more quiet then normal. They can see if someone seems to be lost, etc. All it would take is just going up to that person you knew, and saying you just don’t seem like yourself lately. Is there anything I can do to help?

People should have on hand the number and names of clinic and counseling centers that would truly explain to these women and men what ALL of their options really are. Yes, men too. Men can also show signs of being under stress. They need help and support as much as the women do. Everyone needs to be properly educated, and those that are properly educated need to know the names and numbers of the place that can help others in there time of need.

I just don’t understand how these protesting with the signs work, and this could be from what I have ONLY actually seen. I never see any thing done with love and charity. So I don’t understand how there is love and charity. Are post-aborted signs the only sign used??? Do the signs have numbers on them that the women or men can call to get help??? Are the men and women willing to come over and talk with the protester??

You see, I can answer NO to all the question I just asked. This is because the signs here just show an aborted baby and say “it’s murder”. The protester, here, just yell things like “your going to Hell”. So I don’t get it. The men and women here don’t have help. They never is a million years would walk up to these protesters for help. So I just don’t get it. How is it different where you are? Are there other signs? Is there away for these women to find out how to get help? Is the only to find out how to get help by talking to the protesters, or can they read and get number off of the signs?
You’re right. You’re only basing it on your area which is why I’ve tried to tell you that those signs have not been used that way in all areas and that people in most places (and yes, I’ve literally been from California to New York doing pro-life work) don’t take the tactic of telling someone they are going to hell.

Also, having been a counselor in a CPC where we didn’t (at least at the time - I don’t know what they do now) use the graphic pictures, I can tell you that being nice, loving and a shoulder to cry on doesn’t always help. We had muh better luck when the women came in there after seeing the graphic pictures. They knew the reality of the situation and we were there to help them deal with their obvious worries about being pregnant.

You see, while yes we can tell when people are hurting and offer them help, others are also offering them “help”. It’s not as simple as you think to talk someone out of an abortion when that person has 10 other people talking them into one. Sometimes the best love is tough love and at a clinic on abortion day, you’ve hit the last chance to save that woman and her baby.
The thing about sin and evil if it’s not one thing it’s another. Also abortion is nothing new to cultures and society. Women have been aborting children of centuries. Women have be aborting babies before Christ. As long as there is sin and evil in this world, someone somewhere will have an abortion. Granted, we can help slowing it down and drop the numbers dramatically, however it will not completely end.

There’s a far differencet between an individual women who procurs and abortion and a country that sanctions it.
With that said, I hope that by the time my children are at childbearing years the abortion rate will have a dramatic drop. I hope that they will never personally know someone that has had an abortion, or is thinking of having abortion. However, I know that as long as sin and evil are in the world it is always going to be possible for them to know someone that either had an abortion or thought of an abortion. The day sin and evil will be completely gone is the Day that Christ returns: Something we all are waiting for 🙂 Everyone keeps talking about going to the clinic or passing the clinic. However I WAS NOT at or NEAR a clinic. I was at a hospital visiting my father-in-law. This hospital was the same hospital that my hubby had his surgery, which was hard on the kids. They didn’t want to see Dad because they were afraid that those people were going to be outside. My hubby got to go home LATE the same day as his surgery, but the kids didn’t want to go to the hospital to see him. So they just waited at home with Grandma for Dad to come home. Luckily Hubby got to come home the same day, but what if he had to stay for several days??

I see your point. Thankyou for clarifying the issue with the wild dogs and my friend. I do see your point about having your choice taken away. And yes that fits with my friend’s outlook.

I enjoy it if others help my children protect themselves and help them become more aware of their environment. I do not insist on being the only one ever doing that for them. I was not aware of this other possible outlook as being a valid one. I was raised in a way where I was introduced to the dangers of the world as it became useful to know about. When I was 5 or 6 yo my father taught us what to do if a shooting ever broke out where we were. My father had seen violent times and also there was some trouble in our city at the time. When I was 10 I learned what to do if the bomb alarm was rung in Saudi Arabia. To me it was enpowering and made me feel good that I was being made more aware of possible dangers and that I knew what t to do. Remember fire drills?

You raise the point of readiness. I think it may be more on a need to know basis. Like the wild dogs were an immediate concern as the girl kept lagging behind and making me worried. I had seen wild dogs coming closer to people than I felt was safe and I have seen parents allowing their little children to go too far to reach in case of trouble. Were I live we often hear of stupid things peope do with wild animals around. I told my kids about it before. Sex is also on a need to know basis. As it comes up. If a woman is exposing too much of herself and my little 4 yo dd says “oh my isnt she pretty?” I explain that yes that lady is pretty but her clothing is inapropriate and the lady doesn’t know better.

