Why do we as Catholics believe that life begins at conception?

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…The Christ will not look at legality when judging those who make unfortunate women suffer. …
Your interlocutors have little interest in the legal question, only the question of morality.

There is near unanimous opinion (I believe) that adultery (by which I mean sexual relations with a person who is legally married to another) is immoral, yet I don’t see people mixing that issue and the *legal or other treatment *of adulterers. They are recognised as entirely separate questions. So it is with abortion.
The actions taken by the people who deny the women their rights are very closely related to their belief in when human life begins (which is the topic of the thread) So both questions are closely aligned to the topic.

And I am not talking about legality at all. The Christ will not look at legality when judging those who make unfortunate women suffer. These people are doing it because of their belief that the fetus is a human being at conception.
Scientific facts aren’t ‘believed’, they are either accepted or rejected. That the life of an individual human being begins at conception is a scientific fact, whatever anyone’s personal take on the issue may be. The Church simply recognizes this scientific fact and takes it to its moral conclusion. 🤷
Not necessarily to do with PP, what I am saying is independent of anything to do with PP.

There have been many attempts (some successful ones) to make life difficult for women who wish to choose to terminate a pregnancy,even going so far as to make it impossible - denying them the right to control and have autonomy over their bodies.

The belief amongst those who do such things, is that they are doing “God’s” work, that the Christ agrees with their actions, that they are doing ‘good’ by persecuting these women.

I am just pointing out this is not necessarily true - there are no rewards in heaven for making anyone’s life difficult or making these unfortunate women suffer. Such actions will have to be answered for on the Day of Judgement and that day is approaching rapidly - just a couple of years away.
In this old world there are many many different types of suffering… since the fall of Adam and Eve. The way to eliminate suffering shouldn’t be at the expense of another life… In the garden God told Eve she would conceive and bear children in pain… and doctors try to alleviate this pain but after the pain there is joy and as the children grow, oops more pain, esp in the teenage years… it’s a way of life. Let there be life–not death. I agree we need to support the mothers more. I’d be so willing to do that. Right now!
I am just pointing out this is not necessarily true - there are no rewards in heaven for making anyone’s life difficult or making these unfortunate women suffer. Such actions will have to be answered for on the Day of Judgement and that day is approaching rapidly - just a couple of years away.
Talking about responsibility again… how many women would NOT have an abortion if the man responsible for half the life growing inside the woman would have stepped up and supported the woman emotionally and financially??? That’s why commitment in marriage is SO important. How many women are forced to say to themselves and to society, “Well, I’m not doing this on my own!” That is the saddest truth… What I’m asking I guess is WHO is making a woman’s life more difficult?
I am saying here that in the Christ’s eyes the action of denying the pregnant woman her right to control over her own body may be worse than any action the woman seeks. Merely because you believe that the act is immoral that does not mean the Christ will agree with you (and a majority of the world also disagrees with you).
I really appreciate your wanting to make life easier for women who feel trapped by pregnancy. It is a real scary feeling to be so alone and responsible for another life for at least the next 18 years of your life… It seems like forever! NOT FAIR! I understand that and respect you for that. But, not at the cost of taking an innocent life…

