Why do "some" or "many" Protestants have a visceral HATRED of the Catholic Church?

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I had a brother who was quite anti-Catholic, and I think it was because he was mistreated by Catholic individuals when he was a child.
had a brother who was quite anti-Catholic, and I think it was because he was mistreated by Catholic individuals when he was a child.
I can relate. Frankly, the Catholic Church has never done anything for me. I’m not actually a fan, but I don’t have the hatred that number of protestants have.
I think this is subjective, there are some who have received visions from Jesus that the Catholic Church is the wrong church. There was a pentecostal service I attended in the past, where a former catholic from Timor Leste recounted her former experience in the catholic church, where she had a dream of Jesus appearing to her to not follow the catholic practice of venerating Mary ie kissing the statue of Mary. She started to doubt the church and eventually converted to the protestant faith with the help of missionaries in the village. As far as I could tell, I remembered her testimony to be one of catholic-bashing based on emotions rather than doctrines. It certainly made me highly uncomfortable that I stopped attending the church for quite a long time.
I’m not sure that a dream counts as a “vision”, but there is a rule on CAF about promoting unauthorized apparitions. I don’t think you are “promoting” this, but be aware that this is something that is just not done on CAF, and with good reason. I have found that devotees of new, novel apparitions tend to be very rigid and absolutist about it — one woman in my parish was button-holing me about a certain apparition in the Midwest, and I said “yes, it’s possible that Our Lady may be appearing there”, to which she replied “what do you mean may? — Our Lady is appearing there!”

Any dream or vision that contradicts the Catholic Faith is either sincere self-delusion, fraud, or inspired by the evil one.
I don’t know any Protestants who hate Catholicism. I would belong to (guessing) the majority of Protestants that disagree with much about Catholicism’s theology but hate isn’t the correct context. I disagree with Islam and Buddhism but I don’t walk around hating them either.
had a brother who was quite anti-Catholic, and I think it was because he was mistreated by Catholic individuals when he was a child.
I can relate. Frankly, the Catholic Church has never done anything for me. I’m not actually a fan, but I don’t have the hatred that number of protestants have.
Every group has their outliers, or “extremists”. I’ve read and heard hatred towards non-Catholics too. That doesn’t mean it’s “many” or in any way representative of the whole (or even a majority).
I don’t know any Protestants who hate Catholicism. I would belong to (guessing) the majority of Protestants that disagree with much about Catholicism’s theology but hate isn’t the correct context. I disagree with Islam and Buddhism but I don’t walk around hating them either.
Guess you haven’t met some real old school Pentecostals, or people from Calvary Chapel. They really hate Catholics, and think they have the spirit of the Anti-Christ and see the Pope as the Anti-Christ himself. I was in these circles in the past and can tell you first hand. Fundamentalist Baptist are the same way. They think the true Christian church started in the 1900’s, and disregard 2000 years of church history.
I think that experience, percentage wise ,is low. Most Protestants have no idea what the protest is about today. If anything, web sites like this one are on the move in protest of us.
I think this is subjective, there are some who have received visions from Jesus that the Catholic Church is the wrong church.
That’s not a vision from Jesus, it’s a vision from Satan. I’m sorry for those who can’t seem to tell the difference.

And as someone else said, it’s not permitted to be discussed here, because we have a rule that says “do not post material from unapproved private revelations”.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it partly comes down to an individual being able to hold himself as superior to other men.
I think that experience, percentage wise ,is low. Most Protestants have no idea what the protest is about today. If anything, web sites like this one are on the move in protest of us.
^^^This is a really good post.

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Guess you haven’t met some real old school Pentecostals, or people from Calvary Chapel. They really hate Catholics, and think they have the spirit of the Anti-Christ and see the Pope as the Anti-Christ himself. I was in these circles in the past and can tell you first hand. Fundamentalist Baptist are the same way. They think the true Christian church started in the 1900’s, and disregard 2000 years of church history.
Do you have sources for this information? I have never heard of any denomination that holds this viewpoint.

I’ll make a couple of points to clarify at least my position. I vehemently oppose the all encompassing dogmas that make up Catholicism. I would never say I hate any individual, Catholic, or otherwise. For the sake of argument, if I viewed the religion itself or the leaders of Catholicism my enemies, wouldn’t I be compelled to love them according to Christ?

I don’t view the “Church” the same as Catholicism (guessing you’re Catholic but you can clarify). The body of Christ, or Church, is made up of all believers in Christ according to Peter. We are lively stones, that build up a spiritual house, and an holy priesthood.

Surely no true believer in Christ thinks this belief started in the 1900’s. That’s just silly.
Thanks for clarifying the rules, I didn’t intentionally post this, but considering that it was under non-catholic religions, I thought that there were grounds to post this, but I will admit my fault for posting that.

The vision could have very well been false, it at the very least made me uncomfortable.
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It is interesting to note in anti-Catholic statements about which particular doctrine is objectionable to them. The particular issue (Mary, saints, celibacy of the priesthood, “too wealthy”, “too corrupt”) gives me a clue as to which spiritual issue is actually important to them deep in their deprived spirituality. For example, an anti-Catholic who claims we “worship Mary” probably misses her presence in their Protestant church. Sort of a reverse psychology thing…
Sorry if someone already posted/mentioned this.

A quote from Bishop Fulton Sheen.
I had to look it up because I couldn’t quite remember how it went.

“There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”
My two cents…

From a Protestant perspective, I’m sure they are sick and tired of hearing how “they” left the true church for 500 years, I’m sure this gets quite old. They also think that Christ’s message is much simpler then Catholics. On top of that, the whole sola scriptura and everyone starting their own church with different beliefs, but due to no authority with sola Scriptura, cannot say any other Protestant church is wrong… Then if supporting any Catholic position, this hurts the Protestant position…

From a Catholic perspective, having to defend so much Tradition and history, especially with the whole “that’s not in the bible - so you can make up what you want” discussion. Having to defend bad people, clergy, and even Popes…

In my experience, it ALL boils down to - Did Jesus establish an authoritive, visible church through the apostles or did he establish followers with no authority and the ability to decide the message for themselves…

Again, just my opinion…
"There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. But there are millions who hate what the wrongly believe the Catholic Church to be."
  • Arch. Fulton Sheen.
I see we both like Bishop Fulton Sheen. We both posted the same thing, haha. 👍
Except for apologetics and a few Catholic forums like this, I’ve never heard a Catholic tell a Protestant what you said. I’m not saying the Catholic would be theologically or historically wrong. Just that I don’t think most Catholic even think about that part of it.

Now if you come to a Catholic forum and the subject comes up, of course, that will be mentioned. Just like if you went to a Protestant forum and they explain why their faith is correct and the Catholic faith is wrong. Just my two cents for what it’s worth. 😉🙂

P.S., we also believe much of our Teachings are comically based, rather you do or not my friend. We believe our Traditions certainly come from Christ. We are all Christian Brothers and Sisters and while it is important for us to spread the Gospel, we also must do it in a charitable way.

Much love to you my friend 🙂
Got to get back to work before I get yelled at, lol.
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