Why do "some" or "many" Protestants have a visceral HATRED of the Catholic Church?

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The meaning of anathema has changed from what has been understood previously.
Also your article Anathema | Catholic Answers
" . A number of errors are nearly ubiquitous in anti-Catholic writings:

2. An anathema was a sure sign that a person would go to hell . Again, not true. Anathemas were only warranted by very grave sins, but there was no reason why the offender could not repent, and those who repent aren’t damned."

But there are reasons why the offender may not want to repent.
Yes, it is true that a person could repent, but what if he did not and refused to agree to Vatican I?
The Pope " pronounces the formula of anathema which ends with these words: “Wherefore in the name of God the All-powerful, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, of the Blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and of all the saints, in virtue of the power which has been given us of binding and loosing in Heaven and on earth, we deprive N-- himself and all his accomplices and all his abettors of the Communion of the Body and Blood of Our Lord, we separate him from the society of all Christians, we exclude him from the bosom of our Holy Mother the Church in Heaven and on earth, we declare him excommunicated and anathematized and we judge him condemned to eternal fire with Satan and his angels and all the reprobate…”

The offender is asked to repent and reconcile with the Church, but suppose he insists on rejecting Vatican I and holds as the Orthodox do that the Pope has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole church ? then what?
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I asked a protestant over Christmas who he thought put the Bible together in the first place. There are many out there that hate Christians of any kind. The truth is, that it just isn’t my problem. Wanting to know more, asking questions, these are good things. Hating means your an ignoramus. I don’t hate Islam. I don’t want anything to do with it, but if that is your life, it’s your life.

Now if I was a Catholic when “she who must not be named” was running England, I would be concerned. Incidentally, being martyred due to your faith is an instant ticket to box seats in Heaven.

I do understand the disbelief, but just like hatred for Jews, there really isn’t a good answer to your question. Some miserable people desperately want someone or something to hate in a misguided attempt to feel better about their lot in life.
Incidentally, being martyred due to your faith is an instant ticket to box seats in Heaven.
FYI - First 33 Pope’s were martyred. Imagine being elected in the middle… Talk about faith and devotion, knowing your fate…
If there is hatred, ultimately it is because of a lack of maturity, whether Catholic or other. The devil divides.

Protestant churches don’t run in an organized manner?

With a hierarchy pastor/deacons/elders/teachers/etc? They don’t accept free will donations and have prayer chains where they ask for prayers from others for others?

Why should it be okay for every government, religion, hospital, school, etc to be run in an organized manner, but not okay for God’s Kingdom which includes His Church?
Without reading back through all the posts…

We have to remember that what is revealed in the confessional cannot be reported. Too, that victims should go directly to the authorities to conduct an investigation.

Imo people with these problems know which organizations to join in order to get closer to their prey. Have heard of this happening with a first grade teacher in a Reformed Church’s school, and a married public school official, with children of his own.

You can’t make this stuff up. And it can happen anywhere. Now moreso than ever, where some people apparently want to teach children that sexual behavior is a recreational toy.
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The Catholic Church is NOT fill of idolatry. Praying to saints is NOT idolatry. Please don’t say that it is. Than You!!! 😃
Because they are ignorant and ignore the teachings of Jesus. Kind of like how a lot of Roman Catholics have a visceral hatred of Martin Luther. Religious people can be some of the most intolerant folks on the planet.
I think you miss the boat. The “protest” in Protestantism comes from the Reformation movement in 1500s Germany that protested the sinful institutional practices of the Roman Catholic church. There were good reasons for Protestants to separate from the RC church - the Church was WRONG. Mostly, it was the practices of indulgences and simony that Pope Leo X brought to a fever pitch because of his obsession with building cathedrals. These practices were particularly prevalent in areas of Germany, Sweden, and other northern European countries where people were the poorest. The RC church also refused to allow any translations of the Bible into languages other than Latin, which was undeniably another sin against God and contrary to the instructions given by Jesus at the Ascension. So, the Reformation was an inevitable consequence of the hypocrisy of that Pope and some of his predecessors. It had nothing whatsoever to do with protesting Roman Catholicism per se, but it had to do with protesting the sinful practices the church was engaged in at the time. Martin Luther WAS a Catholic priest until they excommunicated him for simply wanting to engage in a discussion about these practices and how they were an affront to God. ML did everything right and within the bounds of the Catholic Church and they still excommunicated him. They would have killed him too, except he had friends in high places. Most Catholics today would agree with Martin Luther’s positions on simony, indulgences, and Biblical translations.

