Why do people on CAF seem to think liberals are evil?

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Thank you. Well elaborated. And as a Catholic follower of Jesus Christ I believe that same sex “marriage” is a wicked mockery of God’s plan for humanity. It doesn’t matter what, if any, religious beliefs the involved parties espouse.
'Nuff said.
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Higher taxes aren’t a personal issue like gay marriage. TBH I don’t think the government should be involved with that at all
If being “a personal issue” (whatever that means) is important, perhaps you should actually mention that in making your case.

Construct arguments for your position yourself, do not expect your opponents to do that for you.

And if you do choose to leave making (or finishing) arguments for your position to your opponents, do not expect all of them to end up with high opinion of you.
Yes I’m well aware of the seamless garment nonsense that liberals who identify as Catholic cling to at election time when they somehow form their conscience to vote for candidate climate change even though he/she supports the killing of innocent human life.
First, there is no “nonsense” involved in the seamless garment. The sanctity of life refers to all human life and no Catholic should argue otherwise. Second, anyone who thinks there are only 5 non-negotiables has been played by US political parties and doesn’t truly understand Church teaching.
Obstinate, persistent, and public opposition to Church dogma is very grave indeed.
Because liberals have such a strong tendency to argue - and disagree -
and complain - and blame - and pretend ignorance and innocence !
Then they try to lump - those who aren’t liberals - into one group.
LOL…talk about the proverbial “pot calling the kettle black”…take this statement and replace “liberal” with “conservative” and it is equally as valid (and equally as ridiculous)"

"Because conservatives have such a strong tendency to argue - and disagree- and complain - and blame - and pretend ignorance and innocence! Then they try to lump those who aren’t conservatives into one group.

Good grief!
It can sometimes help to substitute the word “slavery” for the word “abortion” in order to understand the mindset of those that are adamantly pro-life above all other issues.
This. Pro-lifers don’t always do a good job making their case, but they must emphasize that abortion is a human rights violation. A violation of human rights can’t logically be relativized: “Well, human trafficking may not feel right to you, but it’s right for me.”

No. Human rights violations aren’t right for anybody.
What is a liberal?
A liberal can be right-wing. If it weren’t for American distortions, people like Thatcher and Reagan would be liberals (neoliberals, economic liberals to be precise) because they supported radical free market ideas and pushed free trade. It’s the reason why Liberal Parties in Australia and British Columbia are centre-right. But they are far from conservative (right wing doesn’t always mean conservative) because the basis of conservatism is adherence to order and tradition, none of which they’ve exhibited. It’s also why you would hear of conservative Democrats in the recent past, respect for religious values but support a large social welfare system.

Liberalism places the individual and that person’s desires first and foremost. It’s to ‘liberate’ people and things from tradition, family and government. (Ironically, for that to happen, government needs to grow and intrude to cut ties between them).
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For me, it’s strong contrast in reactions to what happens to the living and how passionate people are to defend an embryo.

I don’t understand the passion and concern.
For me, it’s strong contrast in reactions to what happens to the living and how passionate people are to defend an embryo.
Do you believe that the human embryo is worthy of the same protection as a grown human?
For me, it’s strong contrast in reactions to what happens to the living and how passionate people are to defend an embryo.

I don’t understand the passion and concern.
Oooooh somebody tag me in on this one! The “embryo” is not the only victim of abortion. Abortion hurts women. It turns them against their own child and leaves them with psychological wounds they carry for a lifetime. I love people too much to ever wish that on them. Let’s build them up and love them in their times of uncertainty and crisis.
I wouldn’t compare an embryo to a human being. Why is it this issue in particular so important to Catholics? Not gun control, immigration, police brutality. This seems like the issue that generates the most sympathy. On some threads, it seems like some people care more about the right to bear arms than human life. I’m comparing posts. Or how some people don’t think it is sad how parents are being divided from their children.

Idk why abortion is so important for Catholics
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Why is abortion so important to Catholics?
Because our life story starts at the beginning. We can’t progress to the other chapters of that baby being an immigrant or mother in crisis or prisoner or any other chapter in which they also need our protection if they are killed in the womb.
A lot of it is a perceived overreach.

For example, if I don’t want to drink soda, I don’t drink soda. I don’t go banning sweetened drinks over 13 oz from being sold in my town, and prevent everyone else from drinking soda.

If I don’t like guns, then I don’t have a gun in my house. But I don’t go trying to keep other people from having guns.

If I don’t like the prayer that’s being prayed in school/at a graduation ceremony, I sit quietly. If I believe in God, I replace it with a prayer I like better; if I don’t believe in God, I might work on my grocery list. But I don’t try to keep other people from praying in public.
Great post! If you don’t mind, I would make one correction. In the very first sentence of your post, I would remove “a perceived,” and then you’d be really on to something.

To the OP, read Liberalism is a Sin, by Rev. Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany. Consider when he wrote this, 1884. Then consider what liberalism is like in 2018. Maybe then you’ll begin to realize why many Catholics here on CAF, the ones who take their Catholic Faith seriously, believe that liberalism is evil.
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The same argument could be used for abortion. If I think abortions are wrong, that doesn’t mean I prevent others who think it is fine from having one.
You don’t seem to get that abortion is in a much different category than the examples above. It is murder of a human being, a grave offense against God. By your reasoning, we should sit back and do nothing if the government passed a law saying children up to 5 can be killed by their parents, or that a certain ethnic or racial group should be exterminated. Please try to understand this as others have repeatedly said the same thing to you.
The bottom line seems to be that you don’t believe and are unwilling to accept the Catholic Church’s stance that abortion is the killing of an innocent human being. That is your decision.
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