Your point about sex is what sparked my understanding of your point. I see what you mean. The concern is about things being appropriate and digestible by the little mind.

Abortion is killing babies. When we stand in the life chain this does come up. Seeing the pictures wasn’t something I was too eager to do, but when it happened it happened. I was on fire at the time (still am) from seeing a CBER antiabortion video so I wasn’t as shocked as you were.

Thank you for your patient explanation of your view. I admire your kindness and willingness to give me the time of day to make sure I understand. I will meditate on your points further and I ask God to help me become a better person by keeping your points in mind.

I hope your husband is doing better and I pray for blessings on your family.
Education is important but when a culture is reluctant to learn that abortion is an act of violence which kills a baby, and when so many of those who need to hear the message are complicit in the injustice, people choose to turn away from listening to pro-life talks, attending pro-life events, or reading pro-life brochures. If our educational activity relies primarily on the voluntary consent of the audience we are trying to reach, we will not reach the audience we need to reach.
Much pro-life educational activity, moreover, simply assumes the truth of the proposition that abortion is an act of violence which kills a baby. Note here that often we are simply stating a conclusion without providing the evidence that leads to that conclusion. And if people don’t want to believe that abortion kills a baby, they won’t believe it.
They won’t believe it unless they see it. America will not stop abortion until America sees abortion.

It has been suggested many times in this thread that education is necessary. A lot of strategies have been used and continue to be used. This is only one of many. It is necessary for parents to try to see the broader context and to shift focus exclusively from their children’s temporary anxiety to the superseding right to life for the unborn. Each generation of children has been exposed to the brutal reality of life much sooner than parents would hope. In my mother’s generation she described seeing images at school of soldiers slaughtered on the battlefield with bloody, dismembered and eviscerated bodies during WWII. In grade school we were shown live footage of holocaust victims being shoved, overturned and dumped into massive graveyards. By the time children grow up they have been saturated with thousands of images of brutality much of it gratuitous violence for reasons of entertainment and commercial gain. From reading your posts I can see you have made great efforts to shield your children from much of it. Nevertheless, they will be exposed to it despite your best efforts. As long as abortion continues violence in our society will continue to escalate.

As a woman of faith, Mommy of 2green, I would hope you are kneeling down daily with your children to pray the family rosary to end this war on the most vulnerable, weakest and smallest members of our human family. Now that your children have seen the suffering of the little ones hopefully this experience will touch their hearts to pray fervently for a swift end to this holocaust. I grew up praying for the conversion of Russia. As a child I believed my prayers were powerful before God because Our Lady of Fatima had requested the three children of Fatima to pray and do penance. Instead of your children responding like hapless victims empower them with this mission to pray for those who are less fortunate than them. You have the wherewithal to make them more loving, compassionate and stronger because they have glimpsed the face of evil. Begin with a few Hail Mary’s, the Our Father and the Glory Be. As they grow older gradually pray the full rosary. In the end, you have to relinquish power in situations you have no control over. Learn to trust God to protect your children. The next time you see these graphic images offer your suffering and that of your family as a penance in reparation for sinners. That way everything is gained in a meritorious generous act of the heart and nothing is lost: not even the innocence of your children.

As for the abortion protesters hurling out such cruel judgements I have never seen or heard such bad behaviour from pro-lifers. We are instructed to stand and pray. If someone insults us we are requested to remain silent. It is understandable why you think such an effort useless. You’re right, Mommyof 2, they probably are defeating their own purpose. They should put down their signs and go home if they can’t control their tempers :o There’s no point to being right if one lacks charity.
As a woman of faith, Mommy of 2green, I would hope you are kneeling down daily with your children to pray the family rosary to end this war on the most vulnerable, weakest and smallest members of our human family.
We do a family rosary, our intention is for our family and for our extended family. The intention is for all of our health and strength. Our intentions are that people learn what really is the Catholic Faith.

We also have a family prayer jar, were we can write down our prayers and then we pray for all the prayers that are in the jar. We just say a general prayer like “Lord, you know what is written on these pieces of paper, we ask that you hear these papers, we ask that you hear us Lord and we trust in you to answer our prayers. In Jesus name Amen” I don’t know what my hubby wrote or children wrote, unless they choose to share.

At 4 and 5 they can’t write words, so they draw pictures and put them in the prayer jar. Although our 5 year old has just started to write words…. So he does a mixture of pictures and words. Again the only way I would know what they wrote is if they shared.

