There is no need to discard all teachings just because one thing is incorrect or to use that as some kind of evidence that it must be correct - any truth should stand independently on its own merits - this one does not.But the abortion teaching is of the highest standard of teaching. If teaching authority means anything, it applies here. If it does not apply here, then there is NO teaching authority, and if there is none, there is no basis to believe anything else in Scriptures, including miracles, which you chose to accept…
Apparently this was a common phrase at that time. It just means giving someone authority, it does not guarantee correctness.…whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Just a few errors in a long body of teachings does not invalidate everything and open the gates of hell.…
The teachings are correct for this and also Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. If there were incorrect teachings, the gates of hell would prevail.
Such arguments that no one can question one particular teaching, because if you do, everything else falls apart, are not valid arguments.