Why do "some" or "many" Protestants have a visceral HATRED of the Catholic Church?

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That’s like me saying…to many Catholics, Protestants are not their brethren, let alone Christian.
The sad part is some do not consider them so & treat them accordingly. I’ve seen that online as well - & occasionally among church members.
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Well…in my 40+ years as a non-Catholic I’ve never run into that…once, not even to this day.
some Protestants.
I’ll give you some, as I think that’s accurate…as in a minority.
I encounter this regularly online as well.
I’m not surprised. There’s a lot of people who say stuff online they wouldn’t say in real life, or just to get a rise out of people.
I don’t know about all that black mass stuff, but ignorance is ignorance. Protestants who hate Catholics because they think Catholics aren’t Christian or that they pray to demons and idols are idiots. That said, I would ask kainosktisis, how would you justify, through scripture, indulgences, simony, and keeping the word of God sequestered away from people by not allowing it to be translated into the languages people speak? Those were all bad ideas invented by sinful men, and thankfully, they are in the past. Protestants need to get over it. Catholics need to get over Martin Luther. We all need to love one-another and work together to bring the world to Jesus Christ.
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I think these are topics for another thread, but…For further reading…

Simony is a sin:

Simony (New Advent):



The Scriptural references are included in the links.

Indulgences (New Advent):



Did the Catholic Church forbid Bible reading? (Catholic Bridge):​


Did the Church Chain Up the Bible? (Catholic Answers):​

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I have talked to certain Fun posters online. Many of which are IFB
There is much in the last 1500 to 1700 years which caused anger and hatred for the Church. and it is not always presented in a historical perspective that separates hatred for the Church from blame due to Church members.

As an example, during the Protestant Revolution, one of the issues which receives not much if any significant treatment was the anger of German princes who wanted to overthrow the aspect of the Church’s involvement in politics, as opposed to theology and liturgy. Another example, treated a bit more openly was the separation post Henry VII, and the political battles which followed, leading to a massive persecution of Catholics, especially priests. A third example was the final loss of Church states/lands/property, at the break in Vatican I when the Papal states revolted, and imprisoned the next few Popes in the Vatican. The Church itself was less involved in politics throughout Europe than were individual clergy members; and while it may have started after Constantine, and the loss of the Roman empire to regulate large areas of Europe, the Church ended up being disentangled from politics rather than disentangling itself.

And from that came bitter hatreds - not necessarily just or correct in all matters; but memories run deep, The US, being a much much younger nation has had little of the hardened memories, with perhaps those of the Civil =War; being from Oregon, it is somewhat a textbook matter of “those back east” but there are plenty of people harboring feelings of being wronged. It seems the Human psyche is unable to let go of wrongs, perceived or real; and there may net even be a “You did this to me” history; it is a shared history.
Hi. I was raised Baptist. I would say that Protestants have many misunderstandings and fears. When I started dating a Catholic man, I was shocked at the behavior of one Baptist church lady who found out while we were gassing our cars at the same time. Her jaw dropped and she got in her car and pealed out. It was sad. I have received lots of persecution and criticism. When I would attend functions at non-Catholic churches, they always preached against the Catholic Church or, if they knew me, tried to convert me. Some are curious about the differences. But mainly, there has been 500 years of misinformation and vitriol out there that gets passed from generation to generation. Even Billy Graham tried to thwart John Kennedy’s presidential bid, because Graham believed Kennedy would be ruled by the Vatican! 🤦‍♀️ I’ve been a Catholic for 33 years now. Constantly being asked, “do Catholics REALLY worship Mary?” 🤣 Of COURSE not! Learn everything you can about the Catholic Church–from Catholic sources. A great book is Fr. John Laux’s “Church History.” From Christ till 1939. Best of wishes and prayers!
The short answer is that they in ignorance (not stupidity) find it easier to hate than to love. …There pontificators teach this nonsense because they neither possess “Thee Truth”; or at this time, are inclined to seek it.

Our response has to be charity; gentleness of our own spirits. I suggest that we ask them for specifics so that we can enter into a FRIENDLY; evidenced discussion with them.

It’s not “personal” (in most cases); its ideological. It truly is ignorance being spread as there “truths”

To Jesus Through Mary,
Likely misinformed folks with little knowledge of actual Church Teachings, etc., or just see negative news and go bonkers.

OR, maybe because we’re right and they’re jealous? 🙂
That “argument” sounds particularly self-serving and ultimately irrational. It implies that we Protestants somehow know the truth about the CC being right but we don’t want to act on it, but it may as well mean that we are actively evil. Either way, it can be easily disproven by any good Catholic who is a convert.

Triumphalism doesn’t help fellow Christians, it merely drives us away from each other.
I am beginning to think that either we are suddenly being bombarded here with juvenile apologists or a new wave of visceral HATRED has been released against anyone that is non-Catholic.
Thank you for that, Michelle. I know what you mean having been raised Baptist myself.

