Padre Pio demonstrates a standard of achievement.
Are all going to reach that? Of course not.
But to think that repeating the ‘belief statements’ you’ve been taught and declaring loyalty to them is spirituality, is incredibly spiritually immature, frankly.
No, I do not identify myself as Christian, nor do I identify myself as Buddhist, Hindu, Animist, Atheist, Shamanist, or any other ‘ist’.
Yes, merely professing belief in God and Jesus Christ means ‘nothing’ other than you believe there is something to it worth pursuing.
It doesn’t mean you’ve actually done anything about it.
You may believe a certain person is a great pianist and a great teacher, and you may advertise that belief to all and sundry,
but that doesn’t mean you’ve ever touched a piano or taken a lesson from this great teacher or even attended one of their concerts.
What I read from your postings indicates nothing more than that incredibly shallow level.
Being a salesman for a product doesn’t mean you’ve actually used the product.
You are not trying to get me to understand. You are trying to get me to accept talking points you’ve memorized.