Why do "some" or "many" Protestants have a visceral HATRED of the Catholic Church?

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Except for apologetics and a few Catholic forums like this, I’ve never heard a Catholic tell a Protestant what you said. I’m not saying the Catholic would be theologically or historically wrong. Just that I don’t think most Catholic even think about that part of it.
That’s pretty much what was said up the thread too about non-Catholics. It’s only on here that I hear about things being said by non-Catholics vs. the Catholic Church. Most of us (at lest in the states?) grew up with the Catholic Church just just being another church down the street doing their best to get to Heaven.

I didn’t realize there was this whole Catholic vs. Non-Catholic thing until I started attending Mass with my wife (then girlfriend).
What do you mean by this?

I’m sorry, but if I’m not mistaken, you live in the United Kingdom. You don’t have the number of fundamentalist, evangelicals that we have in the United States.

I’m primarily speaking about them. These are clergy who have no bones telling their faithful that Catholics are pagans, etc. & need to be converted to Christ. I’ve witnessed this first hand.
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Whatever you do avoid CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry). That truly is a hateful site. I spent time on it many years ago and the hostility the CARM posters exhibit toward Catholics is unfathomable. If there was an upside, and I mean one upside, it was that it did help me defend the Catholic faith, although I really am not a very good defender of the Catholic faith.
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In my personal experience, it is ex-Catholic Protestants who seem to have the most hatred.

Most if not all are not by a long shot, well catechized, but seem to harbor a deep hatred based on ideas which if investigated further, are lies.
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I don’t live my Catholic faith in a Catholic vs Non-Catholic type of thing if that makes you feel any better. 😉

If someone gets into a theological debate with me then yes I will defend the faith with facts/Truth, but that doesn’t happen too often in my case. Plus I am in no way theologian, lol. I just wanted to make the point it may be common on Protestant and Catholic (we are all Christians) forums but out in the real world, it isn’t that common. That’s all. 🙂
In the UK it’s almost seen as anti English/unpatriotic. Because of the establishment of the Church of England, and along with this goes the stories of how corrupt the church was selling indulgences, preventing ordinary people having access to an English bible etc. Then in the non Dom sector there is a whole raft of false info about idolatry, sola scriptura and the idea once saved always saved that is ‘all you need’ and the Catholic Church is seen as adding needless extras to that. That’s just my take anyway. Put it this way I get very different reactions when I say ‘I am Catholic’ to when I used to to just say ‘I’m a Christian’. People feel comfortable joking about Church scandals and traditions etc
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He’s a great and holy man and I think the holdup for his canonization is absolutely awful.
For example this is a conversation with one of my best friends, regarding the baptism of my baby (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Do you have sources for this information? I have never heard of any denomination that holds this viewpoint.

I’ll make a couple of points to clarify at least my position. I vehemently oppose the all encompassing dogmas that make up Catholicism. I would never say I hate any individual, Catholic, or otherwise. For the sake of argument, if I viewed the religion itself or the leaders of Catholicism my enemies, wouldn’t I be compelled to love them according to Christ?

I don’t view the “Church” the same as Catholicism (guessing you’re Catholic but you can clarify). The body of Christ, or Church, is made up of all believers in Christ according to Peter. We are lively stones, that build up a spiritual house, and an holy priesthood.

Surely no true believer in Christ thinks this belief started in the 1900’s. That’s just silly.
I don’t have any links or sources, but just one on one conversations with people. I even saw a video on Youtube with a Pentecostal Pastor in Latin America breaking a status of Mary and stomping on it.
Wow, just wow.
Even the word you blocked out, or what it appears to be.
Hmm, this reminds me of the conversations I have with friends and family.

I’m the only Catholic among them.

I try to correct the misconceptions they have but they don’t listen to me.
There are some Protestants who do hate Catholics because sometime in the past Catholics have killed Protestants but this hate is irrational.

Would you hate a Catholic from Sri Lanka just because somewhere in Europe a Catholic killed a Protestant some time ago?

Protestants have also killed Catholics in the past. One good example is the treatment of Irish Catholics by the British government. Protestants have also killed other Protestants. An example would be the treatment of the Mennonites in Switzerland.

Most of the hate I get from Protestants are due to the misconceptions they have of the Church.
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There are some Protestants who do hate Catholics because sometime in the past Catholics have killed Protestants but this hate is irrational.

Would you hate a Catholic from Sri Lanka just because somewhere in Europe a Catholic killed a Protestant some time ago?

Protestants have also killed Catholics in the past. One good example is the treatment of Irish Catholics by the British government. Protestants have also killed other Protestants. An example would be the treatment of the Mennonites in Switzerland.

Most of the hate I get from Protestants are due to the misconceptions they have of the Church.
I really appreciate the open minded attitude of your post. Whether Protestant or Catholic if an individual actually hates or has hate for another, it is a good indication that they may be Protestant or Catholic but not really a Christian at all.
" the ecclesiastical curse of anathema"?
From Vatican I

  • if anyone says that
    • blessed Peter the apostle was not appointed by Christ the lord as prince of all the apostles and visible head of the whole church militant; or that
    • it was a primacy of honour only and not one of true and proper jurisdiction that he directly and immediately received from our lord Jesus Christ himself:let him be anathema
      if anyone says that
  • the Roman pontiff has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and
    • not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole church, and this
    • not only in matters of
      • faith and morals , but also in those which concern the
      • discipline and government of the church dispersed throughout the whole world; or that
  • he has only the principal part, but not the absolute fullness , of this supreme power; or that
  • this power of his is not ordinary and immediate both over all and each of the churches and over all and each of the pastors and faithful :
let him be anathema
So then, should anyone, which God forbid, have the temerity to reject this definition of ours: let him be anathema
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The article piece says:
The use of the word anathema has evolved. So Protestants may interpret it as it was previously defined or as others have defined it.
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