**and if the majority of the world disagrees with me, I’m in a good place because the majority disagreed also with Jesus as he preached loving God above ALL Things–even self!
I am saying here that in the Christ’s eyes the action of denying the pregnant woman her right to control over her own body may be worse than any action the woman seeks. Merely because you believe that the act is immoral that does not mean the Christ will agree with you (and a majority of the world also disagrees with you).
And I don’t mean to sound so smug and all but the woman mostly had control or her body (we talked about the exceptions of rape and incest), but she HAD control of her body before she got pregnant. She could have said NO or she could have used birth control which is another thread altogether… prevent it if you don’t want it, but lots of women wanted it until their partner decided HE didn’t want it…
I am not sure where you get the idea that giving women the right to choose is controlling them. Denying women their rights is controlling them. I don’t justify anything in the name of the Christ. I am saying the Christ is the only authority that can resolve such a dispute.
So you believe that a person’s right to choose trumps another person’s right to live.
There it is in a nutshell.
This is a perversion of the Gospel. Christ would not recognize it as good news for the weak and defenseless, or the powerful. By exalting the right to choose over the right of another to exist, those with power condemn themselves.
It is in no way Christian to exalt power over being.
I am glad you agree on this. Just don’t be too sure that he will agree with everything you believe.
I am not sure he agrees with me, but I agree with him.
Christ speaks. There is no Christian justification whatsoever for an absolute right to a choice.
Your point of view justifies genocide and slavery at the expense of choices.
You have been challenged on this a few times, and you have yet to show how the slaughter of the unseen is any different that the killing of the defenseless in any other situation.
This is not freedom of choice, it is slavery. Freedom of choice can never lead to evil.
Abortion enslaves women.
I really appreciate your wanting to make life easier for women who feel trapped by pregnancy. It is a real scary feeling to be so alone and responsible for another life for at least the next 18 years of your life… It seems like forever! NOT FAIR! I understand that and respect you for that. But, not at the cost of taking an innocent life…

**and if the majority of the world disagrees with me, I’m in a good place because the majority disagreed also with Jesus as he preached loving God above ALL Things–even self!
You are right, the majority disagreeing with you does not matter as long as the Christ agrees with. But it is unlikely that a billions of people in the world are wrong and a minority is correct. Just because you think a fetus is a human being that does not mean the Christ will agree. The fetus does not become a human being until it acquires a human soul - you need to think about that before you start making life difficult for unfortunate and sometimes quite desperate women. In a couple of year we will know for sure what the Christ thinks of such actions.
And I don’t mean to sound so smug and all but the woman mostly had control or her body (we talked about the exceptions of rape and incest), but she HAD control of her body before she got pregnant. She could have said NO or she could have used birth control which is another thread altogether… prevent it if you don’t want it, but lots of women wanted it until their partner decided HE didn’t want it…
On the Day of Judgment, you will be judged on your actions alone, any claims that those women whom people persecute, deserved it or that they brought it upon themselves will not count.
…The fetus does not become a human being until it acquires a human soul…
. Vast numbers of people (on both sides of the debate) have no belief in the idea of a “soul”. Your claim that abortion is fine is predicated on something unprovable and which is meaningless (thus irrelevant) to vast numbers of people. But EVERYONE accepts human offspring are human. No beliefs required for that. Your argument serves only the purpose of justifying abortion.
On the Day of Judgment, you will be judged on your actions alone…
Every person faces judgement. Those who killed their offspring believing it was moral, those doing so knowing it was wrong, and those who did so realizing that they weren’t sure, and that they might be doing a great evil, but chose to risk it for what seemed a superior personal outcome. And everyone else will be judged too.

And what we can surely say is that only God knows their fate.
. …Your argument serves only the purpose of justifying abortion.
That does not make it untrue. As I said we will know exactly when the fetus acquires a soul when the Christ returns, but as far as a majority of the world is concerned the fetus does not have a soul at conception.

The Christ will return very soon and all those who took actions that have hurt people like these women in difficulty and despair, on the basis of incorrect beliefs will not be excused. Hurting people is always wrong.
…as far as a majority of the world is concerned the fetus does not have a soul at conception.
I contend there is no data available about what the majority of people believe about souls. Perhaps the majority reject the notion of souls entirely. In which case the majority judge the morality or immorality of abortion on an entirely different basis. :eek:
That does not make it untrue. As I said we will know exactly when the fetus acquires a soul when the Christ returns, but as far as a majority of the world is concerned the fetus does not have a soul at conception.

The Christ will return very soon and all those who took actions that have hurt people like these women in difficulty and despair, on the basis of incorrect beliefs will not be excused. Hurting people is always wrong.
Your position is barbaric in that it subjects the disposition of human life to popular opinion. Your concern for the welfare of women is a ruse. It is no better than the dark and ignorant cultures of old when the majority thought of women, foreigners, and minorities as property. It seems you want the tyranny of opinion without it’s consequences.

