Why do people on CAF seem to think liberals are evil?

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Say to yourself: “I personally wouldn’t axe murder my neighbor for playing his stereo too loud, but I’d never dream of saying someone else shouldn’t have that choice.” Does that really make a whole lot of sense? Moral relativism is really societal anarchy where ultimately might makes right.
The bottom line seems to be that you don’t believe and are unwilling to accept the Catholic Church’s stance that abortion is the killing of an innocent human being. That is your decision.
That’s an accurate assessment.
It’s not easy, is it?
Catholicism is neither Republican or Democrat.
Thank God.

We (Catholics) have a tougher road to follow.
We’re asked to find the truth between the rhetoric from both sides. Not easy, but Christ didn’t say it would be.
Bilingualism is great. It helps expand the number of people you can speak with and helps the development of the brain.
IMO, it’s redundant to have 2 official government languages when immigrants are (apparently) learning English
Thank you. Well elaborated. And as a Catholic follower of Jesus Christ I believe that same sex “marriage” is a wicked mockery of God’s plan for humanity. It doesn’t matter what, if any, religious beliefs the involved parties espouse.
'Nuff said.
You are still yet to show how it is a mockery. Is it part of the massive conspiracy?
IMO, it’s redundant to have 2 official government languages when immigrants are (apparently) learning English
Having two languages would promote greater ability to communicate with others and it’s great for the brain.
Sure! I’m all for bilingualism, but implementing a full 2-language system in the US is both impossible considering the current climate, and would use taxpayer dollars that IMO could be used better.
Sure! I’m all for bilingualism, but implementing a full 2-language system in the US is both impossible considering the current climate, and would use taxpayer dollars that IMO could be used better.
True. But goals for the future are always good.
I wouldn’t compare the termination of pregnancy of an embryo to the slaughter of a fully developed child.
Let’s just say that when I first came to CAF I was looking for a forum where the participants more closely resembeled the IRL Catholics I know most to be. So I asked the question, “Does anyone know of a forum which is made up of more liberal Catholics?”. I meant no disresepect. I recognize that the people who identify as Catholics in this world fill an entire spectrum of liberal to conservative.

Let me just say, my request didn’t go over well. This is a forum made up mostly of Catholics who land on the conservative end of the spectrum. That is the answer to your question.
Why? What aspect of humanity does a fully formed person have that a preborn child does not?
I didnt’ look any further. I decided an echo-chamber wasn’t really going to give me what I was looking for. So I stick around here becuase the discussion keeps me on my toes. Sometimes.
Your opinions on Church dogmatic teachings are irrelevant. Nothing personal; I would say that to anyone who is an unbeliever or an apostate.
I sincerely hope that you recant and repent. And I will continue to pray for all those who reject the teachings of Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
That’s all I can do for you. Pax vobiscum.
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