I recall before coming into the Church - & Nondenominational at that point in time, I’d been invited by a kind neighbor of mine to her Baptist church for a Bible study on Daniel by Beth Moore. It was a very interesting study, but not long into the beginning of the study, the leader of the study - the pastor’s wife - began to go into bashing Catholics & Mormons…In my mind, I thought: “Here we go again…”

My parents used to fight at home over matters of faith - usually it was my dad who’d provoke the fights (He was Baptist, & he tried to make mom convert). He could be quite uncharitable in his treatment of her - & her family. So I’ve had a lifetime of religious tension at home - & seeing it openly among fellow believers at times…And now…even on the internet…

I’m so tired of people acting like jackasses…
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I was wondering the same thing, since I posted a similar thread. I came across a Protestant website that said many hateful things about Catholicism. As other users said, I think protestants hate CatholocISM not catholCS. The site said bad things about Catholicism, but it didn’t say anything about Catholics being bad people. I hope this helps!!! 😃
If you’re on those forums, maybe you should ask them. 😉 While keeping in mind that anytime actual ‘hatred’ gets involved, any intellectual rationale is probably not the full story. E.g. I don’t even ‘hate’ people who practice abortion – I weep for them, grieve, and desire them to turn their lives around out of love for them and others – but I don’t hate them.

My most charitable guess as to why a certain type of Protestant might express a certain amount of… let’s say, froth, haha… towards Catholics, is that I think there’s a certain type of Protestant (not all by any stretch, mind you, but some)… who believe that the Catholic Church is the ‘Whore of Babylon’, from the book of Revelation. (So it’s not just thinking we worship statues, worship Mary, all that other stuff they think we do that we don’t do – they think the Church was corrupted early on in history, and people who stay with her are being fooled by the devil.) And they’re deeply concerned that the Catholic Church (which they see as pagan-syncretist) is leading many people to hell.

Or at least, that’s what they say they believe. I can’t speak for them; I’d suggest asking someone for their reasons, if you’re curious what they are (but be ready to read and understand the Catholic responses, and understand how what they believe about the Church is a misunderstanding).

You may also end up getting more personal, emotional responses. Like maybe someone went to Catholic school and their teachers were bad representatives of the faith. I’ve met ex-Catholics who just say that in their experience, Catholics where they grew up were apathetic about their faith, whereas Protestants were enthusiastic and provided a good community for them to be a part of. Maybe they suffered abuse of some kind, know someone who did, or have just been scandalized by stories of abuse happening to strangers. It may not be theologically-based, is what I’m saying. But then again, maybe it is. I’d leave everyone to give their own reasons, and have an individual conversation with each person.

Ultimately for me I became (and remain) Catholic because truth is truth, and Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life… and Jesus founded the Catholic Church, and remains with her, and so this is where I find him, receive Communion with Him, and will stay with Him.
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Non-Catholics don’t hate Catholics or Catholicism. You found a site full of vocal fringe non-Catholics who FAR from represent the majority.
The simple answer is that they are taught to hate the Catholic Church. Half of what they’re taught Catholics believe is a misrepresentation of what is really believed anyway.

For example, my parents go to a Southern Baptist Church. A few years back they had a series on what other groups believe and it didn’t paint Catholicism in a good light. Tonight, in fact, their church was going to show some sort of video regarding what other groups believe, and my parents decided to skip church. My mom said they should concentrate on following God better in their own church instead of being concerned with what they think everyone else is doing wrong.

There are two big reasons in America for this (past historical Protestant/Catholic issues that followed everyone to the colonies). 1) Alexander Hislop; 2) Jack Chick. I think Jack Chick is going to be held accountable for all of the lies he told while he was alive. Chick’s information came from two places. Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons was discredited by real historians long ago. Not only did he make wild connections, he fabricated things. The man started with a presupposition and worked backwards and reached really hard to make things fit. Even folks who were well and ready to believe him found out his work was a sham, to their dismay, when they actually checked his sources and discovered he fabricated them. Jack Chick and his little con-artist friend- Alberto Rivera- only made an even bigger gothic novella out of the whole kit and kaboodle by taking his work and running with it (no need for source citations and truth in that little fantasy land).

As to why: There has been a concerted effort by the culture at large, over the past couple hundred years, to be anti-Catholic. For example, one of the hallmarks of classic gothic fiction is pervasive anti-Catholicism (and Chick tracts are the modern incarnation of that). It has been culturally ingrained. They don’t need to know the truth about something when they’ve had their prejudices and straw men passed down from generation to generation. Couple that with American individualism and how the very idea of liturgical and corporate worship takes away from this individualistic view, and how many are extremely proud of their heritage and forebears that came to this country and specifically rejected traditional Christianity in lieu of the so-called Great Awakening, and it is a recipe for hate.

ETA: The recent scandals in the Catholic Church have certainly not helped.
ETA again: Also, if I had a dollar for every ex-Catholic that went to Catholic school and their complete and total ignorance of their former faith that they preach from every roof top, I’d be very wealthy.
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Non-Catholics don’t hate Catholics or Catholicism. You found a site full of vocal fringe non-Catholics who FAR from represent the majority.
Dude, it is real and prevalent. However i do hope one day the true non-Catholic christians in the world develop a definitive mechanism or method that all people can know these “Christians” are not teaching truth. As it stands now they think you are the one misguided and a minority.

:pray:t3: :pray:t3: :pray:t3:
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