Why does God create souls he know will wind up in hell?

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we ( limited human beings) can know what doesn’t exist; for example, mathematicians know the properties of a four-dimensional cube, even if no such things exist in reality. For example, physicists know the properties of many hypothetical universes, with different laws of physics, universes which do not exist.
Yeah, that makes sense I suppose. I have a question for you still, if you think its worthy of answer. Does God’s knowledge of reality function in the manner that he knows x will occur and thus it occurs? Or is it that x occurs and thus he knows it occurs? Even if that be in scenarios that never happen, parallel universes, deep into future or past.
Then what was the answer? I legitimately do not see one up thread.

When He came on this earth there were many such rocks.
Was your answer, we later established that the reason He could not lift them is because of His will. I’m asking if rocks exist that He can’t lift regardless of will, a different question.
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Was your answer, we later established that the reason He could not lift them is because of His will. I’m asking if rocks exist that He can’t lift regardless of will, a different question.
I don’t think Julius_Caesar believes in logical impossibilities. This is while simultaneously holding that it is a logical impossibility for God not to be able to understand and create logical impossibilities like the circle square.
Nah. Just not prone to using atheist talking points.
??? It’s an atheist talking point to admit that there are things which are logically impossible? I’m sorry, but what?
Which is, frankly, ridiculous. Of course things can be logically impossible.
Exactly. In no world can’t 2+2= 4. Nor can God be evil. Nor can the part be greater than the whole. To think otherwise is just being absolutely dishonest.
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On the converse yours would seem to mock the idea God’s omniscience means just that.
How? God knows everything that can possibly exist. Nothing could know about that which cannot exist.

Your line of logic denies doctrine, that of God’s omniscience.
I strongly disagree. Since God is out of time, your expression “at once” is nonsensical, because you are implicitly assuming the idea of time (also the idea of simultaneity implies the concept of time). It is simply nonsensical to try to express God’s life " in temporal terms", as you are doing.
How can there be a point where God knows of something but it does not exist, but later it does?
God knows everything eternally. Your question is nonsensical.
Wrong. God knows that the expression “squared circle” is nonsensical, and this is knowlege. Your statements are nonsensical exactly as the expression “squared circle”.
My objection still stands. How can God ponder the shape of a square circle if it does not exist? How can God ponder my own fate if I have not existed to carry it out with my free will?
Your objection is nonsensical. God has alway known eternally that the expression " square circle" is nonsensical, and therefore impossible to exist. On the contrary, your fate is not nonsensical, but it has always been possible and God has always known eternally your fate as well as all your free choices. As I have said, God has always known eternally the properties of the infinite universes He could have created, but that He has never created. God is absolutely free to choose what to create among the infinite possibilities He has, and this is true also for the souls. God has always known everything eternally, including what He has never created, what has never happened but it could have happened and what is nonsensical, and therefore could never happen.
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Friendly reminder that almost everyone in this thread ignores that;

God doesn’t necessarily think or will before acting. God’s will, intellect and actions are united into one. This is dogma of Divine Simplicity. Hence God can’t design universe without creating it. God can’t design soul without creating it. However God knows every consequence of His action without even acting. The act to know is done moment it is willed by Him. God doesn’t contemplate or evaluate. God sort of automatically does best possible thing and He can’t even not do it.

(This is all explanatory… in reality we know God doesn’t act nor will. God just exists and from that everything we perceive as act, will or intellect stem).
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On the contrary, your fate is not nonsensical, but it has always been possible and God has always known eternally your fate as well as all your free choices.
But God cannot know the fate of someone who does not exist. There is no fate that exists for them because they did not exist to carry it out.
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