Why does God create souls he know will wind up in hell?

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I strongly disagree. Since God is out of time, your expression “at once” is nonsensical, because you are implicitly assuming the idea of time (also the idea of simultaneity implies the concept of time). It is simply nonsensical to try to express God’s life " in temporal terms", as you are doing.
How can there be a point where God knows of something but it does not exist, but later it does?
Wrong. God knows that the expression “squared circle” is nonsensical, and this is knowlege. Your statements are nonsensical exactly as the expression “squared circle”.
My objection still stands. How can God ponder the shape of a square circle if it does not exist? How can God ponder my own fate if I have not existed to carry it out with my free will?
How can’t He ponder your fate?
He can if I exist, but my fate doesn’t exist if I don’t since I cannot live to choose God or not. My fate exists when I do, but not if I don’t.
According to your logic.

Which is weird considering we believe God knows everything.
Which is weird considering we believe God knows everything.
God knows everything that exists. He doesn’t know the name of my 4th sister or the side length of a square circle, because those things don’t exist.
So, when you get to heaven, be sure to ask God about the side length of a square circle. See if there’s a way to get that info back here, aight? I would love to know.
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I mean, I know what God will say: “There is no such thing as a square circle, so there is no answer.” God is a brain, and thinks the same way we do, meaning that He may only know and comprehend what is real and possible logically. It’s not a limitation to say God cannot know that which is illogical; nothing could ever know those things because they may never be contemplated.
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So you claim God is not all-powerful? God could not move some objects, even if He wanted to? Be warned, denial of God’s omnipotence is heresy.
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Christ could have easily lifted mountains and crushed the planet with His bare hands, had He willed it so. He instead chose to be as normal men are. Christ’s feeble humanity was a constant, conscious choice of His. He was not trapped in His humanity but accepted it willingly.
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Exactly. But it was by His act of will; there was nothing stopping Him but Himself, the same way I could beat my fists against a door until they bleed, but do not. I have the ability, but I choose not to.
So yes, there were things He couldn’t lift.
But if He willed it so, He could have. So back to our original question: Is there a stone that God could create which, no matter if He willed it or not, He could never lift?
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