Those who do leave the Catholic Faith for another Faith do so because they find the Catholic Faith a little too difficult to live by so they go for a faith that “better fits” their way of thinking, as though you can select that way. That goes along with the thought process that led to so many “Christian faiths” today. If you don’t believe, start a new one” or “if it works for me, it works for God”.
However, it must be said that the Catholic Faith is both the largest and the original Christian Faith founded by Jesus Christ with over one billion members. The larger the target the more visible and the more visible the more she’s shot at. In order for any self proclaimed “Christian faith” to attract members, it must proclaim itself the “right faith” and discredit the original Christian Church at the same time. Seeing as how the Bible is of the Catholic Faith, changes and deletions were necessary for the new Christian faith to seem credible. Even so, the average non-practicing Catholic still realizes the CC as the true Church and has enough sense to know that there is no point in going from Catholicism to another denomination so they stay Catholic inactively. A great deal of those inactive became that way over the last 40 to 50 years beginning with the so called "sex, drugs, and rock and roll” philosophy. The mind frame that “… as long as you are doing the right thing in your heart, it must be acceptable with God…” . I came back from this culture, unfortunately. And look at what has happened to self respect and morality in our society over that period.
However, it must be said that the Catholic Faith is both the largest and the original Christian Faith founded by Jesus Christ with over one billion members. The larger the target the more visible and the more visible the more she’s shot at. In order for any self proclaimed “Christian faith” to attract members, it must proclaim itself the “right faith” and discredit the original Christian Church at the same time. Seeing as how the Bible is of the Catholic Faith, changes and deletions were necessary for the new Christian faith to seem credible. Even so, the average non-practicing Catholic still realizes the CC as the true Church and has enough sense to know that there is no point in going from Catholicism to another denomination so they stay Catholic inactively. A great deal of those inactive became that way over the last 40 to 50 years beginning with the so called "sex, drugs, and rock and roll” philosophy. The mind frame that “… as long as you are doing the right thing in your heart, it must be acceptable with God…” . I came back from this culture, unfortunately. And look at what has happened to self respect and morality in our society over that period.