Why does God create souls he know will wind up in hell?

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So God saying He knew Jeremiah before He formed Him in the womb is a lie?
No, but that’s not what was claimed. As I recall, it was this statement:

Jeremiah isn’t claiming “before the creation of the universe”; he’s claiming “before his conception.”

Yes, God clearly knows everything that happens in the universe. The question is whether He creates those who are condemned, knowing that they’re condemned. I’m asserting that the answer is “no”.
But does it mean that He knows it prior to the act of creation? I’m arguing that, in a sense of metaphysical priority (not temporal priority), that knowledge would be “middle knowledge” (since it is knowledge of something that “is not”), and therefore, it isn’t part of God’s omniscience. Having committed to the act of creation (and therefore, the birth of all who will be born in time), He knows. It’s that subtle nuance that God does not “create in order to condemn.”
Besides your quotation from Apocalipse, there is also Ephesians 1:4
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.
So, then, we are free to form our own opinions and debate amongst ourselves.
And point out inconsistencies.
Like the fact that your belief that God knows even logical impossibilities denies his omnipotence.
Or the fact that God clearly says He knows who’s names are written in the book of Life before the world was created when you and Gorgias deny this.
And how can God know anything “before” anything else? Time is a construct of the universe, and God is not subject to it.

If anything, we’re both wrong. We could be right, and such language may be metaphorical or not meaning what you say. You cannot be right at all.
And how can God know anything “before” anything else? Time is a construct of the universe, and God is not subject to it.
I think that the term “before” in Ef 1:4 is to be interpreted analogically and it indicates very clearly that God’s knowledge does not depend on the act of creation (in fact, what happens before does not depend on what happens after); therefore, God has always known eternally the souls who go to heaven, independently from the act of creation of the universe.
There was no “will” until the universe.

Because God created the universe with specific features that will lead to it ending the way He intends it to. Existence is designed.
And you’re sure it’s not?
As I said, yes. There is no “before” for God. It may appear that way to man, trapped in time, but for God there is no moment distinct from another by time.
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How can there be a future event if time does not exist to carry reality to that point?
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