My mother with one of my siblings. My mother isn’t a healthy woman and almost died when she had both my brother and I. When I was 10 she was pregnant again and had that baby been carried to term the birth would have put her life at too great a risk.
It was a hard decision and I do wish I had another sibling, but I fully believe my mother would have died in the attempt. Before we had to make the decision my mother miscarried.
I am sorry such a thing happened in your family truly. I don’t know your mother’s medical information.
I have read up on a former abortionist named Dr. Anthony Levatino who said something about this topic:
I was faculty at the hospital for nine years, and I saw hundreds of cases of really severe pregnancy complications — cancers, heart disease, intractable diabetes out of control, toxemia of pregnancy out of control. And I saved — in those nine years — I saved hundreds of women from life-threatening pregnancies. And I did that by delivering them — by ending their pregnancy by delivery, either induction of labor or caesarean section. Delivering the baby. And I always tell people: in all those years, the number of babies that I had to — that I was obligated to deliberately kill in the process — was zero. None.