I am well aware that some Protestants are ignorant fools who fail to recognize that they owe their very existence to the RC church, but foolishness can go both ways. I don’t need Catholics to be wrong to justify my belief that I must keep God at the center of my life and love my neighbors as myself. As far as I know, that is what you believe as well. Everything else is just window dressing. EVERYTHING. We should listen to the Holy Spirit and rejoice in our common love of God and Jesus Christ. We should never seek to hold ourselves up as better or more Christian than the other just because one or the other of us has some nutty beliefs about stuff that at the end of days, so long as we have kept His commandments, won’t matter a bit to God.
Despite the historic fact that Martin Luther was a disobedient troublemaker who founded a religion that bears his name…

There’s STILL the possibility he could be in Heaven.
Christians hating and despising? That’s the problem right there. Protestants like quoting the Bible right? Here are a couple for them:

If any one says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him, that he who loves God should love his brother also. 1 John 4:20-21

Any one who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 1 John 3:15
To many Protestants though, Catholics are not their brethren - let alone Christian.

Many honestly believe that the Reformation was God’s answer to the corrupt Roman Church with all of its paganism, idolatry, black masses, ghoulish processions with bodies of dead saints, etc. I could go on & on…But, yeah…And when you present them with historical facts & Scripture supporting the Church’s teachings, they delete your posts. The truth just can’t be revealed publicly. That & all of the names they use for Catholics…And yes, some honestly believe the Church is satanic & holds Black Masses…
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To many Protestants though, Catholics are not their brethren - let alone Christian.
This is highly inaccurate. That’s like me saying…to many Catholics, Protestants are not their brethren, let alone Christian.

And accurate statement would be many (if not most) non-Catholics see the Catholic Church as another Church down the street full of Christians doing their best to get to heaven.
Many honestly believe that the Reformation was God’s answer to the corrupt Roman Church with all of its paganism, idolatry, black masses, ghoulish processions with bodies of dead saints, etc. I could go on & on…
Disagree here as well… 🤷‍♂️
Because it has been handed down throughout the centuries since Luther, that the Catholic Church is the anti-Christ. I used to live in the “Bible Belt” and it is very tough on Catholics there. I was always trying to explain myself to people. They believe we pay priests to hear confessions, they believe we worship statues, they believe we worship Mary, we never pray to God, only to “saints” and the list goes on and on. All you have to do is read comments on christian youtube videos to see what they think.
All you have to do is read comments on christian youtube videos to see what they think.
Yes I was going to post about YouTube comments. I’ve read the most vicious things said there about Catholics. No wonder many Christian related videos there have disabled comments.
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Why is that?
Without having read all 127 posts, I have a couple of thoughts. First, some of them were brought up Catholic and had a horrible experience with the Church, knowing people in authority who grossly distorted its teachings. They often project the hurt that they’re still carrying toward the Catholic Church and even Catholics themselves.

Second, they are subject to a lot of rumors and misinformation about the Catholic faith. For example, I’ve met some who sneer about our belief in “works righteousness” as though we carry around a punch card of good deeds that will get us into Heaven. Another one seriously thought that we bow down and worship bread and wine as idols. If we Catholics can stay civil and avoid getting defensive, we can gently correct a lot of this misinformation.
Then we can agree to disagree because that was not my experience as a former Protestant of 50+ years, & it continues so among some Protestants. I encounter this regularly online as well.
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