Then Hubby and I have our own couple prayer time and then we have our individual prayer time. We also encourage our children to pray as often as they like and especially when they are scared or really happy about something.
Now that your children have seen the suffering of the little ones hopefully this experience will touch their hearts to pray fervently for a swift end to this holocaust.
They are too upset to pray for this…. They need God to first heal them, before they can asks that others be healed. I’m not about to start praying WITH them for the end of abortion. They need the prayers to help get over this and the fears they are facing.
I grew up praying for the conversion of Russia.
As a family we pray that everyone learns what really is the Catholic Faith. My children know that God hears all prayers. They also know that there will always be an answer to their prayers. However, the answer may not be what they wanted.
Instead of your children responding like hapless victims empower them with this mission to pray for those who are less fortunate than them.
My children are just children. They acted the way they did because before seeing the pictures they had NO clue what an abortion was….

I never told them, because I don’t think it’s right for a 4-5 year-old to know these things. They still don’t get it or understand way a Dr would take the baby out of a Mommy tummy and “cut the baby up”. They never knew what an abortion was, and this was their first time seeing something like that. How were they supposed to respond? They are children, they responded the way that any child would, especially a child that had no clue before seeing the pictures.
Mommy2 green. I just asked my 6 yo dd about those pictures again. She spoke calmly and said what they did to those babies is bad. She exhibited no tension.

You remind me of my friend with whom I had the wild dog incident. She is fearful and projects her fears on her children all the time. We all project our thoughts on our children in the early years. Our kids just suck up what we say, how we say it, how we react internally etc. They learn how to react to the world from us.

I am trying not to insult you. Pehaps this is not an insult to you at all, but for me with my upbringing I would be insulted and defensive about being accused of being fearful.

Anyways here goes:

Maybe you are frightened and horrified by the images and are either reading things into your children’s behaviour that isn’t there or YOU are teaching it to them by your words, thoughts and actions.

Perhaps your question should not be: Is it right to use these pictures, but:

Now that my children and I have seen these images what can we do?

I suggest that you need to empower yourself. First arm yourself with prayer second find out what is at the root of your feelings.

Are you feeling helpless? Then do what you can to fight the inustice.

Are you angry and mad and sick of thinking bad thoughts about the people who do this? Pray for them and offer up your struggles.

Are you afraid of something? Figure out what it is and do something about it.

You said you were wondering if you were out in the left field with your ideas. You stated that you thought from the reactions to your post that the majority of resposdents were in agreement with you.

In order to help you see how many people are for or against (I thought most respondents were for the signs) I posted a poll in the culture of death section. Check out the responses.

I was actually struggling with this as well just before you posted your question.
Mommy2 green. I just asked my 6 yo dd about those pictures again. She spoke calmly and said what they did to those babies is bad. She exhibited no tension.
Well let me first say that it’s great that YOUR child does not exhibited tension on this issue. However every child is DIFFERENT! You never know how each child will react. Some can be fine and others can have meltdowns. I have 2 kids, and my 2 can be night and day from each other. I know that parents that have multiple children know that the worst then you can do is compare children to each other……

My children are “very” sensitive. I don’t know if you have ever seen the movie “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” the new one that recently came out with Johnny Depp. Well the squirrel scene were the squirrels were moving around the girl and the scene with the little girl turning into a blueberry scared my kids. So much so that we had to stop the movie and settle them down and assured them that once the part of the movie was done they will not see it again. My hubby then turned the movie back on and fast forward that part. Now, I will say that my son was less upset then my daughter. It was my daughter that really was upset and scared. Our son just gets upset when she gets upset. He does not like his sister being upset or scared. Now if you have seen the movie you would know there is really nothing to those parts. She is just that sensitive.

Second, the problem is that my children, especially my daughter is afraid that someone is going to come in the night and hurt her. She refuses to sleep with the light off. This started the day she saw those pictures.

That day I saw the protester before my kids did, and if I could of at that moment I would of backed up and found another way out of the parking lot. However, I couldn’t back out due to cars behind me. So I just turned on the car radio asking them what they want to listen to and prayed that my kids wouldn’t hear the protester or look that way. Seeing I know my kids and know how they would react, especially my daughter. However my kids happen to look out the window bcause of the noise outside. The pictures caught their eye.

They saw and that was the end of that…. I had to turn off the car radio and had to talk about all the way home. I had to tell them what it was they saw etc. My daughter cried the whole time and kept asking if someone going to come and cut up her baby cousins. I had to keep telling her NO. She kept asking about the blood…and my son kept saying stop saying the word “blood” it makes me “sad” it makes me think about our cats. (We had 3 cats and lost them all this past year, due to people running them over with their cars).