It is good that you at least recognize such a thing as harm and incorrect belief.
I contend there is no data available about what the majority of people believe about souls. Perhaps the majority reject the notion of souls entirely. In which case the majority judge the morality or immorality of abortion on an entirely different basis. :eek:
Yes, those who don’t believe in the soul at all, also believe that a fetus does not have a soul at conception (that should be obvious). The point is that a majority in the world do not believe that a fetus is a human being at conception as well as in the first few months and maybe longer (on what basis is irrelevant, but I am giving you my rationale). Which is why abortion is allowed in a majority of countries in the world.

We will know exactly when the fetus becomes a human being when the Christ returns. In the meantime, any action to deny those unfortunate women who seek termination out of helplessness and despair will definitely have consequences at that time.
Yes, those who don’t believe in the soul at all, also believe that a fetus does not have a soul at conception (that should be obvious). The point is that a majority in the world do not believe that a fetus is a human being at conception as well as in the first few months and maybe longer (on what basis is irrelevant, but I am giving you my rationale). Which is why abortion is allowed in a majority of countries in the world.
These are two huge questionable claims. Please provide documented evidence for both (belief that fetus not human, the basis for allowing abortion).
We will know exactly when the fetus becomes a human being when the Christ returns. In the meantime, any action to deny those unfortunate women who seek termination out of helplessness and despair will definitely have consequences at that time.
Biologists can already state with absolute certainty that a human fetus is a human being. We don’t have to wait for Christ’s return. By then it will be too late to save the souls of those who were misleading others.
Yes, those who don’t believe in the soul at all, also believe that a fetus does not have a soul at conception (that should be obvious). The point is…
LOL…The point is that vast numbers of people (including all the non-religious who reject the notion of a soul…) acknowledge that it is not the presence of a soul that determine s the morality of the act to kill a human. Otherwise, for the non-religious, killing one’s offspring, say, just after birth (still no soul…), would be no one’s concern but the parents’. But no one asserts that!! Those people are at least being honest - they are not hiding behind a manufactured rationale.
These are two huge questionable claims. Please provide documented evidence for both (belief that fetus not human, the basis for allowing abortion).
Obviously they do not believe a fetus is a human being, otherwise it would be murder. That is the basis for allowing abortions.
Biologists can already state with absolute certainty that a human fetus is a human being. We don’t have to wait for Christ’s return. By then it will be too late to save the souls of those who were misleading others.
Please don’t provide documented evidence about what ‘biologists’ state.

Yes, by the time the Christ comes, it may be too late to save the souls of people who persecute desperate women. But luckily there is still a little time, but not too much - maybe a year or two. We should all anticipate his coming with eagerness and try not to hurt anyone over mistaken beliefs in the meantime.
LOL…The point is that vast numbers of people (including all the non-religious who reject the notion of a soul…) acknowledge that it is not the presence of a soul that determine s the morality of the act to kill a human. Otherwise, for the non-religious, killing one’s offspring, say, just after birth (still no soul…), would be no one’s concern but the parents’. But no one asserts that!! Those people are at least being honest - they are not hiding behind a manufactured rationale.
They may not define it as the presence of a soul being necessary for a human being (although I am), but they still don’t belief the fetus is a human being, which amounts to the same thing.

If you think the rationale is manufactured, you can explain that to the Christ when he Returns. But that does not mean he will agree with your beliefs.

But hurting or persecuting unfortunate women just on the basis your beliefs (or because you think something is ‘manufactured’) will still have consequences.
They may not define it as the presence of a soul being necessary for a human being (although I am), but they still don’t belief the fetus is a human being, which amounts to the same thing.
Ahhh…so now their argument is with science! Where does that leave the non-religious pro-life folks. At least science is on their side.

We need to pray for those who abort their offspring believing they do no wrong. We need to pray for those who abort their offspring knowing it to be wrong, but choosing the course they feel better meets their personal needs. And we need to pray for those are not sure about the timing of ensoulment (believing it to be decisive), but go ahead and kill anyway.
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