My son was that way, about the word “blood” the week before seeing those pictures. The week before Hubby was talking about having to go to the Dr for the blood work for the surgery. That’s all he said I had to do blood work today, and my son right away said, Daddy don’t talk about or say the word “blood” it makes me sad. Hubby asked why and he told us it makes him sad, because it make him think about the cats.

We teach our children that there is NO RIGHT or WRONG Feelings and they are FREE to express how they REALY feel, even if they are mad at us. I can’t tell you how many times a day my daughter comes to me and said, “I’m angry at you and if you don’t let me do ------- then I will not love you.” I just look at her and say that’s okay if you are angry and don’t love me because I will always love you. Or she’ll come to me and say, “I’m angry at you and if you don’t let me do -------- then I will not let you play with my toys.” I just say that’s okay if you are angry. You don’t have to let me play with your toys, it’s your choice they are your toys”.

Hubby’s surgery was for a hernia his stitches are on his stomach. Everyday, hubby takes a shower. After the shower he comes out of the bathroom shirtless. His pants are on he’s just shirtless. He does this because I need to help him put antibiotic on the wound. I also check it for infection and because of the way our bathroom light is I can’t “see” it the bathroom. Every morning my kids, tell my hubby to put a shirt on because they don’t want to see is stitches. And everyday we tell them that it’s okay not to want to see it, they can just go in the other room. They really are that sensitive.

Again, It’s wonderful that your child is not that sensitive, but not every child is like your daughter.
You remind me of my friend with whom I had the wild dog incident. She is fearful and projects her fears on her children all the time. We all project our thoughts on our children in the early years. Our kids just suck up what we say, how we say it, how we react internally etc. They learn how to react to the world from us.
Also today, I had lunch with one of my best friends, so our daughters can play together. My friend and I were sitting at the table and our daughters were running around on the playground. I took the moment to ask my friend about tell my daughter about coyotes (wild dogs). She asked me what do I mean….

I told my friend lets say were out in the forest walking. Let say the forest we are in has some coyotes in it and the coyotes were known to attack small children. She said okay. Now lets say my daughter was a few feet in front of us. She said okay. Now would you tell my daughter to come walk closer to me, because you were worried that some coyotes would come and see her as prey?

My friend just looked at me and said: NO WAY! Telling her something like that would scare her half to death. I’ve seen the way she reacted to “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. (We had movie night together the night my kids watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) I would just tell her “Hey ______ you know you should stay close to us. It’s the woods and you never know what you will find, it would just be better if you stayed next to us, and if you don’t listen then we are going home.” (Which would be the same thing, I would tell her)
The thing is, there isn’t just a possible threat. There is an urgent threat when abortions are being performed. What if your child was walking ahead of you and you saw a coyote a few feet ahead of her? I’d imagine you’d do anything you could to express the urgency for your child. Is there nothing you’d be willing to freak you children out over to save their lives? I imagine there are. A calm “Come closer” isn’t always going to cut it.
The thing is, there isn’t just a possible threat. There is an urgent threat when abortions are being performed. What if your child was walking ahead of you and you saw a coyote a few feet ahead of her? I’d imagine you’d do anything you could to express the urgency for your child. Is there nothing you’d be willing to freak you children out over to save their lives? I imagine there are. A calm “Come closer” isn’t always going to cut it.
The coyote being in front of her was not apart of the scenario posed 🙂
Well in your scenario it does not say if the coyote has spotted her or not… it just said that I see it.

At that moment I would assume it has NOT seen us… So I would quietly and calmly tell her that I see a coyote and I want her next to me. I don’t have to raise, yell or be dramatic for my kids to know I’m serious. They know when I want something done now and not to ask question, they know by the tone of my voice not by the volume. I would tell her to walk backwards and I would walk towards her. I’ve seen enough documentary about bears and how you shouldn’t turn your back… I would assume it’s the same for wild dogs. Once I had her, I would find a way out, I would remind calm in hopes that the coyote would not spot us.

Now if it saw her, I would tell her the same thing and would do the same thing. I would remain clam as much as possible: seeing panicking is not going to help now would it? If I panic, my daughter is not going to understand my commands to her… Once I had her I’m not sure what I would do, other then picking her up and start find away out…however I do know that I would remind clam as much as possible, because at this point it would be not help to panic. When you panic you make stupid mistakes, and this is a moment that I would need to keep my head about me.

Honestly I don’t think I need to freak my kids out just to save their lives. I would stay clam as much as possible and would stay strong. Honestly, that’s just the type of person I am…
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